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Q3. (Daniel 4:27) What must Nebuchadnezzar do to demonstrate that he renounces and repents of his sins? In order for the king to repent he must first face reality and take a good look inside of who he is; pride goes before a fall because it becomes more difficult to see what an empty shell we are without God: The king ruled with a hand full of pride, he had an inordinate amount of self-esteem and conceit of his accomplishments as he saw himself as superior, thereby he ruled with contempt for others, it is easy to speak kind words and to speak of the powers above, however for the king to come to the full knowledge of his words he must acknowledge that it is “Heaven” that rules, he must “REPENT” and when he repents he will “DEMONSTRATE” it by making right his perverse ways through acts of righteousness, AND he will show mercy to the poor. Q4. What must you do to demonstrate that you repent of your sins? We must all come to the point of understanding, we are nothing without God and come to the realization that repentance calls for action, there will be a change and we will turn from our sins, thereby we will strive to walk in righteousness. Q5. For us, what does it mean to be kind to the poor? For king Nebuchadnezzar it was his poor subjects, especially the poor captives the Jews of whom he used and showed no compassion; for us it could refer to "ANYONE" we might look down on by displaying to them a lack of love and respect.
Q2. Acknowledging God's Sovereignty
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Humbling the Proud (Daniel 4-5)
Q2. (Daniel 4:23-26) What does it mean to "acknowledge that Heaven rules"? King Nebuchadnezzar's pagan culture believed in many gods and even though he did acknowledge the power of the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego was great, he did not “fully” understand that the "God of Israel" is the "Most High God" who rules supreme in the world, that Heaven is His throne, and earth is His footstool. Q3. In what ways is this hard for a king? It was hard for king Nebuchadnezzar to understand because he was full of pride, his heart was boosting that it was he who made Babylon great, not understanding that it is pride and a haughty spirit that leads to destruction. There is a difference between having head knowledge of God, and that of heart knowledge; head knowledge alone "will" open the door of "SELF" to rule, as the king thought he was great enough to speak for God and to bring judgment to any people, nation, or language that would speak against the God Daniel worshiped, when it is God who rules from Heaven: It is God who is displeased when sin and idolatry are knowingly rejoiced in, it is the mercy of God that calls the heart of man to repentance, it is because of his love that He rebukes and chastens, not that of man. Q4. In what ways is this hard for us? My heart finds it not hard at all; my hearts purpose is to follow after that of righteousness. -
Q1. (Daniel 4:10-20) Is Daniel actually afraid to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream? Why? I do not believe Daniel was afraid to interpret the dream because he was afraid of what might happen to him; Daniel’s fear was for the king, it is upsetting and most difficult being the bearer of bad news. Q2. Why are we afraid to say the hard things that must be said to help our brothers and sisters? When the Spirit directs one to speak truth to those are “ASKING” for help, I would find it very difficult to understand why a person would be afraid to offer the same hope that lives within them, the God we serve is all powerful and is able to help those seeking for help, truth is not always an easy word to speak, but truth is what will set a person free.
Q4. Faithful to Death
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fiery Furnace and the Lions’ Den (Daniel 3 and 6)
Q4. (Daniel 3:28-30) How does Nebuchadnezzar sum up their faith and commitment? Nebuchadnezzar summed up their faith as being more important than life itself: Faith for God was birthed in the hearts of these Jewish men, their testimony revealed that they held dear the teachings of God that they have "no other gods before Him, that they "NOT" make or bow down to any graven image, and they understood, God’s mercy is offered to those who love God and keep His commandments. (Exo. 20:6) Q5. Are you willing to disobey a command or law to be faithful to God? Are you willing to lay down your life to be faithful to God? What might hold you back? The love of God has taken root in my heart, as I strive to live by the word of my testimony, for death has no sting to those who are covered by the blood of the Lamb, man may be able to kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul of those who are "faithful". -
Q2. Bold Answer
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fiery Furnace and the Lions’ Den (Daniel 3 and 6)
Q2. (Daniel 3:16-18) How do the Jews answer Nebuchadnezzar? They answered the king in that of "FAITH" Q3. What is their attitude? Their attitude was that which reflexes confidence in the God they serve no matter what the outcome may bring, these men did not despise God's words that brought the wrath of the LORD upon His people. Q4. How do they witness about their God? They let their hearts witness to the king that their trust was in the Lord, the God of Israel, thereby, they would not turn from Him to worship the image of gold, nor the gods the king worshiped. Q5. Do they face death with resignation or defiance? They faced an outcome they did not know in that of "resignation". They knew there is no higher power but that of God, and they were ready to submit to their fate no matter what the outcome, for they knew the God they served was able to rescue them, but even if he does not, they were "RESIGNED" to remain faithful. -
Q3. (Daniel 2:44) What does verse 44 teach us about the kingdom that the God of heaven will set up? 44 in the time of those kings, the God of heaven will not set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands -- a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces." (2:40, 44-45) The “God of Israel” is the God of all nations. Although the rulers of those nations, #1. The Babylonian Empire, represented by the head of gold, #2. The Medo-Persia Empire, represented by the chest and arms of silver, #3. The Greece Empire, represented by the belly and the thighs, and 4th The Roman Empire, represented by the legs of iron, AND the ruler of our nation today, may not recognize Him as God, there is coming a day when this part of the interpretation will ALSO come true, there is coming a kingdom that will never be destroyed, it is God’s Kingdom, where righteousness will reign as that of Iron, it will be established by God’s Son the Messiah, at his Second Coming; I can almost hear the rams horn blowing in the distance as God revealed to us what “God the Son” said in (Revelation 2:27) He will rule with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall be broken, crushed completely: even as I received by the Father: and another a strong warning to the “nations,” (Revelation 19:15) for out of his mouth will go a sharp sword, that will smite the nations: and he will rule them with a rod of iron: and he will tread the winepress with the fierceness, indignation, and “WRATH” of Almighty God. The God I serve is not a marshmallow God as some would like to think, He is a God that is to be feared, God did not send His Son for us to just be saved, the Son tore the veil so we may go to the throne room, for we have been brought into “Covenant” with God the Father; if we love Him, keep His Commandments.
Q2. Humility
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Daniel’s Interpretation (Daniel 2)
Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? Daniel is in awe of the Almighty God and praise is on his lips, praise to the One who is able to change the times and the seasons; the God who removes kings and raises up kings; the God who reveals the deep secrets and gave to Daniel the kings dream and its interpretation, adoration in praise was how Daniel showed humility, for Daniel understood, he could do nothing without God. Q3. How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? The first thing out of Daniel’s mouth was that of proclaiming to the king the truth about the God Daniel served, he told him that the secret the king “DEMANDED” that could not be declared by any of the wise men, but there is a God in heaven who knows and reveals secrets, that Daniel continued to tell the king what will be in the latter days, and about the dream and visions that were troubling the king so much he could not sleep. -
Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? Daniel made known to his friends that he asked the king to give him time so he "might" tell the king the interpretation, there was more on the line than the lives of the wise men, Daniel, and his friends, it was a chance to show the king that the God of Isaac, Jacob, and Abraham, was with them, that the One True God could do what the many god’s they worshiped could not do, that Daniel and his friends united together, petitioning God for His compassion. Q2. According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? All through God’s holy words we see the hand of God working in the prayers of the faithful.
Q3. Taking a Stand
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? Because these people knew "NOT" the one true God, instead, they believed in many god's, that the food most likely included forbidden foods, foods not prepared according to Mosaic regulations, and because it was customary for the Babylonians to dedicate the meat to idols, and pour a portion of the wine out on their pagan altars, that Daniel, who was devoted to God, knew that God was the one who brought judgment to Judah for their disobedience and idol worship, that he purposed in his heart "NOT" to do the same thing and defile himself, that God brought Daniel into favor and good will with the chief of the eunuchs. Q4. What does this tell you about Daniel? What it tells me is Daniel was a true believer, one who was circumcised from within. It tells how important it is for the believer to stay strong in their faith, for it is not on the mountain tops that we grow, it is in the valley times that we will be proved, and I would rather find favor with God, for He has my good in mind. -
Q2. Change and Compromise
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Q2. (Daniel 1:1-7) What changes did Daniel and his friend’s experience? There were many changes to come to these young Jewish men who loved their God, the God of Israel, it was because of their faith that they were prepared and ready to face the trials that would come, these men were educated and cunning, men of discernment, for they understood, judgment had come to the people of Judah because of their disobedience and idolatry: I believe the most devastating change came at the beginning, when they had their names changed, for in Jerusalem, a name defined the person, Daniel means “God is My Judge” and to be given a Babylonian name that would define David with the goddess Sarpanitu, the wife of the Babylonian god, Marduk, had to be a most difficult change for Daniel to live with, I believe it was because their hearts were circumcised that they were better prepared for the changes that would come. Q3. What impact might it have on them to be made eunuchs? The word eunuch (sarisim) comes from a root meaning to “castrate,” it also means an officer, the scripture says, the king instructed the master of his eunuchs to bring some of the children of Israel, men who are able to serve in the King’s palace to teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans. I believe this was a blessing in disguise, as a eunuch was often regarded as a privileged official, and he enjoyed the personal friendship of the king, for the king often sought after his advice, it was because Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself, that he found favor with the prince of the eunuchs. I do not know if Daniel and his friends were castrated, or were set apart to advise the king, but I do see the blessings in disguise to those who purpose in their hearts to be faithful. -
Q1. Culture Change
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Q1. (Daniel 1:1-5) Have you ever made a rapid transition between your customary culture and a new and radically different culture? These are sad days for America as I witness a gradual transition occurring in Her, a transition that is changing the customary culture of her foundation, a sound foundation that was established under God, out of the 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 52 were men were deeply committed to God, while the other three did believe the Bible was the divine truth, and it was the same congress that formed the American Bible Society; to today, when we find a nation whose foundation is crumbling beneath her, as America has leaders who no longer believe in the God America was established under, thereby, we see America “RAPIDLY” transitioning into a nation of many gods, as Her leaders trample on the one “True God” and His Holy Laws of righteousness. Q2. What did it feel like? Sadness is what it feels like, as I see the nation change the things God calls as black into white, as I see strength in America growing weaker by the day. Q3. Were you able to take your faith with you, or did it fade to the background during this time? True “faith” is faith we walk in, faith hungers after that of righteousness, it is “TRUSTING FAITH” that encourages me to “PRESS ONWARD” - and as my faith grows stronger, and trials come my way, I will be established on a firm foundation, just as Daniel made up his mind to be faithful to his God, I too will stand strong, as I understand, God is in control of everything. -
Q5. Scourging
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q5. (John 19:1-6) Why do you think Pilate maintains Jesus' innocence and then has him brutally scourged? I see him as a weak man who did NOT know the “truth” - for Pilate, truth was a philosophical question divorced from practicality, there are many people always learning, but not able to come to full knowledge of the truth; here we see a man always taunting and seeking an excuse to set Jesus free, but too weak in “truth” to do so: As we see “truth” to the reason why Pilate had him scourged as spoken by the Son of man in Matthew 20:18-19 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again. -
Q3. King of the Jews
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q3. (John 18:29-35) What do you think the Jewish leaders charged Jesus with before Pilate? They charged him with that of evildoer, that he was not politically correct, accusing him of perverting the nation, and forbidding giving tribute to Caesar, saying he himself is Christ a King. Q4. If true, why would that be taken seriously by the Romans? “IF” these charges were to be true, he could be put to death by the Roman government, as capital punishment was reserved for Rome. Q5.What kind of king does Jesus say he is? Jesus answered “yes” to “King of the Jews”: Israel was blinded to the truth that the Messiah must first come as a Lamb that pleased the LORD to bruise him; making his soul an offering for sin, performing that good thing which he promised unto the house of Israel, and to the house of Judah, before the King from the righteous Branch of David will reign, and will execute judgment and justice in the earth, in his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely: whereby he will be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God will give unto him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and his kingdom there will be no end; and he will execute judgment and righteousness in the land. I believe the day is coming soon when “THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” will reign as King; this is why I am watching and waiting with Joyful singing in my heart. -
Q1. Peter's Sword
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q1. (John 18:1-11) What do you think caused the soldiers to fall back in the Garden (18:6)? As soon as Jesus said, “I am he,” they went down, Jesus identified himself and was voicing God’s authority, as we read in (4:26) and apparently demonstrated the awesome “Power” of God. Q2. Why does Jesus rebuke Peter for defending him with a sword (18:11)? This is the cup the Messiah came to drink; neither Peter, nor the forces of evil are going to prevent the will of the Father that the Son came to fulfill. -
Q3. Preexistent Glory
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q3. (John 17:4-5) What was Jesus' preexistent glory like? His glory was that of “Shekhinah” glory, When Moses asked to see the glory of God, he was shown the Shekhinah, the very essence of the creator, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Q4. What was his glory like during his earthly ministry? The Messiah’s earthly ministry revealed “Shekhinah” glory, as he completed the work the Father gave him to do. Q5. What is his glory like now in the presence of his Father? He was restored to the glory He had from the very beginning: The glory he left in order to redeem mankind. This is beyond all understanding of mankind; we cannot fathom the “LOVE” of our creator. Q6. Why do you think Jesus wants his disciples to see him in this glory (verse 24)? Glory was revealed in His words and works, His prayer for believers is that we behold His glory, unveiling the full revelation of His deity. -
Q2. Completing the Work
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q2. (John 17:4) What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do? His work was to do the will of the Father, bearing witness that the Father did send him, His work completed the Old Testament prophecies that foreshadowed the coming of the Messiah that would offer “eternal life” to the believer, there are numerous answers to this question, but for me, the answer is found in (Revelation 5:1-14) In the right hand of him that sat upon the throne was a book, it was sealed with seven seals, an angel asked, Who is worthy to open the book, and to break the seals? There was "NOT" one man in heaven, nor in or under the earth that was able to open the book, or to look in it, there was “NO” man worthy enough to open, to read, or to even look in the book, all hope was gone that John wept much, until one of the elders said, Weep not: behold, the “Lion of the tribe of Judah,” the “Root of David,” has prevailed (His Work) to open the book, to break the seals, for in the midst of the throne stood a Lamb as it had been slain, and he came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat upon the throne, (God the Father) as praise went forth by those who have the song, Thou art worth to take the book, to open the seals, for your work was finished, you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation. I am looking forward to that day, with all the signs God is giving, I believe that day will soon be here, but until then, His work has put a song in my heart that sings, "Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto the Father who sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, my Bridegroom, forever, and ever, and ever". -
Q1. Knowing God
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q1. (John 17:3) If the average person were to define the words “eternal life," what would they say? They might define it as, living forever, but no one ceases to exist when they die. Q2. Does Jesus define eternal life in terms of duration of time? Jesus is referring to that of “spiritual life” - that they will continue to grow in the “knowledge” of the one true God, and the Son. Eternal life is not just survival after death, which everyone will share one way or another, the Messiah is talking about the heart of the believer, that their growth would be in depth, growing “intimately” in the knowledge of both, the Father and the Son. Q3. What is the key element of his definition? The key element is that we may “KNOW” – It is important we understand the reason we have the promise of “eternal life” is so we will “KNOW” the “TRUTH” - The Messiah warned us, there will be “false” prophets, prophets who the world will listen to, prophets that will tickle the hears of those who want to hear, and their voice is getting stronger every day, it is echoing in our schools, in our universities, in the media, in our government, in our homes, and in MANY of our pulpits, this is why we who have “eternal life” take (1John 4:6-7) as our guideline, that whoever knows God listens for and will hunger after the truth. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see him, neither does he know him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and will be in you. (John 14:17) -
Q4. Blessing of Jesus' Departure
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 27. The Spirit of Truth (John 15:18-16:11)
Q4. (John 16:5-7; 14:12) What benefit is there to the disciples that Jesus goes away? One of the many benefits a disciple will receive is that of “power” from the Holy Spirit, power for them and for us, we cannot do God’s work without Him. Q5. What promise do we have in John 14:12 concerning the Spirit's power in believers? In order for the disciples to do greater, more works than the Messiah, they would need power to overcome the persecution Christ said they would face, for when they go forth to witness in “ALL” of Judea and Samaria, they would need “power” that can only come from the Holy Spirit; and in order for the greater works of God to go forth to the “Ends of the Earth”, we will need the “power” of the Holy Spirit, power that unites the body of Christ, thereby, glorifying the Father in the fruits of love and righteousness, for, to some He gave apostles; and some, prophets, and some, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, and to some, power to overcome the persecutions that may come, a living testimony to the salvation of the Messiah. -
Q1. Persecution
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 27. The Spirit of Truth (John 15:18-16:11)
Q2. Why does Jesus warn his disciples that persecution will come? Jesus teaching is a lot different from many of the sermons I hear today, sermons that promise health and prosperity, I remember hearing one well know minister say, “God told him to speak only the positive and not the negative”, that would leave out much of the teachings of Jesus, such as “commitment”, “obedience”, and that of “persecution”: This is why we must put on the full armor of God, so we can fight off the darts that Satan, that the world sends our way. Q3. What happens to our testimony if we give in under mild persecution? There is no testimony to give, if one gives way to mild persecution. Q4.What does it say to persecutors when we don't react to their persecution? We are to “REACT” to those who persecute us, with the fruits of the Spirit, not out of anger, but out of love, our battle is worth fighting for, I believe the Christian has been turning the other cheek for too long, thereby, giving a foothold to the world, it is time to confront the enemy with the sword of the Word, and not run and hide, If you have enemies, that is good, it means you are standing strong against them. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Q5. Do they see us as weak or as strong? They will see us as strong when we stand up against them with the truth of God, it is called, abiding in Him, but, they will think we are weak, when we are not prepared to give to them an answer, separating ourselves from the vine. -
Q4. Do Nothing Alone
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 26. Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-17)
Q4. (John 15:4-6) Unbelievers can do many things. So what does Jesus mean when he says, "Apart from me you can do nothing"? It means, no one can have a “right” relationship with God apart from the “vine”. Q5. What is the value of things done without Christ? They will be tempered in their growth, denying them the ability to bring forth “FRUIT” that the vine produces. Q6. What is the final end of things done without Christ? They will shrivel up and die from lack of the vines nourishment. -
Q3. Abiding and Indwelling
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 26. Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-17)
Q3. (John 15:4-5) What does it mean "to abide"? To abide means a relationship is developing on the foundation of “commitment” – it is a two way relationship – as I abide in Him, he promises to abide in me, in other words, faith becomes a “vow,” a marriage contract established on “love”. Q4. What is the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints? Perseverance is the fruit of patience that is developed in the saints, those who through the faith of Jesus, purpose in their heart to keep the commandments of God. (Rev 14:12-13) Q5. What does abiding have to do with "mutual indwelling," of a "personal relationship"? A relationship develops because the desire of the heart is to abide in the Messiah; it is in that love for him that makes it “personal,” a relationship cannot grow if one no longer desires to abide in each other. -
Q2. Cleansed by the Word
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 26. Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-17)
Q1. (John 15:2b) How are we pruned or cleansed by exposure to and obedience to Jesus' words? The purging process cleanses, extinguishes the guilt incurred, repentance expiates their offences; thereby it brings forth the fruit of “obedience,” that enables the cleansing process to bring forth more fruit. Q2. According to John 8:31-32, how does obeying Jesus' teaching, bring cleansing and freedom from sin? Obedience to the teaching of Jesus, is a goal that will produce a holy people, the cleansing process doesn’t free the branch from sin, it frees the branch from the “desire” to sin, it is because the branch is abiding in the Vine that the branch rejects the thorns and briers that come their way, for without the Vine they understand, they cannot do it on their own. -
Q1. Benefits of Pruning
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 26. Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-17)
Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? Israel represents a vineyard that God planted and cultivated, and out of Israel comes not a representation, but the “true” vine, God’s Son; God the Father is the husbandman, he cultivates and takes care of the vineyard, God prunes it in order for it to produce good fruit, fruit that would give honor to the vinedresser, and to the “true” vine. Q2. What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? Productivity will be hindered, and the health of the vine will be weak because of the lack of nourishment, leaving the vine unable to fight off the thorns, as they overcome and snuff out the fruit of the vine. Q3.What does God use to prune our lives? God disciplines, he prunes those he loves, so they will wear garments of praise, bringing forth fruit that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD Q4.Why do we resist pruning? A true follower is taught not to resist being pruned; it is part of the growing process needed, in order for the vine to bear “good” fruit. Q5.What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? Severe pruning would not be necessary if the vine would respond to its first pruning by displaying growth, pleasing the husbandman. -
Q4. Jesus' Peace
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 25. I Will Give You Another Counselor (John 14:15-31)
Q4. (John 14:27) Peace, if it doesn't mean cessation of conflict in our everyday lives, what then is the peace that Jesus offers us now? Until the Messiah comes to rule with an Iron staff, bringing eternal Peace to a new world, there will be no peace, “EXCEPT” for the peace that passes all understanding, the peace that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, the peace that John the Baptist was talking about, “repent” for the Kingdom of Heaven is here; for the believer, we don’t have to wait, we can have “PEACE” in our hearts, even though there is no peace in the world, it is that “peace” that passes all understanding that will take us through to that glorious day when God will fulfill the rest of His Kingdom promises and will bring peace to the world, when the lion will live with the lamb, when the earth will be full of the Knowledge of the LORD. -
Q3. He Will Teach You
Delivered replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 25. I Will Give You Another Counselor (John 14:15-31)
Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in the name of Yeshua, Jesus; He will teach all things and will bring to “MEMORY” what Jesus taught, one important truth that Jesus taught his disciples was, “If you love me, keep my words”. (1John 23: 1-4) It is written that you sin not, and if you do sin to remember, Jesus the Messiah, is with the Father, he is our advocate, our Paraclete, propitiation for our sins, hereby is how we will be known, if we keep his commandments. Q4. Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The gift of Salvation is a calling of commitment, thereby, I am thankful for the Spirits teaching, and his bringing to memory the importance of that “commitment” as I am reminded, the Messiah is coming for a “faithful bride”.