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Everything posted by Liza
We are to stand out of the evil and godlessness like lights in the darkness, and we are called to be salt in that we are involved like Jesus in the lives of people who are sad and hurting. Our walk and talk should set us apart as God
Worship is about focussing on God and the Lamb. It is about forgetting all about ourselves, for we deserved nothing of what He has prepared for us, and seeing all that He is worth. A lot of the songs that I have thought of are mentioned. One particularly is
I think it is mainly because we are not taught enough about consequences
They are faithful to the Lord God alone, and have not served other gods. Their speech and conduct is pure. They obey the Lord Jesus Christ and are completely dedicated to Him. They are blameless, cleansed by the blood of Jesus. This is something all Christians should emulate, because they are prepared for the Lamb
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
Liza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The Beasts, the Antichrist & the False Prophet are all symbols of what stands against God and Jesus. They try to destroy what is good and pure by bringing a counterfeit in order to mislead the people -
They overcame Satan by the blood (they had repented and their sins were washed away) and spoke their faith. They loved Him who loved them first more than their lives. When we love our lives, we compromise very often, to the point of compromising our faith, our life and even denying Christ. The church is called to stand in the face of persecution.
Q2. Woman and Dragon
Liza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
From the very birth of Jesus, Satan has known that his days are numbered, he has waged war on Jesus (Herod killed all the male children in Bethlehem), and the persecution still goes on today. Divine safety has always been provided -
They are prophetic (warn the world to take the right path) clothed in sackcloth (mourning) olive trees (emboldened by Holy Spirit) lampstands (lights to the world) before the Lord (believers) fire from mouth (power of the Word) power to shut up sky (boldness of Elijah) power
The judgement of God is bitter
They are from all countries, tribes, languages. They are innumerable and clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and they can only praise the One seated on the throne. They have nothing to boast in, they have a Lamb whom they can boast in. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. Grace is what makes us sing so joyfully
God protects His own. He will keep all His own safe. This reminds me so strongly of the Israelites who celebrated Passover in Egypt
Persecution is there for sure. These souls are in the presence of the Lord. They have been sacrificed for the sake of the Gospel
The Lamb initiates the destruction represented by the 7 seals. I believe it is directed against those who are not believers. I think it is because God always gives us problems so that we can seek Him. Unfortunately we often refuse to turn to Him. Here we can see the same thing happening
We should take care of our Church as our body. That also means that we do not spend time running down the members or faults of our Church, but pray and believe that we are on our way to being that beautiful, glorrious Church. We need to treat her better - I need to - and especially repent of seeing her as a Church without power. The true Church has power, and is being prepared for her Groom. We need to believe that and think, act and pray accordingly.
'to present her to himself' - The Church which is described is the glorified Church, but is also so spiritually today - we are cleansed, clothed in garments of righteousness (white robes) and when we walk in obedience to Jesus daily we keep ourselves from being spotted by the world (the sin). There is also some striving in this age as we need to keep ourselves holy, we need to stand out as bright lights in the darkness, we need to show the world Christlike love and living. But ultimately, this is how beautiful the glorified Church will be.
Q4. Cleansed ... by the Word of God
Liza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
The verse that comes to mind is 'the Word of God is a two edged sword...'. When the Word is preached or taught in the power of the Holy Spirit, no threats are necessary - the power of the Word will bring conviction, encouragement, correction. -
The Church is first made holy by Christ's death, then in daliy living, the Word cleanses and directs the Church in her walk. It is an ongoing process. We are called to be holy, and this is only through the power of the Holy Spirit, who is with us, till the time we become the bride. We can be holy by searching ourselves daily and living in obedience to the word and we should also remember our previous state at all times to remain humble and gracious to the weaker ones and the lost.
Q2. Christ "gave himself up" for the Church
Liza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
If you truly love someone, you want to give them joy at all times, even if it is going to cost you. If you know that they like a particular thing, you would want to be the one who can give it to them -- it is the same with Jesus. We need to be saved, we need to live a life without fear or the curse of death to hang over us. So He gave Himself up to the point of death because of HIs deep passion and love for the Church. It was a totally selfless love. -
Submitting would mean getting to know the heart of Christ and being the people He wants us to be. A people of power, service and oneness of Spirit in loving one another and sharing the gospel to the lost. Personally it would mean a daily walk without fear, but with confidence, and a desire at ALL times to please my Maker and Saviour. Complete yieldedness to the Holy Spirit. It isn't easy, but it is my desire.
The Church will grow and 'live' out its faith. The Church will not be confused and led astray by wrong doctrine. The Chruch will be able to stand firm in the face of trouble and persecution. The Church will attain the fullness of Jesus - be ministers who heal, comfort, bless the world. The Church will be able to minister to the outside world.
Q5. Equipping the Saints for Ministry
Liza replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
The Church has a ministry, a big one, to the lost world. If we are not strengthened or equipped, how will the gospel go forth? We are equipped to strengthen one another and minister to those we come in touch with in our daily lives. -
I think Pastors and Teachers are extermely important since by teaching the congregation the Word they are equipping them, strengthening them, preparing them. The congregation needs to understand the Word - today (I don't know if this is only my observation) there seem to be a lot of 'false' teachers who go about trying people to joint their 'groups'. They have the ability to speak and argue well and a lot of people who don't know the Word very well go and join them. Teachers, no matter whom they teach are very vital to the body of Christ. The Pastors who shepherd their flock are also needed - also to keep them safe from the false teachers.
An Evangelist is a person who can communicate the message of salvation clearly to unbelivers, and with the help of the Holy Spirit brings them to a conviction of sin and a need for salvation. I have met some very simple people who are very effective as well as some 'intellectual' Evangelists who can talk to agnostics and atheists. In some cases, the evangelist brings these people to the fold then hands them over to the Pastor / Teacher for further nurturing and growth.
Apostles communicate the word, build up the church in faith and lead. I thnk it is a mix of pastorship, evangelism and divine leadership. Prophets on the other hand are God's policemen - occasionally with a warning, exhortation and encouragement. The prophetic utterance may be specific for an individual or for the body corporately.
Each and every member in Christ's body has a role to play, a job to do and no one can sit back and say - I need to be ministered to, I don't have any ministry of my own. Also these gifts are GIFTS - not what we have earned, or deserve, but given according to His will - our job is to unwrap these gifts and use them, instead of leaving them in a corner.