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Everything posted by Precious
They are generosity of spirit, heart and hand. If you don't love you cannot praise God or give to people or His work. When one is miserly and stingy it is a bad reflection on even one's salvation, the Lord will make me a big giver and a regular sower in Jesus' name, amen. It will definitely get in the way of worship 'cos when good things are happening to big givers and regular sowers and nothing is forth coming to that person then one would thing that God is partial and it can make that person to backslide. All things belong to God. He created all for His pleasure even our children, us all. We are just the custordian for now we are care taker of whatever we have in our possession, praise God. We should not close our fist to whatever we have. We should be ready to give regularly. We should lay up treasures for ourself in heaven.
He is the King of Glory, my glory,I glorify you God, I honour you God, I give you devout praise, You are mighty, You are the God of might, you are Jehovah Nissi, the Mighty warrior. You are Great Lord, You are the Great God, You are the Powerful God. With Your Mighty hand and Greatness You created the world. You are my maker, You are the Builder, You are the Potter. You are jehovah El-Shaddai. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Great is the Lord and is greatly to be praised. There is another one in my language (yoruba, Nigeria). I will try and interprete... It goes '' Alagbara l'Olorun wa Jehovah Messiah Jesu o e se o Baba o e se o. Alagbara l'Olorun wa Olorun ayeraye a soro maye l'Olorun wa awi matase mo gbe o ga. Jesu o e se o, Baba o e se o. Interpretation>>>Our God is a powerful God, He says it and does it, I exalt you God etc
When I praise Him it reflect Him as the most High, He is the head the chief, He is above very high. He is the saviour, the Rock, above the heaven, He is Glorified, above all gods. Who else do I lift high if not my God, He is to be exalted. When i exalt Him, His glory comes down and mountains are moved, victory is asured, success is allowed, strenght is supplied all work together for good on my behalf. It shows i am obedient and that I am still part of the family of God I recognise Him as my loving father.
God does not eat our food or food, blessing Him is food to our God, if we do not praise God, we are starving God. God desire our praises. Other creatures of God bless Him in their unique ways, so His own image must bless Him. He desires us to bless Him 'cos we are the image of God. I have made a lot of blunders that I called prayers, most times I just ask, God I am so sorry. This prayer course is teaching me that whatever I have to praise and bless God, I don't even have to ask 'cos as I am praising Him other things are happening to my benefit.
It meas to truely confess and forsake our sins and continue to live a holy life. This is a sacrifice remember it cost Jesus His life. He died for our sins on the cross of calvary. It is essential 'cos if it is not there the gap caused by the sins is not bridged. It is a lie from the enemy that salvation is not necessary beacause the devil knows that it is him that needed to be resisted so he is doing everything possible to confuse the elects. But God will help us to see that our inners eyes are opened to see the truth amen.
Q3. A Pure Heart
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51)
Yes I think ..... but for me well it will get to people's head and the world would think the person is really crazy, mad, honest the world would think the person is sick. i mean absolute pure heart here God has given us pure heart if you are born again and you are santified and you are living a holy life -
David didnot minimize or maximize his sins, he truthfully and sincerely admitted his faults. He was genuine that is what count. Understanding of God is really necessary here, even if David tried to hide he knows God had figured out what he did and got his punishment but for God to be merciful in delivering the judgement he must be sincere in and out with God. You need to be clear with God if you want His mercy in His judgement. I cannot hide behind a needle, we know God so it is better I acknowledge my fault so that I can receive mercy while serving the punishment. This is known as punishment with love. God punishes His own with love, this will help one to understand and at the sametime change from the evil ways.
A prayer of pardon requires faith. If you do not have faith how would you believe God has pardon you. Remember without faith you cannot please God. If you do not have faith you are taking God to be a liar. And God cannot lie. If you do not have faith you will think God has not pardon you and you will still be behaving as a slave not a son or a child. The faith is based on sonship. It is based on trust. You need to trust your father God, He is a faithful father if He says He has pardon you believe He has done so otherwise Jesus death would be meaningless. This is by loving God, If you love God, you will be bold enough to ask Him for pardon when you go wrong 'cos you cannot sin intentionally. You will be careful not to hurt the God you love.
Q4. Persistence
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
The bible says we should pray until our joy is full. Pray until we receive the answers. This is different from vague repetition. It is vague repition the is not necessary but praying through is essential. We need to press forward. God has answered a lot of my prayers and there is this particular one that I am still praying through and I am sure the answer is coming, it is the salvation of my husband. God is a prayer answering God. I will keep on, I will persist untill I receive my answer on this issue. God healed my son, healed my marriage, healed my home just to mention a few. People of God can also join me in praying for the salvation of my husband. He goes to church when he has the chance but he is not born again. Experiencing praying through is like you receive an invitation to dine with the founder or GO of a living church or it is like God is talking into your ears. What I can call I have arrived. It is difficult to explain, I remember when I applied for a visa to visit a family member in London, before you do that you would have prayed and fasted by the way I am a Nigerian you can imagine how difficult that can be and if the application is now granted it a prayinh through experience. Shalom. -
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
I think Abrahams boldness pleased God. We should remember this was the plan from the beginning with Adam and Eve. God was looking for a friend who could trust Him and discuss with. God would go to Adam in the cool of the day to fellowship with before they flunk the plan. So when Abraham now started the negotiation I think God was pleased and He was reminded of the first love He had for man. If I am faithful and obedient I think my prayers can be a sweet smell to God. If I make myself available to be used by God, God is ready to use us. -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abraham reverences God in his heart and God knows this. Abraham is righteous and he loves God. If you love even someone who is your boss you would not want to do a thing to wreck their administration. You don't want to ask for a thing that you know would let the person down you can now imagine God's situation as revelled to Abraham. Abraham knows his place, this is a very good example to us born again christians we should not take pple for a ride. Our pastors, elders and fellow xtians must not be taken for a ride. We should not chance pple. We should deal with pple with respect. Our God is awesome and He is humble and good but we must deal with God with all respect. He can do all things. He is fearful in praises. -
Q1. Contending for Righteousness
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
This is an evident that God is so humble. Can I just imagine the general overseer of my church visiting me talkless of God. I will make proper use of that opportunity. It is also a reflection of the greatness of God that He can do all things, He can handle any situation. I think it is Emanuel trait of God. God with us. It is an eye opener for me as a child of God that whenever I am in the presence of God, I should boldly attain the throne of God boldly but with humility. God help me. One has to be righteous before one can do what Abraham did. The basis of his argument is that God is just. He is the judge of all the earth, He is righteous and He is a holy God. -
Q4. Changing God's Mind
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
My God is all doing, so powerful and He is sensitive when it come to His faithful children so we just need to do our own part we should not be afraid to pray. God can do all, even if it means physically moving a mountain for my betterment i am not afraid. I know His thought towards me is the best. His will for me is the best. God help me to be faithful to you. I am not worried about Him changing His will all I know is that His thought and will towards His children will always be the best. -
Q3. Prayer and Determinism
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
It will make us lazy. One will just be like Jonah. It will also make one disobedient. The bible says pray without season, if we have wrong understanding of determinism and predestination we won't have prayer points, nothing to pray about. It is like asking God to do it all at least He knows what to do, so no need to pray. It will be called disbelieve I think and if you don't believe the person is dead there is nothing to live for no hope emptiness -
Q2. Praying Boldly
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Appeal to God's name and His reputation. God honours His name. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The name of Jesus conquered Satan. God's name is above every other names that is what the bible says. I also emulate God's reputation, He is all ...... The greatest, biggest, most excellency, most wonderful, most merciful, most gracious, richest, wealthiest, the best in everything He does for His own. I also love the fact that when we become born again we are His children, it is appealing to know that we are His own people of this generation. I also emulate that fact. His promises to the patriarchs also matter we can remind God of His faithful friends... The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc even His character of mercy and precedent. God you have done it for this and this so mine will not be difficult for God to do amen. Moses offered this bold appeal because of his understanding and closeness to God. If we endeavor to understand and love God, it will be possible to walk with Him like Adam and Eve before they fell. God I want to be able to walk with you, help me to experience your Being in every area of my life. Praying with promises of God means reminding God about convenant He made with Abraham, because we are born again we are part of the convenant. Knowing the bible plays a great role in prayer. If you know the bible you know the attributes of God and you can pray with those attributes. The bible says people perish if they lack of knowledge. It helps us to know our daddy more -
Q1. Rebellion
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
The children of Israel pressurized Aron to make a fake god for them to represent the Almighty God. They are impatient with God. They were in bondage for over 400years and now that they are free they are in a hurry to do what? I wonder. This is a lesson for us his children, God's time is the best. wait for the tablet of your commandment to arrive, don't make any fake slate or ask anybody to make a representation anything that God has in stalk for you. His own choice is always the best and would be for His own. -
This is a very serious one. We need to forgive 70*7 times a day, but we still hold on to some people for one thing. We say we cannot forgive them, they have hurt us. God I am asking you to give me forgiving spirit. What am I holding so much, if I remember that Christ laid His life for me it will not be difficult to forgive people who wronged me. I still wrong people I am not a saint. I need to constantly remember that if I don't forgive God can do the same. I think it is pride that make people not to forgive. We should constantly ask God to remove pride from our life. The way the spirit of pride crept into our life is very suptle, unnoticed until it starts to live in us. The Lord will forgive us. If we do not forgive we are disobeying God. He said forgive those who offend you. If we are disobedient then we are commiting sins just the same as stealing etc. It is the same gravity and it can lead one to hell, not reigning with Jesus. People also think that unforgiving is not a serious sin so they tend to take it lite. it is a thing of the mind, people don't see you. This is why it is more dangerous, it is more of the spirit. We should be careful, God will give us the grace to forgive so that we don't become loosers.
We seek to be independent 'cos of ignorance. The bible says God's people perish 'cos of ignorace. If you are ignorant you will think you have arrived or achieved by your own doings. Who made you to remain alive talkless of becoming rich or even whatever you are? It is God who is our maker. If people have real understanding of God then we will know that we can do all things only through Christ who strengthens us. I will hold my peace and ask God for my daily bread everyday we should ask for re-load of our daily supplies. It is peaceful to do this everyday. He is our faithful father, He wants us to depend on Him and He is dependable. I think it is not difficult for us in Africa to depend on God for daily supplies or what do people think.
Q2. Kingdom and Will
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
This prayer will only affect our living if we are obedient. If we refuse to be teachable then God's kingdom cannot be experienced in our life. If we obey i.e absolute obedience it will not be difficult to do our father's will. If God's will is obeyed by all the world would be a better place to live. It will be peaceful. Our own little effort can help, we should do whatever is within our power to obey God's command even in witnessing. If many people are born again it will be possible for God's kingdom to be on earth. We should all do our little part -
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Precious replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
The name of Jesus is the name that conquer satan. In my culture when you mention a name, you expect that name to save you. Whatever name you believe in, you expect that name to save you in times of trouble. In serious situations i mention the name of Jesus because I need help. In my daily conversations I mention the name of Jesus. I dont know, but i don't think I am belittling my Lord's name by calling it. For example If I miss my steps and I am falling down which would have been so disastrous I would just say Jesus and you see I am on my feet amen. If I bang the car door on my fingers, I will just scream Jesus and believe me the painful effect is neutralized by that great name. Like I said in my culture you mention dependable names as things happen to you so instead of saying my mother's head or whatever and nothing would happen why not say Jesus and my mountain moves, amen.