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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Heislord

  1. Q1a) Why so much opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica? - When the gospel is preached there will always be strong opposition because 1) not everyone believes the gospel of Jesus Christ... 2) the gospel is the truth of Christ and his Lordship. Past/Present & Future leaders will always have strong opposition to the gospel because it opens the believers heart & mind to the truth of a loving, merciful King "Christ" and in turn they will no longer be able to manipulate people to follow their law/ideas/morals. (Q1b) Paul keeps preaching the Gospel bcas of his faith and the power of the holy spirit. He knows that he was truly called by Christ to preach the truth, he is commissioned to be a witness for Christ and I believe that no matter the cost Paul knew there was an eternal reward waiting for him and he wanted others to experience a relationship with Christ just as he had. (Q1c) No a violent response to our ministry should not stop us but instead motivate us to continue ministering.
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