Thats is why we were created to hallow the name of the Lord; our lifestlye, the way we live must reflect hallowing the name of the lord, for eaxample, if we are called by the name of the lord we can't be loving the things of the world, we can't be swearing, or hourbouring unforgiveness and these things in our hearts; Our temple, our bodies must be a place where the holy God can dwell; we must be holy as He is holy, what comes out of our mouth will defile us therefore, we must revence God by speaking things that are spiritual, word that are of God, living the bible and bringing its teachins to life by declaring it into the atmosphere, letting God know that he is in control, he is lord, he is holy and his name must be praise. There is no other name higher than the name of the Lord and when we declare that in the atmosphere, thats worshiping the lord and hallowing him.
What desecates or besmirches it is when we call His Holy nmae in vain and when we are disobediant in not giving Him the praise that is due to his Holy name.
We should hallow the name of the father when we pray by first acknowledging Him for who he is;