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I believe many people have the idea that we can handle the "little" things and turn the "big" things over to God. We often fail to understand that he is interested in every aspect of our lives. It seems to be the human thing to do. However, as Christians we should strive to be like Christ, not like the world. Reva
God is my keeper. One thing that this means to me is that He keeps me sheltered in times of storm. There is nothing that occurs in my life that He can't handle. Also, God is my keeper in the good times as well. He pours out blessing upon my life. And finally, He will keep me safe with Him throughout eternity. Reva
Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her? Yahweh is King. This means He is sovereign. Unlike an earthly king, Yahweh does not make errors in judgment nor is He ever unfair. His laws are everlasting and unchanging. We can trust that He will do what He said He would do. The advantage of being a subject of Yahweh is that we have all the protection of His promises. When we submit to His Kingship, we can fulfill His plan for our lives and reign eternally with Him. Being a loyal subject to the King is voluntary. We can reject Him by refusing to acknowledge Him as our King. Jesus is Messiah sent from God. Messiah refers to a future King of Israel. He would be from the linage of David. The followers of Jesus, while He was on earth, believed that He would set up an earthly kingdom. We now understand that His present kingdom is in the hearts of men. When He comes again, He will set up His kingdom and be King of King and Lord of Lords forever. Hallelujah! Reva
Tithing in the Bible is much like taxes today. The money is used to run the government. Refusing to pay tithe to the king or taxes to the government can result is action being taken against the citizen. A tithe to the Lord shows respect for his authority and provides money to operate the church and its ministries. Reva
Q4. Justice, Vengeance, and Mercy
Reva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Often we want justice for others and mercy for ourselves. Justice is what we deserve. The Bible say the punishment for sin is death. That is our justice. Vengeance is when God gives us what we deserve. Death. Eternal separation from God. Mercy was provided so that we do not have to suffer God's vengeance. Jesus Christ took our sins upon himself on the cross. He was the perfect sacrifice. When God looks at us, He sees His Son Jesus rather than our confessed sin. -
How does a realization of God's holiness affect Isaiah? Isaiah realized his sin and knew that he didn't deserve to be in the presence of a Holy God. He cried out, "I am undone." He was completely humbled by the experience. Why is Isaiah afraid? Isiah knew that he had sinned and that he had unclean lips. With sin in our lives, we should be afraid of God. His holiness cannot tolerate sin. How does God make Isaiah holy? What is the symbolism of the coal from the altar? The angel touched Isaiah's lips with not just any coal, but a coal from the alter. This fire cleansed and purified him. Now made holy -- dedicated to God -- how does Isaiah respond to God? After he was cleansed, Isiah wanted to give his life for God's work. He said, "Here am I. Send me." When God makes a request of me, I want my answer always to be, "Yes."
The potter can do as he desires with the pottery. He may cut off some excess, or sand some rough edges. He may paint it or write on it. Most likely his signature will be on the pottery. Our maker often desires to makes some changes in us. His changes are all for the better, even though they may hurt a little as He is sanding. What makes it all worthwhile is the beauty of the finished product with HIS signature on our lives. Reva
The clay is without useful form. It is something to be trampled underfoot. The clay requires the potter to make it an object of value. The potter alone molds and shapes the clay into a vessel of value. Then it is displayed as a tribute to the potter (not a tribute to the clay). As sinners with are without eternal value. The Holy Potter gives us our value. We are on display in the world as a tribute to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Reva
Oh, for the faith of a child! David was not much more than a child when he challenged Goliath. 1. David did not believe in his own ability to face the giant. 2. David did not believe in Saul's armour to defeat the giant. 3. David believed in the ability of God to win the battle. David already had a history with God. God had helped his fight off wild animals while David was tending sheep. Each time we witness the power of God our faith increases. David believed in a living, personal God. Reva
I want to preface this with a comment from a Jewish woman I knew. She said that God was the A, the Z, and the M. Not only is He the beginning and the end, but he is also the middle. I would like to add that he is ALL of the letters between A and Z. What does the idea of "first" and "last" tell you about God? Everything on earth has a beginning and an end. In human language and understanding it is difficult to describe an eternal God. To say that God is the beginning is insufficient. There was no beginning of Him. To say that he is the end is insufficient becuase there will be no end. How does Revelation 1:8 relate to God's revelation to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM"? God is and that is sufficient. Reva
I love the word of God. It never changes, but grows in meaning each time it is read. Yahweh revealed himself to Moses in the burning bush. We need not fear that God will change or cease to exist. He assured Moses that He was the only, the eternal, living God. Reva
How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? Through Bible reading I can learn how God wants me to live. However, when I go into spiritual battle I have no power apart from God and His word, the Bible. When it seems like I'm losing the battle I only have to read the end of the book. The outcome of my life is up to Him. The ultimate winning of my battle is my arrival in Heaven to be ever present with the Lord. In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? I cannot be timid, because all the power of Heaven is given to me. I cannot be haughty because none of that power is mine - it is the Lord's. Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles? I cannot assume that the Lord will be on my side. I must be on His side. He will not help me do something that is against his perfect plan for my life. My part is to stay close to Him, read the Bible, and follow. I am just a private in the army of God.
The rod of Moses was like the flag to the troops. It keeps them focused on their purpose and gives them courage to persevere. God used the rod of Moses to perform several miracles and its presence reminded them of the power of God. God is our banner. He keeps us focused through the battles of life and causes us to be determine to be victorious in spiritual warfare. Reva
In the garden, Jesus prayed for God's will to be done. It was not the will of the father for the heavenly hosts to come and rescue Jesus from what was to come. Reva
The servant was afraid because he saw only the army of the enemy. Elisha was not afraid because he saw the armny of God. Reva
Q1. Commander of the Armies of the Lord
Reva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
We get into trouble when we jump into things believing that God is on our side. We should first pray for guidance and follow God's plan for us. If we are following close to God, then He is on our side because we are on His side. -
"King of Glory" A kingdom is not a democracy. The King is the head and the rule maker. We bow to God as the high authority in our lives. "Father of glory" God made the family as an example to us of spiritual life. The father in the home is the provider and protector (like God the Father). The children are under the authority of the father. Glory is praise, honor, or distinction. It includes worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving. It can be something of great beauty and splendor. Glory is a word that we can contemplate and attempt to define, but I don't believe we will have a complete revelation of its fullness until we reach Heaven. Reva
God is above all others. Eternity is difficult for me to wrap my mind around, but God inhabits eternity. He has no beginning and no end. Wow! He is Holy and His name is Holy. He is worthy of our complete devotion. He is perfect in goodness and righteousness. Reva
There is one God who is higher than everything else. He alone is worthy of our worship. There is nothing else to worship. Reva
Abraham and Melchizedek believed that God was the creator of heaven and earth. Reva