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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by EarthMomma

  1. Some of the things that seem to have brought our small group closer in Christ as we become closer as Christians are: Bible study that is demanding; Prayers that are real, risky, and Word driven; Non-judgmental, non-critical attitudes toward the members as they reveal their situations; Regularity in coming together in person and by phone and email for assurances of prayer and praise reports. I'm not saying we're there yet, but we're in a much closer situation that I could have ever imagined, and seeing God working with us has been delightful, making the demanding commitment well worth it.
  2. I'm blessed to pray for your focus and spirit-led inspiration as you work on your book and this study! God bless you!
  3. Hi! I'm from Panama City Beach, Florida, and this will be my first Bible study from this site. I've been studying Romans for quite some time, and can't wait to get started on The Christ Powered Life. I'm so excited to see all the other studies available here. I love it when those who love the Lord get together and build each other up! (Mal 3:16)
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