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About waynus

  • Birthday 12/07/1973

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  1. We are asking for his glory and power to be made visible in us and through us and for the saints around the world. Secondly in asking for Gods will to be done on earth is to acknowledge the fulfillment of the prophecies spoken of Jesus return and the power delegated to him to rule on earth. To confirm this is also recognition that this part of the prayer is not about us but about God and what He wants firstly for us to do on earth and how we are to conduct ourselves on a daily basis that brings His kingdom here on earth. For this prayer to affect our living is to place Gods will before our own and in so doing the verse of ' seek ye first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness' will take more of a centre stage in our lives day to day.
  2. One example is by not using the name of God in vain, it is by recognising the power of the name and its attributes. Also by not misleading people that Gods name is associated with evil deeds; for example slavery in history teaches that some countries desecrated other countries through perverse human acts and claimed its actions to Gods name and work. To hallow our Father is to meditate upon the goodness of our Fathers name and attributes whether in our lives or others. For such adoration brings forth a heart of praise with gratitude for what God has done in our past, present and future. We could see this from another perspective that we as God's children have been given the privillege and honor to have access to Him through Christ in prayer. This continues to be a heart of gratitude that comes from recognosing the truth of his word.
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