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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by jhardin81

  1. 1.)What does it mean that David desires to live in the house of the Lord? To me I would take the house to mean Davids body because our bodies are the houses that we live in constantly and I think David is saying that he wants his body to be the house of the Lord so that he can dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life and when David is there his body is Gods temple he is in the Lords dwelling place. I think that is why David feels so safe because the Lord lives with him! When David is saying when my enemies and goes come against me it is them that will stumble and fall its because they are coming against the house of the Lord. You see David says it he is hidden in Gods tent! to seek Gods face is to seek and desire him and intimacy and oneness with him. David says that he hope is that in this life time he will see the glory of the Lord!!
  2. The psalmist teaches that God is majestic in his name alone and that his splendor is displayed in heaven. it teaches that God thinks of us man and has considered us and that he takes care of Jesus. God has placed all things in Jesus hands and he has given us dominion over those things.It teaches that God has ordained planned everything even the things that seem insignificant to us. the stars and how with God babies or simple weak things can defeat big things. I think my favorite part is where the psalmist says when I consider the works of your hands. Have you ever considered them like when you look at your child whom's face and features Gods hands have made. He is excellent!!!
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