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Everything posted by buffalo
Q9. Discrimination
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Forsaking Favoritism for Love (James 2:1-13)
What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? I as a sinner I tend to discriminate against most people. Why? Because we look at people for who or what they are now. Jesus looked at people -
Q1. The Tent of this Body
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Why does our culture avoid talking about death? Unless you are confident in your salvation, and you know that you are a member of the kingdom of God, you will be terrified of death. With out God death is a big unknown. I think that in the back of every nonchristians mind is the nagging question "what is Christians are right, and it is either God's kingdom or hell eternally". How is describing your earthly body as a "tent" freeing and motivating? Tents are temporary structures. What is the significance of Peter referring to his death as a "departure" or "exodus"? He knows he is already a member of the kingdom of God. He is just leaving this location (earth) for a new location (heaven). Have a grreat day is the Lord Ron -
The book of James is about works. If you say you have faith, prove it by your deeds. Faith without works is dead faith. Only God knows the heart, but if you are truly saved I can't understand not wanted to do Godly works. If we live by this daily "Today I live for Christ, through Christ and because of Christ Ron
Q1. Christian Virtues in Your Life
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
Goodness I just read Abba's Child by Brennan Manning. This is a incredible book about God's love for us and how He accepts us as we are. But in His great love for us He will not leave us in our sinful state but will pursuade us to become Christ like. Knowledge Manning says "When God comes streaming into our lives in the power of His Word, all He asks is that we be stunned and surpised, let our mouths hang open. and begin to breathe deeply" The last chapter of the book is The Rabbi"s Heartbeat. " Let the Great Rabbi hold you silently against His heart. In learning who He is, you will find out who you are: Abb's child in Christ our Lord" Jesus who died a bloody, God-forsaken death that we might live, is asking if we love Him. Thank you Jesus. I do love you. Ron -
We should only have one desire in our life, which is to glorify Jesus. We were created by God to glorify Jesus and that purpose only. If we have other strong desires we are not doing what God created us to be doing. So if it not of God it is of Satan. If you want to glorify Jesus you must study the Word, so you know him and know the desires of his heart. God
Q1. Equal Faith
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
I agree with Remas. We are distracted and so comfortable with the thing of this world, we rarely see Jesus. This not only effects us but also the churches in America. What we need is a revival. Revival starts in the hearts of the belivers and them spreads to the church then to the unbeliver. If you want to see what this would look like read about Spurgeon or Finney. -
Hello I am Ron. I am looking foward to this study. I have been a christian since 1986 and love the Lord Jesus. We love doing homeless out reach ministry in New York City. I live in Pa with my wife and 3 kids. To every one Have a great day in the Lord Ron
Pastor Ralph thank you for this study. I am going to write about a weekend missions trip to NYC. You may think this is not about the body of Christ. But I will try to tell you why I think it is all about the body. We lead teams from our city to New York City, for a weekend mission to the homeless. Friday night we are on the streets praying for and ministering to the homeless people. Saturday we help a church or Para church organization some where in the city . Saturday night is again on the streets. Sunday we attend a Church and return home. I have meet homeless that when I ask if I could pray for them they say let me first pray for you . They praise and thank God for sending us to minister to them. One Saturday we were at a drug and alcohol treatment house. We did a service and bible study with this group of men. At one point in the service everyone in the room was standing with there arms raised praising God and the tears were running done everyone
Q4. Foundation of the Church (2:20-21)
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
As we study the word (the bible) the examples of the apostles and prophets lives and teachings are great instruction and inspiration to us today. This is to be the foundationof our congregation. The cornerstone holds the walls together on a building. Christ as the cornerstone of the congregation hold the believers together. Growth is growing in Christ. After we are saved we are not to just sit at the foot of the cross and thank Christ for saving us. We are to get going on the road to maturing in Christ, or growing more Christ like. Every day we are to ask Christ how we need to change to be more like him. As the individual people grow, the congregation grows. Have a great day in the Lord Ron -
Q2. Citizens and Saints (2:19a)
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
We are citizens of the kingdom of God. As with all kingdoms you need to be of that type to belong in that kingdom. Example, to belong to the plant kingdom you must be a plant. Some of the requirement of being in Gods kingdom is to be spirit (because God is spirit) to be holy , and divine. For a human to become any of these things he needs the divine life of God. To be in the divine kingdom you need the divine life. To have the divine life we mush be transformed from the human race of Adam to the divine race of Jesus Christ. This transformation has two parts. One, when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior we then are qualified to be a member of the kingdom of God. John 1, 12 -13 -
Q1. Access to the Father (2:16-18)
buffalo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
We were created by the Father for fellowship with him. We have a created desire in us to be in fellowship with the Father. Father God is pure and holly and cannot be in fellowship with anyone that is not also pure and holly. So we were denied access to the Father because of sin. When we accepted Christ as our savior our sin are covered by the blood of Christ shed on the cross. Now we can be in fellow ship with the Father because when he looks at us he sees us as pure and holy for he looks at us through our ambassador Jesus Christ. When we accept Christ as our savior we become citizens of the kingdom of God. The kingdom is now not something in the future. The members of this kingdom are the Church. As a citizen of this kingdom our bodies are the temples and our heart is the throne of God. Through this citizenship or access we are able to have the power of pure love (Jesus Christ). Through Christ in us we can then love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and we can love our neighbor as yourself. Praise God -
The power is in the believers. How is this possible? It is possible because Jesus lives in us. It is not us but Christ in us. The more we humble our selves and invite Christ into our lives, the more power we will see. Why don't we see the power of Christ in the churches of America? It is because we think we are able to run the church our selves. We are not humble.If we want to see what the church should be like look we should look to the brothers in Africa. A prayer meeting will fill the chruch and they may end up praying all night. That is seeking God. If we want to see a change we need to seek God with all our heart. Then he can bring revival in us and then revival can come to our churches.
We were all in the race of Adam , which is the race of sin. When we came to Christ and accepted him as our savior we were then placed into the race of Christ. We were raised up with Christ to be made alive with him. We were not just made alive but were seated together with him (Christ) in the heavenlies. This seat is the highest place in the universe. We now have a heavenly nature and are a heavenly people with Christ. We can experience this reality in our spirit through faith . Have a great day in the Lord Ron
Hello my name is Ron. I live neare State College Pa. I love the Lord and have a heart for missions. My wife and I lead teams to New York city to minister to the homeless people. It is a great blessing to be involved in this type of ministery. I am looking foward to this study.
Hello my name is Ron. I live neare State College Pa. I love the Lord and have a heart for missions. My wife and I lead teams to New York city to minister to the homeless people. It is a great blessing to be involved in this type of ministery.