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Everything posted by smurf1948
Q2. Conformed to Jesus' Likeness
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q2. (Romans 8:29) What does it mean to "be conformed to the likeness of his Son"? In practical terms, what does that involve in our lives? Why does Paul support this statement with ideas of our destiny? Why does he support this with ideas of brotherhood with Jesus? I believe it means to have the character and mind set of the Lord. To be transformed into his image. Not to be of the world. It involves being in the word, studying the bible. Being with other Christians, spending time in prayer. Turning from a life as a slave to to sin to being a slave to Christ. Becoming a child of God a brother or sister of Jesus. Because Gods ways and thoughts are not ours he is far above us. He choose us to become righteous like his son. So we can have eternal life with him.That's his ultimate goal for us. -
Q1. The Promise of Romans 8:28
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q1. (Romans 8:28) What is the actual promise contained in verse 28? What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise? How does verse 28 give you hope? God will work all things for our good. Everything that's happens good or bad all our trials and sufferings is at work for our good. The good will be be our Heavenly home. The two are that we love God and are chosen by him. I know that by being called and loving God i will have eternal life through Christ Jesus and that he is in total control no mater what happens. -
Q5. (Romans 8:18-25) In what sense do we expect to experience God's glory when Christ comes? How will the suffering creation experience God's glory? How will our mortal bodies experience God's glory? In what way will our spirits experience God's glory? We expect a new earth where there is peace and we will have the perfect world back like the garden of Eden was. We will have no more tears or death. Pain and suffering will be gone. We will have our new resurrected bodies free from pain and disease like the one Jesus had when he was raised from the dead.
Q4. (Romans 8:24-25) What are the characteristics of a person who has lost hope? How does this person typically conduct his life? How does this differ from a person who holds an eager expectation of a better future? What is the "Christian hope"? How should it motivate us and affect our lives now They live for today and for the treasures of the earth. Their probably not truly happy and have nothing to look forward to other than death. Where a Christian has the promise of Heaven. A better and glorious place. The return of our saviour. We will have peace and joy no more evil or heart ache. The anticipation of living with Christ Jesus and his revealing of all things.
Q3. (Romans 8:26-27) How does the Holy Spirit act as a Helper or Mediator or Intercessor in verses 26-27? What similarities do you see between the Holy Spirit's ministry here with Jesus' teaching of the Spirit's ministry as Counselor/Comforter/Paraclete in John 14:16 and 15:26)? Why do you think we tend to take the Holy Spirit for granted or fail to understand His ministry to and through us? He helps us in our weakness. He knows our needs and relays them to God through prayer which he gives us. Jesus ministry to the apostles is the same way the spirit acts in us now. He helps us in the same way he helped them back then. I think because people can't see or hear the spirit they forget he's there. I hope that's not me because i can feel him convict me when i start to slide. Guiding me in the right direction.
Q2. (Romans 8:17-22) In what ways was suffering Jesus' lot in life? Why do we suffer? Why does all creation seem to be suffering? What will signal the end of that downward cycle of suffering, decay, and death? Is there anything good to look forward to in this present life? He suffered because of our sin. He had to suffer to save us from damnation and to give us eternal life with him. We suffer because Jesus death is in us and so that we may live like him. Suffering is growing pains, these are to help us grow become the children of God. That we may correct or wrongs. It will end when Jesus returns for us then we will be risen to Glory with him and all this mess and suffering will be over.
Q1. In Romans 8:14-21, 28, how many times is the idea of being sons and daughters of God alluded to? What are the promises made to these sons and daughters? What do we learn about our future and our role in the future of all creation? I counted 9 times The promise that we will be heirs and share in his glory. A heavenly home awaits us. We will inherit Heaven and all its glory all things of God will be ours. We will be brothers and sisters of Christ Jesus.
Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance? Through the Holy Spirit we can know we have this very special and close relationship as a father and son. Calling him dad gives us that feeling of a relationship that only a parent and child can have it brings into Gods family makes us his child and heir with Jesus. It is given to us through the Holy Spirit when we acknowledge Christ as our saviour.
Q5. Being Led by the Spirit
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Learning to Walk by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-17)
Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To be through with, put aside,get rid off. You would see a change in attitude and the way we approach the things of life. We would be slaves to Christ wanting to do the things like he does following the Holy Spirit letting him lead us. You would see us living by the fruits of the spirit. Mostly the Spirit guiding us along if we truly surrender our selfs to God. -
Q4. (Romans 8:12) Do we have to sin? Are we compelled to sin? Is it possible to live for two hours of wakefulness without sinning? Four hours? One day? Two days? Where do we Christians get such a defeatist attitude towards sin? From Scripture? No when Jesus died he freed us from sin. Yes it is possible to go that long with sin because the scripture says we don't have to sin anymore we aren't a slave to it because of Jesus. I don't think it from the bible but from the world. We need to be in the word then we would see we don't have to sin.
Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit? No its not possible to be a Christian without the Holy spirit in us. When except Jesus as our personal savior we are filled with the Holy Spirit he lives in us. To be filled with the Holy Spirit we must completely surrender our selfs to the commands of the Spirit.
Q2. (Romans 8:5-6) Exactly what does it mean to set your mind on the things of the Spirit? How do you do this? How can you recognize when the things you're setting your mind on relate to your sinful nature? How much of this is deliberate? How much is habit? What part does the Holy Spirit have it this? Or is this primarily right living by force of will? This means to live by the spirit. You listen to what the spirit says you follow the path of Jesus. It relates to your sinful nature when you do the things of the world. I think a lot of it is deliberate because we want to fit in. The Holy Spirit will convict us when we are going down the wrong path. We must follow his direction and live in the word.
Q1. The Weak Link, the Flesh
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Learning to Walk by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-17)
Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? The law only points out our weaknesses, shows us our flaws it can't save us The weak link is our sin nature. We need the Holy Spirit given to us by God through our belief in Christ Jesus to save us. -
Q4. Promises for the Future
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
Q4. (5:10-11) Which promises in verses 10 and 11 are most meaningful to you at this point in your life? Why? That I have eternal life with God. Knowing when things seem to go wrong God will lift me up and strengthen me.Knowing he will keeping me strong and steadfast is a great relief. Knowing that he has forgiven all my past and future sins and that i am in his hand and he will never let me go. That my salvation is forever and can't be taken from me thats his promise. -
Q3. Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
Q3. (5:8-9) What instructions does Peter give us to guide us in spiritual warfare? Extra credit: How are these instructions similar or different than Paul's instructions in Ephesians 6:10-17? Be alert,stand firm,resit and keep our faith in Jesus. Paul says take uo the armor of God which is righteousness,preparation of the gospel of peace and the spirit of God. One says stand firm the other says take up the armor of God. They have both diff. and similarities. Both require Faith. -
Q2. Your Enemy the Devil
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
Q2. (5:8) What is it important to be aware of Satan's existence? What does this verse teach us about the devil? Why is this teaching important? Because he is the enemy prowling around looking to devour us. He is very dangerous. He will try to keep us from our walk with Jesus. It is very important we understand all about the devil so we can keep our guard up. We need to beaware that he is on the prowl. -
Q1. Dealing with Your Fears
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
Q1. (5:7) According to this verse what should you do with your fears? What reason is given why you should do this? In what manner should you do it. How will you apply this verse's instruction in your own life? Cast them on the Lord. Because he cares about us. He will see us through them. We should do it through prayer. I will trust in God's care. I will bring everything to God. -
Q5. (Romans 7:14-25) Christians disagree about who is the "I" in Romans 7. Is Paul referring to himself or others? What is your opinion? (We won't all agree here, but we'll learn what the issues are by taking and arguing for a position -- lovingly). I believe he is talking about himself before he was saved, as well as all of us. We are all want to do right but can't on our own. We need the salvation of Jesus and the Holy Sirit working in us.
Q4. Total Depravity
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Struggling with Sin in Our Own Strength (Romans 7:1-25)
Q4. (Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 15:18-20; Romans 7:24) What is the doctrine of "total depravity"? Put it in your own words. Does it mean that none of God's original goodness shows through? Then what does it mean? Why does modern man tend to believe that man is basically good? How does this differ from what the Bible teaches? That all men are not basically good . All things from the mouth are from the heart which bring forth are murderous, adulteress, unclean. None of his original goodness shows because our sin is to bad. Modern man hates to admit how bad we really are. How sinful we became. The bible teaches that even the good in us can't be trusted. The heart is full of deceit. -
Q4. Humility in Leadership
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Q4. (5:5-6) What acts of humility are appropriate for church leaders? How can we discern a person's humility before putting him or her in a place of leadership in the church? What happens when we fail to do this? Being humble in all things. Giving all the the glory to God. He must must not be prideful. He must have a humble attitude. Be an example and care for the flock be there to take care of their needs. Be like Jesus when he humbled himself to wash the disciples feet. -
Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law shows us what is sin. It defines sin for us. So we know what we what is right and wrong in God's eyes. Thats all sin can do it is powerless to keep us from sin anymore than man's laws can keep us from breaking them. Jesus died to defeat sin in our lives through the holy Spirit we can defeat sin in our lives the best that humans can.
Q3. Preventing Power-Mongering
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Q3. (5:3) How can we best keep elders and pastors from being power-mongers? From limiting a pastor's authority? What's the danger here? From testing a person before bestowing authority? How can this be difficult? How can we deal with this serious problem properly? We must find humble servants that want to serve the church and God. Our pastor knows what is going on in our church is from God not because of himself. He always gives the glory to God. This the kind of leaders we need in churches. They need to derve the body not looking for the body to serve them. -
Q2. Careful Recruiting
smurf1948 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Q2. (5:2) What's wrong with the common practice in churches of "twisting a person's arm" to get him or her to serve as a church leader. What damage does this do to the church? What kind of leader does it produce? God says that we must be willing,wanting to serve. If one is forced into service his heart won't be in it. He won't do a good job he won't really care about whats happening in the church he'll just do what little he needs to to get by. You need a person who is willing,enthusiastic. One who wants to be there and do the best job he can to make the church grow and spread the Gospel. When these are done in away not honoring God this could bring the demise of the church. -
Q2. (Romans 7:7-8) The law reveals sin for what it is. Why wouldn't we be better off just not knowing that we should not covet, for example? Why does the flesh respond to being told "Do not covet" by coveting all the more? If the laws were not revealed to us we wouldn't know what we were doing was sin. We might just think of it as a character flaw or something. By knowing and having the Holy Spirit we can avoid those things that are sin. Our sinful nature along with the devil wants what we can't have therefore we go towards the sinful stuff. With the Holy spirit we don't have gravitate toward sin anymore.