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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Sandym

  1. Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? Most if not all have been covered by now. One that comes to mind just now is the pickett lines where someone says we should strike and others follow. In what ways are members of the group tied to this person? In the instance of the pickett line they are told what to write on their banners, told what to chant etc etc.
  2. Reconciliation means to be on the same side when you previously have been on oposing sides. So it is important to be on the same side as God so we live by his ways not ours. Jesus showed us by his life how to live. We are to live as him now so we can give him the glory. Jesus helps us to be more like him day by day.
  3. Because this means however bad people are Jesus can still save them from the devils lies and distruction. The devil says you are not worthy. Jesus says all are worthy especially you. He loves all of us no matter how much we have messed up. He wants to take care of us. He is the ultimate parent! He loves us so much. All of us! He knows each of us by name and knows every hair on our head! How amazing is that!
  4. Because without our sufferings we can't relate to the world. God is preparing us to be able to preach to all a bit at a time. Through the understanding of other peoples problems because we have truly been there, we are able to stand beside them and say "i understand what you are going through". God brings us through the trials and sufferings. If you have been a single parent you can relate to another single parent. If you have been through divorce you can relate to another divorcee If you have an illness you can relate to others with that illness. Whether or not the trials of life have been resolved you can relate to others. You can be a bridge in the gap where they can only see no hope. No future. You because of having faith in Jesus know that there is a future, there is hope.
  5. My understanding of the question is that through beliving that Jesus died for our sins and wants to have a relationship with us. We have been given the permission to be able to have that relationship with him. No more holding back from him. Being totally honest and true to him.
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