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Everything posted by Liza

  1. We have to forgive because we are going to participate in something that reminds us that we are united to each other and to Jesus in love. A spirit of love, mercy and acceptance should prevail, not one of judgement or criticism, since that is the example we have received from Jesus and that is how we are to view each other. His blood was poured out for our sins and if we believe that, it should overflow in the same attitude to others.
  2. For me personally, it is a reminder that His body was broken for me, His blood had to be spilt to wash away my sin. It also reminds me that though we are different in so many ways we are all part of one whole. I guess when Jesus said this to the disciples before His death, they wouldn
  3. The blood on the doorframes signified that blood had already been spilt in these homes. The blood of the lamb was a protection against the Angel of death who would slay all the firstborn. We are marked by the blood of Jesus when believe on Him and this will save us from eternal death on the day of judgement. We are saved for eternal life. Also the result of putting the blood by faith on the doorposts resulted in Israel
  4. I think the lappers were fewer. 300 lapped out of 10,000. I just believe God wanted to whittle down the army, and that is why He selected the lappers.
  5. I think we demand more confirmations when we are small in faith. The more we mature, the more we trust Him too. Always setting out tests is not a good idea, because when we see God
  6. It was not by the might or power of a human army that they would be delivered, but by the power of God. Israel had seen God
  7. I have asked the Lord for signs when He has asked me to do
  8. Now we are slaves to our new Master. We have to serve Him, as He has bought us for His own. This means that we do what pleases Him, not what pleases our sin nature. It is a daily discipline. Our minds, actions, speech all need to reflect this new ownership. Only the Holy Spirit can help us to do what pleases Him, constantly, joyfully, in all our ways.
  9. Slaves were freed by payment of a ransom/redemption price. We are all slaves to sin. Sin is inescapable. We are naturally inclined to sin. We need to be saved, set free from sin. Sin is like slavery, and we need to be set free from this, that is why Jesus came. A slave has no rights, no choices. Jesus, and only Jesus can change that. I amazes me that God sees me as so valuable that only the blood of His beloved Son can set me free.
  10. Gideon blew the horn as a result of the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him. He was equipped by the Holy Spirit to trust what God had told him and step out in faith and boldness
  11. Joash was probably the spiritual leader of his town because tearing down the altar and cutting down the pole threw the entire town into a furore. Gideon
  12. Yes, a person can be a disobedient disciple
  13. I think we come back to John the Baptist saying
  14. Jesus took the punishment deserved by sinners
  15. When I think of Isaiah 53, the verse that comes to mind is 'He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities'. That is what I understand as substitutionary atonement. That poignantly speaks of the punishment Jesus took upon Himself to give me life. My transgressions, my iniquities... I can never reach God's standard of holiness and no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't be good enough. Jesus loved me so much as to pay the price for me. Willingly. As I was going through the exposition, one thing that struck me forcibly was the fact that He did not protest, but took it willingly upon Himself. I 'know' this but as I meditated on it, I thought of all that He suffered for me - physically, mentally, spiritually. A great price for me. I just got another glimpse of His amazing love.
  16. The New Testament says obey your parents IN THE LORD. What Gideon
  17. Matthew 20:28 - give His life as a RANSOM FOR MANY. Jesus saw his mission and destiny clearly spelt out in Is 53. I am absolutely convinced.
  18. Jesue removes sin from all humanity
  19. These sacrifices showed us that being forgiven was a costly affair, we could never attain God's standard of holiness on our own, and that God is the Holy, merciful, forgiving Father. He made a provision for sinful man to approach Him before the coming of Jesus through the blood of the lamb -only Jews - and He sent His beloved Son for ALL mankind. That is so awesome!
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