Hi - I have read through the posts listed and really like how tom.nabor put it. I concur with his summary. I was disappointed that the postings were not as recent as I thought they would be - or perhaps I'm in the wrong place ?
Jesus wanted to teach the people of the day and all the days to follow that we are not going to achieve true spiritual rewards by doing life how the world does it, all individual opera singers singing Me, Me, Me, Me !
I also think the connection to the fruits of the spirit (other than what tom.nabor wrote) is that they blessings will not be achieved by our own strength but rather than from us laying down our will for that of the Fathers through Christ and the Holy Spirit. The fact that they are paradoxes is to get our minds out of the equation via the non-sensical paradox and allowing it to speak to our spirit man which is how we are connected to Christ. I dont really know the answers to the questions but these are some thoughts.