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Everything posted by Mrstoler

  1. A guarantee or surety is something that can be counted on. It is something that can be believed. Jesus can
  2. We have fled to a place of refuge because Jesus Christ is our place of safety. He alone is our refuge from the evil of the world. We look to the Lord for protection from the evil one. The Lord is our shield. Our trust is in Him. We are to take hold of this hope because it is the only thing that we have to rely on. If it does not come from the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit it will not protect us. Hoping something is true carries doubt, but the Christian hope carries certainty of what you believe in Christ Jesus. An anchor illustrates the idea of hope because of the strength of the materials the anchor is made from. We know that once the anchor is thrown into the water the boat will not drift away because the boat will be held in its place.
  3. The effect it has on the Christian life is that with surety both faith and patience allows a person to continue the road to heaven in peace knowing that they will see Jesus face to face someday. When a person thinks that salvation depends upon on their endurance it becomes boasting with pride that it was because of what they did and not what Christ did for them on the cross. They forget that it is by God
  4. Apostasy is the desertion from one
  5. There is not much difference in the Christian then and the Christian today. We get caught up in being so religious that we somehow forget the true meaning of what the Gospels has to say about God, and we start to do things our way. I believe the writer
  6. A person becomes mature in God
  7. The Lord Jesus accomplished what He set out to do when He decided to be the sacrificial lamb and die on the cross to save all those how called on His name and believed that He was the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead. He would be Lord over our lives.
  8. Jesus learn obedience from what He suffered because it was God
  9. I believe that if Jesus said that you are allow to come we have nothing to fear. We should have deep faith; I believe that that is the boldness and the confidence. The promise is that we will receive grace from God. He gives mercy and grace because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. God is a loving God and all He ever wanted to do in the first place is show us mercy and grace through His love for us and our love for Him.
  10. The Lord Jesus took on our weaknesses in His flesh as the sin that He himself never committed. He was tempted with pride, greed, ****, covetness. I believe when Jesus was tempted He suffered for us and our weakness. No we do not have any temptations that Jesus didn
  11. I believe it means to enter heaven where it is so much peace and the love of God. If you don
  12. The importance of faith in our relationship to Christ is that we cannot please Him without faith. At this point in our lives we cannot physically see Him but we must trust that He is there and that He will do what He says He will do. Sin tricks us with guilt when we do something that is wrong. Or it will show us something that is counterfeit to something that is good and of God. Sin hardens us by tricking us to think that we cannot do without the sinful act or thing so we try to close our minds to the fact that it is wrong for us. The value of Christian fellowship that keeps our faith strong comes from accountability. A brother or sister in Christ can make you accountable by reminding, or rebuking you when you are about to commit a sin. They will help you back on the road to Christ through scripture and prayer.
  13. The Jews were being distracted by a great many of things and people. The writer was letting the readers know that there only hope was in Jesus Christ the savior of their souls. The same thing is true for us today we have even more distractions in our time. We have a tendency to get caught up in things that have nothing to do with the commands of God. That causes us to sin against God. So if we hold on to Christ the one who never sinned and have faith in Him we can overcome any temptation. If we don
  14. To bring many sons and daughter to glory means to teach those about Jesus
  15. The Lord Jesus had to die a physical death in our place. Without God
  16. Jesus suffered being hated for telling the truth about who He was. He suffered being lied on, He suffered being betrayed by His friends. He suffered being beat and humiliated for our sins, sins that He never committed Himself. He suffered loneliness on the cross when His Father had to turn away from Him because God could not look at the sin that Jesus took upon Himself for us. He suffered death for us. If we are true followers of Christ we will suffer persecution, being lied on, beaten for our faith, humiliated for our faith in Christ and death if it comes to it for Christ Jesus. If we try to avoid the suffering that is to come we are denying Christ and our faith. We are showing fear that Christians should not have because we are children of God. We will feel guilt and that will separate us from Christ because we will be too ashamed to face the Lord.
  17. When I can look back over my life and see where I have come from and how the Lord Jesus has brought me some rough times. I know that my salvation is confirmed. I should be dead without hope of eternal life. But God patiently waited on me to turn to Him and asked to be saved. Some people still would not believe signs and wonders. They have to look at it scientifically, but I know for a fact that signs and wonders are still being done today. I saw an angel sent by God to help me. Matter fact it was more than one time one was sent. Psalm 91 was introduced to me when I was 19 years old and I have lived by it ever since. I am now 47 and no one can tell me different. I have raised my children on Psalm 91.
  18. That fact that we are human allows us to drift away from the Gospel. Our flesh is incapable of pleasing God. We must continue to read the word and pray and kept our mind stayed on Christ in order to be successful in the fight to stand firm on the foundation of the Word of God. The people in the Lord
  19. First I would say that the description of Jesus being an heir to God. To me that means Jesus has the same authority that His Father has and that He joins His Father in ruling in the Heavenly Kingdom. Actually all the descriptions lead me to believe that Jesus is one with God. Whatever happened or happens now they have and has always been together. Jesus is God in the flesh. We as a people needed to see and divine sacrifice and God sent His only Son to be that sacrifice. Jesus left us with a view of who His Father really is.
  20. It was important for Timothy to come before winter because it would be difficult for him to travel due to cancellation of ships and bad weather. Timothy may get there after Paul had been killed. I believe Timothy left right away. I would have too, because if I had not I would have had to live with guilt for a long time.
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