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Q6. One Head
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
The significance is encouraging to the Christian or should be. This infallable proof that is yet to manifest itself will be physically revealed to the world, to show that Jesus Christ is the head and Lord of all. This will bring to a decisve end that the Word of God is full of errors or contradicts itself. We are apart of the body of Christ, we have predestinated to serve the Lord, we are adopted son and daughters and are heirs to the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is coming back in the clouds, in power and in glory for all the world to see, so that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This is the physical proof to "...all things being brought under one head..." and that head is Christ Jesus. This relates to our Creator in that it will show that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God. It relates in that Christ is coming back as He said He would to claim His own to Himself. This relates to the Creator in that God the Father has given His only begotten son Jesus Christ all power, or as Christ said "...all power is given to me under my hand..." Again, this relates to the Creator in that the word of God will be physically proven to be true to all men of every nation and tongue, so that they might believe unto salvation. In reviewing the verses in I Corinthians 15:24-28 I find this one important thing (that a lot of us or some can relate to) that stands out in verse 28 " Now when all things are made subject to Him," we refer this part to Ephesians 1:9-10 "brought under one head" that head being Jesus Christ. continuing on with 1 Cor. "then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." How can "that God may be in all." I am glad you asked that question. Only when "...all being made subject to Him..." happens, will we be prepared and ready to be subject to God the Father. 'Prepared and ready' meaning we are right now being constantly washed in the blood and maturing in our christian growth in Christ Jesus, to be presented without spot or blemish. We will know, since we will be subject to Christ, who will be then subject to God the Father, the reality of not only Christ in us, but God in us. These not only relate to each other but, actually give a complete picture of what is to come when put (read) together Eph 1:9-10 and ICor. 15:24-28. I could sum it up like this with 1Cor 15:28 "...that God may be all in all." the sharing in oneness of spirit, the eternal praises of God in the glory of God for all eternity as our reward for "..our reasonable service.."Amen -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
I have been redeemed from the slavery of "fear" of having blind faith to be free, fear of being to weak in my heart and mind to get free, fear of not being strong enough in my spirit to keep my freedom, fear of not having the wisdom in my mind to maintain my freedom, fear of my past to become a slave again to "fear". If I had not been redeemed from the slavery of sin, my life up to now would be full of people that took more of myself from me. These people would have never even attempted to give back to me some themselves in return, thus leaving me an empty shell of a man. My life would have had no direction. I would have been living in the moment and the not even aware of the people that I would have had to hurt to stay living in the moment. My life would have been filled with good deeds, but torn between doing good and doing evil. My life would have been so out of balanced that I would probably have felt that I was walking sideways or upside down at times. My life without redeemption in the future would be out of control. I would be broke, busted and discusseded or have money and killed by living crazy and lovining too many honeys. I would have died old and still bold or young and alone in the gutter in the cold, then probably end up with my passing into death, my funeral being attend by those who thought that I left them something in my will. They would have lowered me 6 feet down in the ground still bound with nothing of significance (with the exception of my grave stone. That would have probably been vandalized and ruined by some kids or person) left behind in remembrance of me. "But, ah! But, God!..." as the song goes by Marvin Winans and the other song by his brother Bebe Winans "His love told me, love said not so.." hallelujah!!! -
Q4. Adoption
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Now let us see where we are at so far. I have already been claimed by God for His purpose and pleasure(predestination, holy and blameless) thus, by faith I can say my future is looking good.( just like an orphan who hears some good news) Now God wishes to give me an inheritance that He has reserved for His children. I can only share in this blessing through adoption. (just like that fatherless child) I have been chosen for adoption, the paperwork was written on Calvary and has been signed with the blood of Jesus. Since, I believe this truth, I need only through patience trial and error come to know more about what is expected of me as a newly adopted son and hier with Christ Jesus. I have been given a book to study and become familiar with being a part of Gods family. God adopting us as His sons and daughters means that we have a father who knows us, will provide for us and loves us inspite of ourselves. He is dependable, reliable, always close by, never late and is always on time, protects us and helps to keep our joy full by blessing us with exactly what we need. He never sleeps nor slumbers, He watches me both night and day, He chastises me, He never leaves me comfotless, but has provided a comforter in His Holy Spirit. Now our God can do anything, there is nothing to hard for God. I have said all of this to surmise that, it is important to us in that, we have been adopted from death unto life everlasting. Selah -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
being preselected to be set apart for Gods service, to be prechosen out of all of Humanity for Gods good pleasure. Like a prospector staking his claim on land that he thinks posesses gold, God has claimed us out of His creation for Himself. This is a WOW thought to come to grips with intellectually, but much easier to grasp through the Holy Spirit. To be "Blameless" or to not be effected by sin (spot or blemish), this can not happen unless some outside unseen supernatural force is there to protect us from dangers seen and unseen. An outside unseen supernatural force that guides helps to guide us through the winds, the rains, the storms that can rage in and around our lives. This force that forgives our sins automatically (being covered His the blood and to plead the blood when sin does comes) An outside unseen supernatural force that helps to make ways out of a noway situation or give us peace and favor with all, so that we reach our predestination. Yet, "..the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us" and "In Him who knew of sin, there was no sin" and "behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world." said John the Baptist at the river Jordan. This supernatural force who died for you and me and then rose on the third day, with all power in His hand over life and death. The force that protects us and by blood we are made whole, name is Jesus Christ. Our example of a Holy and blameless life before God. -
Q2. Predestination
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
You are right about the ability of choice for we human beings. Your are right on with God is all knowing, but we do not know our "...coming out nor our going in.." God is all knowing, but He left it up to us to make the right choices with our free will. Exercising our free will to choose includes the things that effect our free will to make the right choice or even to make a correction of the choices that we are, have or will make to reach the predestination that God has for us. If I may elaborate. It is Satan who uses three things to keep us from reaching (yes, I said "reaching", because Satan is here to "...to steal, to kill and to destroy.." the Christians' faith, life and physical being) God's predestination for us. Now, Satan uses a lot of things, but Jesus identified these three as sure fire "keep-em from reaching the predestination tatics" of Satan, they are as follows "The **** of the eye, the **** of the flesh and the **** of the things of this world." These three most assuredly effect our free will to choose doing right and wrong, or "wide is the gate that leadeth to destruction...and narrow is the way that leadeth to life everlasting..." or towards our predestination. The first is what we see, this effects our mind, with which we asess and reason with to make choices with our free will. The second is what we feel when we look at things, places, events or women or men. This effects our hormones which are directly interwoven with our sense of smell, sound and touch. Thus, a prime environment for **** is always present. Things that could make our life easier promotion, power which results in money becoming an idol without us knowning it. A bigger house, a better car, being able to do whatever we want. Money also attracts women or men to us, that will not have our best intrest in their heart. Most of all the desire to have better or more things. Thes are just a few thoughts that I had on your question. I hope that I have helped you out in some small. Be blessed and not stressed. To God be the glory. -
Q2. Predestination
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
The scary part about "Predistenation" is two fold; first not knowning if you will make it to live out that predestined part of your life and second, but more importantly, not knowning if you will live up to the expectations of your predestined life.(in other words failure) The comforting part (or parts) is you know you have something to live for, you also have some tools that will aide you in reaching your predestination. Of which the most important tools you will have at your disposal will be your faith in God and your trust in God to help you to reach your predestination. Paul brings up predesitnation to inform the believers (Christians) that the life that you will live. will be like the one that I have and do live now(Acts 15 -28). I who was predestined to be "..an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God." The Ephesians received and accepted message of Jesus Christ resurrected and received the Holy Spirit. Their change was immediate and the evidence was displayed in their change of heart and character, as Paul writes "... faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints." Eph 1:15. The Ephesians became one of "us", as Paul expresses in his praise towards God for there salvation. The change must have been, as night and day. The Paul reaction was to immediately praise God (Eph 1:12-14), because by the power of the word of God the Ephesians gave their life to Christ and received the Holy Spirit. Beloved, it is this immediate response of praise that all who serve and witness the change from sin to salvation would do well, to remember. -
Q1. In Christ
John.Hawkins64 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
What does it mean to be "in Christ" to me? It means that I am a part of Christ and Christ is a part of me. My life is intertwined with the life of Christ, in that I can live a Christian life by the example Christ set for me. This Christian life is one of pain, suffering, hardships, fasting, loss, ridicule, abuse and misuse. This Christian life is a life of sacrifices, persecutions, of lonelines, of mourning, of crying and crying out to God, of trials, test and tribulations. On the one hand. Now on the other hand, this Christian life is one of faith, peace, joy, love, humility, obedience, prayer, praise, wordship, fullness of the Holy spirit, victory, power from on high, healing, protection, miracles, faith to move uproot trees and to move mountains into the sea and getting closer to God and Christ Jesus. This Christian life is one of prosperity, favor of God with men, knowledge and wisdom, strength, fasting, feasts, of dancing, of singing, of blessings. This Christian life which goes beyond the grave unto eternal life, my name being found written in the book of life, a mansion, a crown or two laid up in store for we who serve, most of all to be with God forever and ever and ever. It means that I understand fully "God is love". It means I know that I am in love with Jesus. It means I know that I love the Lord. It means that I know that it is His love that is in me. It means that I surrendered all and all that I've not surrendered I do so daily to Jesus. It means that I know that "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." is keeping me from dangers seen and unseen, picks me up when I am down, catches me when I stumble or fall, helps me to discern the needs of those around me, helps me to encourage others and to praise God even when I don't feel like it. This is what it means to be "in Christ" to me. -
Greetings and salutations all, My name is John and I am a Christian. I am a member of Refreshing Springs Baptist Church in Ohio. I am a student of the Word of God. I am a down to earth kind of guy. I like sports, reading, writing, the zoo, theater, movies, just to name a few of the many things that I have been blessed to be able to enjoy. I desire to get into the deeper things about God and prepare myself to help lead the lost to Christ and to encourage all who cross my narrow way. I look forward to discussing the word with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Be bless and not stressed.