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Everything posted by studybug52

  1. Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to "receive" Jesus? What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not. to receive Jesus is to grasp in our minds and being who JESUS is and recognize Jesus's Authority over us. To believe in Jesus is to believe he is true and worthy of our trust and entrust ourselves to Him. We all are Jesus's children of God in that we were created by Jesus. But we must wrap ourselves in Him and become spiritual children of His. Go thru a spiritual rebirth.
  2. Q2. (John 1:7-8) What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light? In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light? How are you doing in this regard? What happened to John the Baptist? What might happen to you if you testify clearly? What might happen to the people to whom you testify ? when it says John was sent to testify of the light , it means that John was ahead to teach the people living at that time who Jesus was. That Jesus was sent to destroy the darkness satan had dispersed on the earth which was sin in the people and the world. Jesus would be the one God sent to show people how to repent and turn from sin and choose to live lives that led others to want to follow Jesus's teachings. I understand what must be done to show His light to others, yet do not do it consistently. I am a weak & inconsistent witness. John the baptist was killed / beheaded for witnessing plainly. Depending on where you live in the world today we may have consequences from witnessing openly and plainly . these may range from verbal repremands to death in some countries.
  3. Q2. (John 1:7-8) What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light? In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light? How are you doing in this regard? What happened to John the Baptist? What might happen to you if you testify clearly? What might happen to the people to whom you testify? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/topic/1388-q2-testifying-to-the-light/. I John was sent to testify of Jesus,and Jesus is the light. the purpose we were put here was to comprehend or get to know Jesus as the light and to overcome the darkness,so making us lights to draw other people to Jesus the light.I comprehend the concept , yet am not often enough aware to be the light in a situation and fail to be that light in a dark situation.e John the Baptist was killed by being beheaded for standing up and the king and his wife their marriage was sinful.
  4. In John 20:31 it says " "These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life . The bible says it is and so I believe the scriptures and I believe Jesus is fully God ! Just like how I would tell someone who I am,Jesus tells us who He is.The bible says that Jesus is the word. created what He spoke became or began to exist once he spoke it into being. This says that His ministry was to make people aware that He was fully God and fully man. A loving God with forgiveness, He was to bring men to an awareness that they were flawed sinners and also healed some physically.
  5. I feel from what has been presented that there was very strong opposition of Paul's ministry in Thess.due to the fact that there were financial losses in the money made or given to temple. Theywere loseing members and Paul was gaining crowds in his congregation. Also with Paul proclaiming Jesus as another king those Jews opposed to Paul and his teachings found ways to incite against Paul in what they claim is protecting the King( earthly ) one. It affords them a way to agitate and drive them away and build up the temple membership and gain. Paul knows in his heart that Jesus is the tru)e king ( heavenly ) and knows he is preaching a message that will be unpopulaur but knows that he is willing to die for Jesus and to get the message of salvation thru Jesus out to the multitudes... No contravercy should not stop us from continuing on in our ministry. Satan wants the message Jesus has for the world to be stopped. So even thru hard opposition we must suffer to get the Good news message of Salvation to as many as will hear and believe.
  6. The virgin conception teaches us us that Jesus's nature is divine. the divine wrapped up in a shell of humanity. He was human in form but inside He was of the spiritual divine nature. This is central to the christian message because of His divine nature he had theperfection inside to be the perfect sacrifical victim God could use to die and be the sacrifice to free men from the original sin of adam.
  7. The angel Gabriel told Mary that her son would be in a high position, called son of the most High, Given the name Jesus He would be held as superior and closely related to God and the kingdom he would rule would be unending /last forever.
  8. Due to his attitude that miracles just don't happen and wanting God to prove what was said zachariah's reply was of un belief . Where as Mary replied out of faith she asked questions of God but they were out of how this could happen but did not ask for proof just said yes accepting God would do as he said and take her thru the suffering of scorn of what people would think.
  9. The angel Gabriel said to Mary that her child would be named Jesus. He would be Son of God / using title son of the most High. He would be given the throne of David His relative . He would have a high position and be superior . Hse would be closely associated to God. Given a kingdom that he would reign over forever.
  10. The angel Gabriel said to Mary that her child would be named Jesus. He would be Son of God / using title son of the most High. He would be given the throne of David His relative . He would have a high position and be superior . Hse would be closely associated to God. Given a kingdom that he would reign over forever.
  11. The angel Gabriel said to Mary that her child would be named Jesus. He would be Son of God / using title son of the most High. He would be given the throne of David His relative . He would have a high position and be superior . Hse would be closely associated to God. Given a kingdom that he would reign over forever.
  12. The angel Gabriel said to Mary that her child would be named Jesus. He would be Son of God / using title son of the most High. He would be given the throne of David His relative . He would have a high position and be superior . Hse would be closely associated to God. Given a kingdom that he would reign over forever.
  13. The angel Gabriel said to Mary that her child would be named Jesus. He would be Son of God / using title son of the most High. He would be given the throne of David His relative . He would have a high position and be superior . Hse would be closely associated to God. Given a kingdom that he would reign over forever.
  14. The angel Gabriel said to Mary that her child would be named Jesus. He would be Son of God / using title son of the most High. He would be given the throne of David His relative . He would have a high position and be superior . Hse would be closely associated to God. Given a kingdom that he would reign over forever.
  15. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can
  16. Q4. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the
  17. Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth? The factors that make a disciple especially good soil would be the factors of the Holys Spirits Gifts to us if we have caught hold of our salvation and keep in the word and in fellowship God allots gifts or a gift to each and evry christian. We have our mail gift and some that because God trusts us with gifts when we use them right he adds some gifts in smaller areas if we get 30 , 60 , or 100 fold return from our gifts depends on how hard we work with them to grow fruit from our gifts the fruit may be a ministry that is groth ie church or mission organization effort, it may be many people saved and living for Jesus . it may be a few seeds planted in peoples lives that later they will grow fruit from. It may be encouragement to the people at work and in our social network. It may be counseling teenagers in need of guidance and help and many of them going the right way in life. It may be kindness to elderly in a nsg. home ministry etc whatever gifts you have used rightly will produce fruit how much depends on how much effort you put forth to produce effective fruit.
  18. Q2. (Matthew 13:22; Luke 8:14) Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions do you think is the most dangerous: Riches, worries/cares, or pleasures? Why do you think so? I feel the most dangerous is worries and cares because I find that alot of people live in worry and care and don't even know that worry can get sinfull. You may worrie over a matter for a short time or worry ablut doing well of a test etc but when worrie becomes your every minute of the day persona. it is sinfull as Jesus says do not worry pray and trust Gomd. I know a few people in my life that worry about every little event in a day or week. and it gets them sometimes to the point they cannot think for themselves. On elderly lady called my friend every day with questions of what will I do about this, or that and it was not long before worry drove her to sickness and nursing home placement. She had stopped praying and asking God to give her wisdome of choice and doing what she knew was ok and then making mistakes once in a while but it is one of life's to choose our responses to life each day. We can seek counsel on hard decisions from other christians out pastor etc but not bother people for every choice we make. God and Holy Spirit are there for wisdome . also.
  19. Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus
  20. Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? Repentence , is the central point to the Kingdom of God because God asks us to repent and admit we are sinners and to accept salvation we need to admit that we are sinners and change another term for repentance change for the good. baptism is importand for the convert because once they have repented they need cleansing and Water baptism is a symbol to them of what the Holy spirit does to their spirit man inside their soul. No Christ is light and unrepentance is darkness and light and darkness can never exist together peacefully. God , Holyspirit kow of darkness in a soul they have cleansed they can make that person miserable and sad and not peacefull till they repent , change and cleanse the darkness out.
  21. Q2. (Matthew 3:5-10; Luke 7:30) How would Johns baptism have offended a Jews national pride? Who welcomed Johns baptism? Who resisted it? Why? The Jews put their pride in the fact that they were decended from Abraham. they felt they were righteous because of this relationship with Abraham. In their minds and hearts they were full of pride . and they felt Abrahams faith benefited them. But true repentance is in your mind and hearts in other words it is inside their inner man.John was not looking for the repentant words but the fruit and acts they wrer showing to others and family etc that showed they had changed.
  22. Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart? When people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their sins, In my opinion they do not understand that salvation, the key to becomeing saved is repentance and that we need to repent to adit and own our sin before we can accept the free forgiveness offered us by Jesus earned by his death and reserrection. I believe without repentance , even if they know and admit their sin but refuse to repent of it and confess it to God or just do not realize the reason of repentance are just pawns sitting there in the midst of a group of people crippled by the lack of knowledge or their refusal to repent. They are not saved till they truely repent in their heart. As for why people might avoid repentance, the reasons are either lack of understanding of the seriousness of sin, or the avoidance of repentance due to pride, or the avoidance of the pain we experience in telling people that we were wrong or hurtfull to them or denial or refusal to want to deal with a reality in their life they may be hiding even from their own mind. Lately because there are so many churches that preach a social feel good Gospel and avoid any language of the message that sin is real heaven and hell are real and satan and evil are real and men are sinfull . So I would estimate approx 75% are unrepentent and unprepared in heart.
  23. Q4. (Colossians 2:2-3) In what sense are
  24. Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul
  25. Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was,
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