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  1. For me knowing that my trials are not random or arbitrary but a tool to strengthen me and continuously prepare me for the work that God has called me to do helps me to endure and persevere. Knowing that regardless of what is said or done to me my experiences are mine and the fact that God has delivered me through them all is fact. If He was able to bring me through yesterday, I must know that He will do the same today because He is not fickle and He is not a liar. Some days hope is "all we have" and many days it may be hard to remember that that is more than enough!
  2. Abraham's belief in the promises of God, regardless of what he saw or lived or experienced is what made him righteous in the eyes of God. What an incredibly powerful verse this is for me. "Against all hope Abraham yet believed" and because of this he was counted as righteous. This is the level of faith I seek after. This is the level of faith I believe is needed to truly live a Christ centered life; to believe despite what you "know", as I remember hearing Juanita Bynum say that "faith is believing when common sense is telling you otherwise" and I have never forgotten those words.
  3. Hello all, I am very excited to have found this study and look forward to learning and studying with you all. I am in the US in New England. God bless!
  4. Hello! I am very excited about joining this study and look forward to searching and studying the word with you. I am 38 and live in the US. God bless!
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