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Everything posted by GodExcels
He is referring to our symbolically dying and being buried during our immersion as Christ physically did for us at Calvary. AS we rise out of the waters of baptism we are symbolically rising into new life with Christ which is the hope of the glory of our living to one day rise with Christ at judgment.
Once we are baptized into Christ we fall under His headship. Christ is sufficient for us to come to Him and be under His care, yet there is the expectation that in our newness we will begin to reflect His likeness in deed and spirit. In our spiritual death in Christ our newness affords us the opportunity of eternity, a new perspective on our present life and the hope and glory of our new relationship within the Trinity. Being His means we are so loved, cherished and secure no matter what we experience, and at times fail to believe.
The first Adam brought about sin, and Jesus the second Adam redeemed us from that sin. It seems that God's love for man brought about both. God loved man enough to give us free will, God then loves us enough to send Jesus to live as an example, die as propitiation for our sins, and then rise as the vein of new life and new relationship in God. Scripture states that if we do not come to God in Christ then we are not afforded the right of freedom from our sins. So by not accepting Jesus we fail to receive Him as our head and representative, our new life.
5:13 seems to say that sin was already in the world before the law but not recognized fully without the law. 5:20 appears to state that having the law allowed sins to be magnified/apparent and in contrast to the law. The greater the light of awareness the more apparent and clearer things become. The law was giving to give light to our sin and make God's grace more apparent once we receive God as our Lord and Savior. The more we judged ourselves according to the law the more we understood ourselves to be sinful and we could believe how much more sin we have within ourselves than we considered before the law. Law reveals sin. In sin and law there is no hope, but for the grace of God there is freedom from sin and a hope in God's desire to call us to live as we should in light of God's grace and love.
What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person? In family situations, military acts, heads of groups, leaders in the church, etc. In most circumstances the head/leader is the sacrificier or decision maker for all, and those beneath are very much relying on the head to have made the correct decision or action for the group. This actions and decisions will weigh heavily on how the others can act and choose for themselves; whether or not they come into agreement or divide. This is a nice reflection on how Christ's decision has impacted our everyday existence.
Q3. Christ Died for the Ungodly
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
We are all sinners, yet that those whom answered God's call are now saved sinners through the grace of Jesus' death and resurrection. So we can embrace and trust in the knowledge that once God has us in those gracious, merciful hands no one can pluck us. We can never be so bad or too good that we do not need God, or that God cannot or will not call for us. The decision to call us is Gods, but the choice to answer the call is ours while we are yet sinners. BUT ONLY AFTER/WHEN WE ANSWER GOD'S CALL TO COME is sin no longer separating us from God. I love the reminder I am not perfect, and God is doing this so it is not up to me too be good enough or sin free enough! -
Q2. Rejoicing in Our Sufferings
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Scriptures says that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope. And that hope is a demonstration of God's love poured into us. Suffering is humanity's equalizer - all have suffered but our Christian suffering takes on a different meaning to us and the world which is watching. Be clear that we are speaking of righteous suffering, not suffering that we have brought on ourselves. Not every suffering will produce endurance, character or hope. Rejoicing in our suffering takes on another meaning. I understand "rejoicing" as the assurance that God will sustain us, not simple rejoicing for the sake of it. By enduring our suffering, humanity witnesses the presence of God's fruits- whether we receive peace, understanding, resolution, satisfaction. (It is a personal-painful experience yet we know that our experiences are not simply for us at all times.) Endurance is a excellent reflection of our dependence on God to sustain us and get us through. The character, the persons we display and evolve into after the suffering, will reflect the God we take into the world. Again the audience is watching and taking notes. We are not to behave as actors, but as children of God changed, renewed, restored. The realness of the experience will demonstrate in the real character changing effects that surface in the continued journey . Character is not fleeting, so what we take away from our suffering is God's gift of hope that results in our being witnesses and reflections of the God we serve; esp. witnesses to the world that does not know God. So hope is the ever lingering blessing of love that derives from our suffering. Hope generates the peace and joy we spread to others sometimes amid our suffering and as a push towards our rejoicing- yet in the midst of the suffering hope most often is not yet realized. Again hope reflects the truth of our dependence, faith and assurances of God. Hope may not always be spoken strongly, held up high or seen at ever turn after the experience of suffering, but like faith hope endures and it sets us apart for the rest of humanity through the grace of God. -
Q1. Faith and Justification
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
For Abraham it seems that his faith alone justified him before God. For me, justification is a grace that only God gives and can never we proven in works or by deeds. We are all justified by the finished work of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. -
This Bible study has reminded me that God is in control of the Church, her destiny and her people. The body does have freedom of choice but we are chosen which puts us in a secure place that those outside of the Church will never have. No matter if we are in relationship with our own family, local community or our global neighbors we are commanded to love them as Christ would with all our heart, soul and mind; my mission/commission is the same. The equality of love will help guide me as God would have me witness, testify and live before others. I can't quite yet wrap my head around all the goodness of this study yet I know that my heart has been softened and my understanding deepened concerning what the Word says about my place within His will. And He is coming back to receive and judge and raise up this Church!
For me, knowing that the Church is the glorious wife and earthly representation of Christ makes it more difficult to walk in unity with other believers. If we have the same foundation, faith and Father why then is there so much flesh and ego involved in ministry and denominations. I want to not only love myself as God does I want to extend that love outward, yet in the real world it is growing increasingly difficult- as it says in the Word it would be. So I prayerfully ask that we all pray for one another to ask God to grant us the vision of ourselves and the Church through the blood of Christ; for us to recognize God is in control, in hope and impending. I ask that those who call themselves His people will submit to God, cry out to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to do a work in us. As a Christian it sounds good to profess that we try to love one another and also the unlovable yet we have to live in the reality that not all the Church that cries "Lord, Lord" will enter the gates of heaven. This is why it is important to pray in all things so that God can give us discernment and clarity on how and who to love fully and honorably as His wife and His treasure - those whom He chooses. Remember, that God's ways are not always our ways so we have to be careful in all we do even in those things we believe are "good".
In Christ's death and resurrection the Church became glorious and resplendent. From that moment until eternity that is how God sees and responds to the Church. Already made perfect, spotless in God's sight through the blood of Jesus - says the Word- we simply have to learn to walk in it as God would have us. This perfecting is an ongoing transformation that the Church has to grow into and accept as apart of our reality. It is like minor league pitcher destined for the Hall of Fame still struggling to get to the majors- he already possess all that he needs to be that great pitcher, he has yet to realize his full potential and exercise that power in the present.
Q4. Cleansed ... by the Word of God
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
It seems to me that the Word declares that the Lord responds and sees the Church as a finished, good work. We as the Church must begin perceiving, receiving and applying the same wrinkle free Church vision that God has already made us into and called us to walk in. God has done the work so we need to begin to fully and truly believe in it and speak it to ourselves and others. God did not only say that either you follow me our die, He also said that we are fearfully wonderfully made, that we are His and He wants us to live more abundantly. Once we received Christ and accepted our place as daughters and sons of God then we were immediately transformed into His new creatures. We have to get beyond our natural eyes and look into His Word for our new vision of ourselves and our Church. We must ask God to reveal this new creature to us and trust Him to do so. -
Q3. Holiness without Legalism
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
A holy church shows signs of being dedicated and set-apart from the world to be a good work of the Lord, and do His will. We are made only holy on by Christ's giving up of Himself, and we walk in that holiness by loving God with our words and deeds to others. And following Christ's example should keep us from being legalistic and judgmental. -
Q2. Christ "gave himself up" for the Church
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
Christ died for us and rose again in order for us to be able to chose eternal life and a relationship with God. Christ's giving up His life was done as an obedient Son and a loving Son who knew that only He could pay the price for our sins and only He could satisfy the will of His Father. We learn from this ONE act that there is no greater Love than the Love of God in Christ Jesus. God loves us so much He was willing to suffer the death of His Son in order to give us eternal life. Even the knowledge of His impending resurrection could not possibly sooth the ache of His Son's suffering and death. Obedience and love seemed to propel Jesus to the cross for who could live and die such a horrible death for another that He did not love and desire to know more? Jesus demonstrated in suffering, dying and rising that we all are valuable and lovable in God's sight! -
Submission to Christ means that I willfully surrender myself in person, thought and deed to His will. He becomes my Head in that I recognize Him as my Creator, Sustainer and Lord and I allow Him to be present in my thoughts, prayers. decisions, relationships, career, family, education -LIFE! Joyfully - even in the patches of rough times- I submit to Him because I want to chose eternal life. Christianity is no longer a choice to make about certain aspects of our existence, our life begins to reflect the spirit of the Word and the power of Christ in our life. We can recognize that most of us do not fully commit ourselves consistently enough as it reflects the way we carry ourselves outside the walls of the church. It reflects in our hesitation to share our lives as witnesses with others. Submission does not mean blind agreements or acceptance- it is a choice to trust in faith in our Lord. As I am learning and growing and stumbling along the way at times, I recognize, accept and honor who Christ is and His authoritative role in my very existence. Practical evidence of submission is praying more honestly and consistently about the decisions in my life, choosing that which is pleasing to Him over our my feelings or wants, and by treating others, no matter how different or unlikeable they may be to me, with the love of Christ He has given us. (THAT TAKES MUCH PRAYER AT TIMES!) Christ wants us to live more abundantly but we sometimes conjure up what abundance and peace and joy and submission and success and God granted afflictions should look like.
Q6. The Purpose of Body-Building
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
A healthy congregation means we are one body building on truth and love with Christ as our head; each part unified in peace and utilizing our gifts so that the body continues to grow in Christ. -
Q5. Equipping the Saints for Ministry
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
Equipping the body and preparing the body for ministry strengthens the body. No one pastor or team of assistant pastors are meant to do it all. Like parenting, at some point pastors must begin to teach, build up, rebuke, train and educate to set the expectation that the flock can and must take on the roles of ministry for themselves and the church. Our pastors should be modeling a Christ like behavior in the pulpit and within the four corners of the earth: demonstrating and expecting that the flock has a relationship with God for themselves; requiring the congregation to read the Word of God for themselves and implement the spirit of the Word into their lives; asking them to trust in the Holy Spirit; to encourage fellowship and Bible study; to encourage volunteering and meeting needs, and most importantly prayerfully asking them to make space for God to move and direct each of them. Memorizing the Bible is meaningless if you do not understand, have hope or trust, or demonstrate the fruits of the Word. Modeling Christ is not a job it is apart of our new DNA when we are born again in Christ- we are being equipped with a heart having an innate, instinctive, a joy within our spirit to do and be like Him. Jesus often reminded His disciples that He would not always be with them so they were to take heed of His teachings, instructions and doings so when He is gone they can prepare others for His return. Jesus lived a life pleasing to God and by doing so He gave the disciples a blue print, a perfect example of ways to please God. We are not perfect, nor can we perfect anything on this side of glory, yet Jesus wonderfully demonstrated that if we can come to a place where our hearts belong to God then God will do the work in us, through us and for us as He wills. -
Pastors and teachers build the body by shepherding, guarding, praying, nurturing and nourishing the flock. They tend to or oversee the needs of the people. I am new to my congregation, only been here for three weeks- certainly have not met everyone yet. Those who have pastoral or teaching ministry that are not yet ordained, like the small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, are important keys to the foundation of a church. They too build up the body with knowledge, encouragement, prayerful guidance to truth and understanding and stand ready to divert false teaching, wolves, confusion, anything not of God. It is a concerted family effort to ready ourselves and the world for Jesus' return.
Pastors and teachers build the body by shepherding, guarding, praying, nurturing and nourishing the flock. They tend to or oversee the needs of the people. I am new to my congregation, only been here for three weeks- certainly have not met everyone yet. Those who have pastoral or teaching ministry that are not yet ordained, like the small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, are important keys to the foundation of a church. They too build up the body with knowledge, encouragement, prayerful guidance to truth and understanding and stand ready to divert false teaching, wolves, confusion, anything not of God. It is a concerted family effort to ready ourselves and the world for Jesus' return.
Pastors and teachers build the body by shepherding, guarding, praying, nurturing and nourishing the flock. They tend to or oversee the needs of the people. I am new to my congregation, only been here for three weeks- certainly have not met everyone yet. Those who have pastoral or teaching ministry that are not yet ordained, like the small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, are important keys to the foundation of a church. They too build up the body with knowledge, encouragement, prayerful guidance to truth and understanding and stand ready to divert false teaching, wolves, confusion, anything not of God. It is a concerted family effort to ready ourselves and the world for Jesus' return.
Evangelists are set apart in appearance, placement in the church and in sense of importance by churches. They are not necessarily held to a higher standard but they are given higher standing. They are sweaty, outspoken, podium pounding giants who - when truly filled with the Spirit- usher in the Good News and allow God to speak candidly and refreshingly to His people. I would like to believe we are all evangelist but truly not everyone is gifted to share the Good News although each of our lives, testimonies and trials are intricate parts of the Good News today. The Good News of Christ's deeds and Return should be evident in our lives but again not all of us are able to share on that level. Evangelists seemingly are the ones called to lead tent revivals, church revivals and special programs which a church uses to rejuvenate the congregation, add to its numbers or to simply speak as they have been instructed and inspired to do. The key seems to be that the ones lead by the Spirit and Truth really do bring the Good News as intended in whatever form the Spirit calls for: exhortation, rebuking, uplifting, reminders, reflections, edifying, a call back to basics... When an evangelists walks in spirit and truth the body cannot do anything but respond in spirit and truth (that is a willing and obedient body of believers!). Evangelists are not responsible for the respondents, only to doing their part.
Apostles are the foundation of the church giving us strong teaching and edification, while the prophets remain a constant ear to the Lord thereby instructing and exhorting His people according to His will. One builds and the other maintains which makes them indispensable.
Q1. Spiritual Gifts for Each One
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
By God's grace every Christian has been given a or some spiritual gifts. And in order for the body of Christ to function properly we much exercise in our gifts for the fulfillment of the will of God. -
Q6. Practicum in Christian Unity
GodExcels replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
I really need to work on my patience. I know and have seen God move in my life yet I am so impatient because prayer response has taken 10 years in some cases. I do trust that God has my good in mind when He plans for me, yet I see the physical world in action and get impatient in His response. I truly have to repent of thinking I have more to do with my life circumstances than God. I think sometimes that if had done that or said that or went there things would be different. Never mind what God is doing or preparing me for, I take too much credit for failures and I seem to not know how to respond to His blessings.