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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Kelli WF

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Everything posted by Kelli WF

  1. If we do not accept Christ as our "head" and "representative" his death is not effective for us. By accepting that Christ died for me and acknowledging him as the head of the body I have become part of I am making the choice to follow his lead. In a body, the HEAD directs the rest of the body, all actions originate in the Head or brain. Placing Christ in this role helps me to understand that God's plan is the one I should be following. Adam was not only the original man, but represents Mankind in the death that we all lived in while separated from God because of our sins (before accepting Christ). God's cycle went from 1 man in a relationship with him who lost that relationship through a free-will choice resulting in ALL men not having that relationship. Then 1 man (Jesus) re-established the ability for all men to have a relationship with God through a free-will choice of accepting Jesus as our savior. Christ always had the right to be the head of the Body through his birthright and diety. When he came to earth and experienced the life of a human, he became our representative to the Father. His free-will choice to be obedient and be sacrificed on my behalf only solidified that right.
  2. There are many circumstances where a single person acts for a group. I find it interesting that so many people immediately think of the president of the United States as guiding the direction of our country and having direct influence on our well-being. I think that our individual Senators and Representatives have had a much greater role in creating the economic and social climate we are now experiencing- after all they are the ones that pass the bills and right now, with a liberal majority in both houses they have the ability to over ride the Veto power of our president. In any group, there are often times that the single person's actions determine the well-being of the group. This happens in the family unit, sports teams, businesses, government and yes, churches. There are many times when talking with a non-believer, they cite the hippocracy of the church leaders as a reason they don't believe. It's natural to think of the leaders in groups, but Achan wasn't a leader. Often, we have unsung heros quietly working in the background not expecting any recognition who contribute more to the greater good of the group/attitude and direction of the group. These people are just as much that single person acting on behalf of a group as the leader and perceived movers and shakers.
  3. I think it is important to know that Christ died for the ungodly because, like many said, it makes my life about serving God not about proving I'm better than others. As a christian and confident in God's grace, it would be very easy to let my Human nature and the enemy pull me away from God by turning me into a modern version of a Pharisee. This verse reminds me that I am no better without God now than I was the moment before I asked Jesus to be my savior. I know Christ died for me at my worst, but I also like to think that Christ died for me at my best- because without Christ and God's work in my life-my best would be no different than my worst. I work as a Nurse manager in Assisted Livings and it is so tragic to see families torn apart because they are watching a loved one pass and don't believe the past is forgiveable. Please pray for the thousands of families who are at that crossroads and that they may hear the word and experience God's grace.
  4. Hi! My name is Kelli and I live in the Pacific Northwest. This is my first bible study with Pastor Wilson. It is very worthwhile and applicable to my life. That is one of the things that I love most about studying God's word. I learn so much about his grace. And boy, do I need reminding right now.
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