Hello everyone,
My name is Elaine. I live in the USA in California. I actually came across this ministry while looking for more in depth information while doing a personal study of my own in the first four chapters of Romans. It is a very deep book, with a lot to glean, so I was praying for God to help me really learn as I studied. I forgot what I was looking for, but I came across this ministry site and saw the upcoming study of Romans 5-8 and thought: "Hey that would be a really good way to study this book", and the most, I won't use the word coincidence, so I will say divinely led part about it is that I was in chapter 4 when I came across this site! So, now I am going to go through this study in 5-8 with all of you. Isn't that exciting!! I am not new to forums, but am certainly new to bible study forums. I thank the Lord that he is a rewarder to those who earnestly seek him. I am a part of this study because I want to know with full understanding the power of our ressurected Christ. I have prayed that his power would be manifested in every area of my life and that as a result that I would know and accomplish his plan and purpose for my life. So, I look forward to experiencing a new, and fresh revealation from the Holy Spirt as we study the chapters together. God bless and keep you all.