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It is very "bitter" to think of all the things that will happen to humans who refuse to turn towards the Light of God. Sometimes, in our human forms it is so much "easier" to turn towards others and think of their ways as God's ways.....We lose track of GOD and who GOD really is.......That is bitter to me......That one can take the ways of the world and at first they might taste "sweet" in the mouth but by the time one has really consumed them throughout their body, these ways taste "bitter". It is a bitter lesson to learn how much humans who are "in sin" must go through now and during the coming days per these chapters in Revelation. What is sweet to me is knowing that there is "honey in the rock".....REAL honey in the rock......the kind that truly soothes the bitterness that can be found in the world through the sweetness of Christ Jesus. Our loads are heavy but we are told in scripture to take Christ's load on our shoulders for it is easier than the load of sin that we carry on our shoulders. When Christ was crucified there were Roman soldiers who stood around his cross. Is it possible some of them believed even then and turned away from the blackness of sin which would cover the earth? The sign of the dark cloud is gone now but the darkness of sin remains. This sin must be cleansed and removed from our Earth and that brings agony for those who will not turn to Christ so that they can be made new creatures by being washed clean before these events occur. For those who have been an active part of sin and "by their fruits you will know them" and refuse to turn from their sins just like the Soldiers who crucified Jesus and did not repent the cleansing will be horrible indeed. Maybe when Christ "wipes our tears" dry, gone from our spirits will be the "thoughts" of those who did not make it to heaven. I don't know that but I can see how that could be possible. Thanks for asking such "thought provoking" questions.
(Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? There are always great answers here! I know for me personally some of these questions make me "dig a little deeper". I don't want to take someone else's answer as my own without studying to "show myself approved as a workman unto God". First, there is no way this can be the "only" ones redeemed due to the following verses. One thing we learn about God is that God knows who those twelve tribes are in today's time. With the records having been destroyed in fire in Jerusalem, we as a human people have lost valuable records telling us where they went. The tribe of Dan is gone....God knows why....No matter what else we see, we note that God puts his seal on those who belong to him. This is strictly from the Tribe of Israel. Does that mean that only those who are from the Tribe of Israel will be protected? What I do know for sure is that "he who endures to the end will be saved......" to see prove that others will also be saved, one must read further in this chapter, however. So, here I will cease writing on this question.
Q2. (Revelation 6:9-11) What do we learn about the Church from what is revealed in the Fifth Seal? Where are these "souls" at the time of this scene? What does their proximity to the altar signify? Why were they killed? Why do they ask for vengeance? Is that a Christian prayer? What does the white robe represent? What do we learn from their instruction to "wait a little longer"? First, I'm glad there are a lot of good answers here before mine. ".....the souls that had been slain....." I wonder if this really is talking about a physical death or if it's talking about a "death to the world" as we give up our lives to Christ Jesus. One thing we know is we are covered with rightousness and become "new creations" through Christ Jesus. Let's say for those of us who are still in the world......our Spirits cry out in agony, "How much longer Lord until you make things right here?" What prayer could be more just? Vengeance against Evil......sometimes we want to take this vengeance in our own hands but we are to pray and leave it to Christ. We serve to point the way not to try to wipe out all evil from the earth since we as human beings cannot do this. We can be faithful even as far as physical death as so many have done and will continue to do. We grow tired of seeing such things as abortion and so many sins running wildly throughout our world. For sure, there have been many Christian martyrs and there will be more. However, I see this verse not only addressed to them but to ALL flesh that will choose the "death of Christ" and then be clothed "anew". The instruction to "wait a little longer" reminds me that "all things according to their appointed time...." When God says "it is time" then it is time. Can we by our own desire bring someone into this world? Can we even give ourselves the breath we breathe? God is all powerful and knows the time....we must continue on our Journey until we are called home and strive to be a faithful servant.
All one has to do in this world is look around to see evil. The Bible tells us by "their fruit" you will know them. There are those who claim to be good and yet do horrible deeds ie abortion and many other sins that must be horrible for God to see since they are so horrible for Christians to have to see. As in the chapter where the Saints are being tortured, that's happening right now even in America! It's really sad to be part of what was once such a Great Nation. People WILL be brought to their knees......However, before this can happen, the seals must be broken so that action can begin. Christ did not cause anyone harm but rather salvation. He is the ONLY ONE who can open the path to heaven for anyone and is the only one that can open these seals. I think the "just" part comes from destroying EVIL....If one will not even attempt to turn from their "sins" then how can Christ reach out to them? Action will be taken to STOP EVIL that is in the world, finally. How can anything be more just? It's not up to us to even try to understand who will be harmed or how it will happen. The only thing we can do as individuals is turn to Christ Jesus, the one who is worthy. Therein, we can be saved from the sins of this world. All we need do is look around and we will see those sins. Since the time of Adam and Eve, sin has become inherent into our makeup. Only with the love of Christ Jesus can we fully walk in the light and know that we are not part of the evil that is in the world.
Q5. Equal Worship
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
As humans, we have negative "traits" such as Jealousy and Envy......Here, we see the Father and Son fully glorified without need for those types of negative emotions or reactions. They are truly ONE and as true spiritual beings we are part of that oneness. You cannot be jealous in a rational way or have these other negative qualities toward yourself! *smiles* So, what we see is TRUE Spirit and Beauty here......Praise God! -
Q4. Reigning with Christ
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
On Earth we have various denominations of Christanity. There are many Sheep but only one Shepherd now. Someday, we wont need to find many different pastures to graze from for our Spirits but we will be in Heaven and worship in Truth and Love. We will be UNITED as ONE. Even with the many denominations, we are a "Kingdom" because we are Christ's own. We have chosen Christ AND Christ chose us. What a beautiful thought this is to me! When it comes to reigning, we know "Those who are first will be last and those who are last will be first." Every person who follows after Christ reigns as they serve just like Jesus did when he washed his Disciples feet. We must strive to serve not just be served. -
Q3. Worthy Is the Lamb
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
There are many good answers here. I will add just a "few" of my own thoughts here. The Lamb is the ONLY one who is worthy because it is through the lamb alone that the people on Earth can be saved. It is the through Grace of the Cross and the price paid for our lives that we are enabled to go to heaven. There are TWO types of religion in the world essentially. One teaches that a person can "earn" their way to Heaven. The other teaches that only through Grace of Jesus can we go to Heaven. That is what sets Christians apart and that is what sets Jesus apart and on high and worthy of all praise. -
Our Spirits long to be "Home" in Heaven. We grow weary as we continue on what seems this long journey of life. We see so much strive here......We will not see that when we have reached our Spirit's longed for destination. For me, personally, I love the new song that asks "What will I do? Will I sing Allelujah? Will I be able to sing at all?" It is the best thought anyone could have.......where God wipes away all our tears. I think the "elements" of worship here are important to note not only because they are what we will see in Heaven but it helps us "bring Home to our Spirits"......If you will, "a piece of Heaven ie Home in our Spirit....." by the way we worship......One thing I find particularly interesting in the beginning of these verses is the mention of the "Door". Having been a Hospice Nurse, I've so very often heard people talk about the "door".....Then, one person said, "I can't get the door open..." and she was struggling so in her body....Finally, she was taken home. One thing I can not understand are the churches that say instruments are "not to be played". It is so clear in these verses that these instruments are indeed used to worship our Creator and the one who has given us a license to the door of heaven by Grace alone.
Our Spirits long to be "Home" in Heaven. We grow weary as we continue on what seems this long journey of life. We see so much strive here......We will not see that when we have reached our Spirit's longed for destination. For me, personally, I love the new song that asks "What will I do? Will I sing Allelujah? Will I be able to sing at all?" It is the best thought anyone could have.......where God wipes away all our tears. I think the "elements" of worship here are important to note not only because they are what we will see in Heaven but it helps us "bring Home to our Spirits"......If you will, "a piece of Heaven ie Home in our Spirit....." by the way we worship......One thing I find particularly interesting in the beginning of these verses is the mention of the "Door". Having been a Hospice Nurse, I've so very often heard people talk about the "door".....Then, one person said, "I can't get the door open..." and she was struggling so in her body....Finally, she was taken home. One thing I can not understand are the churches that say instruments are "not to be played". It is so clear in these verses that these instruments are indeed used to worship our Creator and the one who has given us a license to the door of heaven by Grace alone.
Our Spirits long to be "Home" in Heaven. We grow weary as we continue on what seems this long journey of life. We see so much strive here......We will not see that when we have reached our Spirit's longed for destination. For me, personally, I love the new song that asks "What will I do? Will I sing Allelujah? Will I be able to sing at all?" It is the best thought anyone could have.......where God wipes away all our tears. I think the "elements" of worship here are important to note not only because they are what we will see in Heaven but it helps us "bring Home to our Spirits"......If you will, "a piece of Heaven ie Home in our Spirit....." by the way we worship......One thing I find particularly interesting in the beginning of these verses is the mention of the "Door". Having been a Hospice Nurse, I've so very often heard people talk about the "door".....Then, one person said, "I can't get the door open..." and she was struggling so in her body....Finally, she was taken home. One thing I can not understand are the churches that say instruments are "not to be played". It is so clear in these verses that these instruments are indeed used to worship our Creator and the one who has given us a license to the door of heaven by Grace alone.
Our Spirits long to be "Home" in Heaven. We grow weary as we continue on what seems this long journey of life. We see so much strive here......We will not see that when we have reached our Spirit's longed for destination. For me, personally, I love the new song that asks "What will I do? Will I sing Allelujah? Will I be able to sing at all?" It is the best thought anyone could have.......where God wipes away all our tears. I think the "elements" of worship here are important to note not only because they are what we will see in Heaven but it helps us "bring Home to our Spirits"......If you will, "a piece of Heaven ie Home in our Spirit....." by the way we worship......One thing I find particularly interesting in the beginning of these verses is the mention of the "Door". Having been a Hospice Nurse, I've so very often heard people talk about the "door".....Then, one person said, "I can't get the door open..." and she was struggling so in her body....Finally, she was taken home. One thing I can not understand are the churches that say instruments are "not to be played". It is so clear in these verses that these instruments are indeed used to worship our Creator and the one who has given us a license to the door of heaven by Grace alone.
Q1. Revelation Hymns
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty is a BEAUTIFUL hymn. We have so many beautiful worship songs that are tied to Revelations. God is good and loves us and provides ways for us to reach his kingdom in ways that not only help us understand his majesty but also help us reach his loving embrace of holiness! -
Q5. Criticism and Praise
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? (Not that I will list all but here is some as a key for myself)--- #1 CHURCH Ephesus Criticism "thou hast left thy first love" Praise: Their deeds; not tolerating wicked people; testing and finding out if individuals who claim to be apostles are genuine and found them false; not tolerating wicked people; persevered and endured hardships for Christ's name and not grown weary. ****************************************************************** #2 CHURCH Smyrna Criticism None Praise: Directions about going to jail and being willing to give their physical life up ********************************* #3 CHURCH Pergamum Criticism Committing sexual immorality and false idols and false teachings Praise: "you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me...." **************************************** #4 Church Thyatira Criticism: "You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols" Praise: "love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first..." **************************** #5 Church Sardis Criticism: "you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God" Praise: "you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. 5 The one who is victoriouswill, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life...." *********************************** #6 Church Philadelphia Criticism: None Praise: "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.........Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth." ***************************************** #7 Church LaodiceaCriticism: "you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." Praise not noted more of counsel: " I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see" *********************************** The final part of this question is: How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? ANSWER: This is explained in the final verses of Chapter 3: "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. 21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” We only need repent and open the door to Christ. It isn't easy to live a Christian life. However, we are promised great rewards for being victorious. What could be greater than setting with Christ. It's wise always to remember, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and always. JESUS is on the THRONE!" No society or church can remove us from this promise if we simply hold fast to this knowledge. We cannot buy into lies or other falsities. It is the Truth we must seek after.......Praise be to GOD! -
Q4. Apathy
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Q4. Why are so many churches a "hotbed of apathy"? How can we combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness in ourselves? I think traditions are fine and some are highly desirable. Seems like most churches think they have to do things the "new fangled way". You know, old fashioned religion was good enough for generations and it's good enough for me, too. I really DO NOT like how so many churches have gone to the overhead for music ALL THE TIME. Our gospels and hymns have a magnificent history and are worthy ways to praise GOD and glorify GOD. There is certainly nothing wrong with using overhead but it doesn't have to be the ONLY thing people do to keep themselves full of Joy and Glory. Being supportive of what exists and being supportive of new changes is essential in a healthy, growing church. I have searched (still am) for a church that uses the old hymns or gospels in their services. They don't seem to be existent they all think they need to change and go with this new form of music which really turns me off sometimes. You see, I have a log in my own eye about this. I need to remove my log........However, I also think there are people out there like me who would like to see some of the traditions stay alive and well. This is motivation for them and thus allows them to be more of a Joyful witness full of beauty and faith.....bubbling over with the GOODNESS of God's LOVE -
Q3. Religious Compromise
rn_flobow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
While we are to LOVE our neighbor which would include Society of people we are NOT to participate in the SINS that our neighbor/society of people is/are committing. Homosexuality is alive as never before. Our churches are filling up with active homosexuals whose sin is horrible to God according to the Bible. We are not to condone such sin and we are to turn away from it. If the people practicing this type of sin do not change we are to do as the Bible says and have no further communication with them. We have done all we could do to help them turn to the Light of God's LOVE which can fulfill all our needs. In today's society, even the churches often would say this type of behavior is acceptable. READ your Bible and you will see the Truths for yourself. We struggle with broken relationships and how to continue life after we have endured these. We struggle with how we help people but we are not overcome with their sins and thus we ourselves are not lured back into the world. Often, if we don't accept certain practices in our modern world we are scorned and not accepted just as the Christians during the time frame Revelations was written. The more we change as a society, the more we often stay the same. The real KEY lies as always in Christ's hand. That is who can really help us change and live as we should. Right now, our society is helter skelter. In the military, for example, homosexuality is now an accepted part. Sin should never be accepted into our society but it's running rampid right now. In order to join the service, you might be forced to bunk with a homosexual. It's really NOT popular to be a Christian in today's society and we are penalized in many ways for being one.