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Everything posted by Shanthy

  1. Our Lives and words should "hallows" the name of our Father. How can we do this really? Hallow means "sanctify" We should put God's concern before our own. God's will and desires are to be given importance over our own will and desires. The ultimate purpose and goal of our life is to Glorify GOD, our LORD. Certain deeds of our lives often desecrates and besmirch God's glory. How? We put our desires in the first place and pollute ourselves by craving for this worldly lusts. We often glorify ourselves rather than the LORD. As said in Jeremiah, Accursed is he who put his hope in Man. But this is what we often do. Trusting people rather than the creator. Strength, money, power, beauty and people may cause us to stumble. So, let's not give up hope. Let's continue to pray to GOD as we begin our day Our Father who art in heaven "Hallowed be they name" God's name is already hallowed. We should only have to adore HIM and acknowledge HIM as we pray like this as our deeds and lives should bring honour to the LORD, our Father who is the creator of all things. As we pray like this, we are pleading to GOD to help us, HIS children to live a wortby life so that it will bring honour to the Father - who art in heaven. LORD, help me and all Christians to live a worthy life to walk blameless before you. Amen
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