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  1. Reconciliation means "to reestablish a close relationship between" (American Heritage Dictionary). God created us for close relationship with Him and we ruined it with sin. Jesus death and resurrection has reconciled us with God and brought us back into close relationship with Him. Presently Jesus gives me power over sin - it has no power over me, I can say "no" to it because Jesus has delivered me from sins bondage and dominion. This is in the present because sin dogs my steps while I am in this flesh. But since I died with Christ, I have His resurrection power over sin.
  2. The fact that Christ died for the ungodly and the sinner underscores the fact that I can do nothing to attain heaven, nothing to attain holiness, and nothing to enter into the presence of a Holy Soverign God. All of these are given to me as a precious and priceless gift. Also, sin is made equal in that all sin deserves death, there is not one of us whose sin is counted as less than another's. Sin is sin and a sinner is a sinner who needs Jesus Christ.
  3. We should rejoice in our sufferings and trials because they make us real in our relationship with Jesus. Makes me think of going through difficulties with a friend; we emerged on the other side as even dearer friends, having a deeper love and greater respect for one another. Persevering through trials and afflictions serves to purify our souls, creating a true character that can be trusted and is ready for the future. James 1:12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (NIV) Luke 21:19 By your endurance you will gain your lives. (NIV) By your steadfastness and patient endurance you shall win the true life of your souls. (Amplified)
  4. Faith and Justification are directly related, they go hand in hand, there is no justification without faith. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen; that is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses (Amplified). So the direct result of confidence in God is justification or given a place of that I don't deserve in standing before a Holy God. And this is given through Jesus Christ who has clothed me in His righteousness. Wow, thank you Lord!
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