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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Reconciliation means "The exchange of hostility to a friendly relationship".It is necessary for us to be reconciled to God because now there is free access to Gods awesome presence and now there is peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Christ died for us at our worst,he died for the ungodly and sinners so that now,we will not think that we can never deserve Gods blessings and Glory for our sins,no matter how bad we think they are,and satan will not fool us into thinking we are too bad to even ask Jesus for forgiveness
  3. Because we know that suffering produces perseverance,character and hope Perseverance----Gives us the capacity to hold out in the face of difficulty Character--------Helps us to stand up to a test Hope-------------Enables us to know why we are,who we are,and where we are going.
  4. Abraham was accounted righteous because of his faith,we have been justified through faith.To be justified means to be "not guilty",to be declared righteous before God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
  5. Hey Aussie girl,this is also my first time in a forum so i'm just as clueless as you are,LOL,but i'm sure we will learn as we go along.I hope you enjoy the course and find it beneficial.God Bless
  6. Hello Friends My name is Brad and i live just outside Durban which is on the east coast of South Africa.I'm looking forward to this Bible study of Romans 5-8 and i pray that God will help me understand and benefit from Pauls writing and apply it to my life.I also pray that all you other people will also enjoy and gain from this study and also pray for thanks for the wonderful opportunity Dr.Wilson is providing for us,may God Bless him.
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