Paul speaks of the church as glorious in the same way that God sees his redeemed people... through the blood of His Son.
In the future, the Church will be seen in her Glory but today God does not see Her "splotches" because of what Jesus did on the cross.
The apostles built the church by explaining Jesus to those around them. They not only explained by neans of words but by living the new life in Christ. The apostles were the folks that saw Jesus the closest and they were the most dissapointed upon His death. Their transformation (from scared men to bold men proclaiming the Gospel) after Jesus ressurection speaks volume about Jesus' power.
One Body
One Spirit
One Hope
One Lord
One Faith
One Baptism
One God and Father
Which one or two are most compelling to you? Why?:
If I had to choose the two most compelling are: One God and Father and One Hope... These are the two elements that confirm to me that we have hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.