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Everything posted by dantanc
Q4. Adoption
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
God has created this immensly intelligent and intricate human being, in HIS very image, not for joy as toy. He did not intend to do away with human being, after HE breathed HIS very breath(spirit) into him. Even after human race committed sin and acquired sinful nature, God wanted to reconcile us to HIM, not only reconcile, made us holy through HIS SON to the extent of adopting us as HIS children. THAT IS GOD, WHO IS LOVE -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
God in his infinte wisdom and absolute righteous nature, has choosen us to be Holy. To be Holy in the presence of God requires only his help but not by our effots. HE has made that provision by sending HIS own SON, to shed blood for the remission of our sins and the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us as we try to live a HOLY life, wothy of GOD's calling. In this process we stand blameless before the Amighty God to be adopted as HIS very own children -
Q2. Predestination
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
The very idea that in the predestination we could have been not in the selected group is very scary. and it is comforting that we are now in the slected group of the mighty God. Paul implies that Ephesian christians are not by acciden but by the very predestination of Almighty God. -
Q1. In Christ
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
In these days of corporate mergers and take overs, we can apply our being in Christ as complete, willing yeilding by us to take over by Christ Jesus, to incorate us into His body and nature. All rules and regulations by which we played earlier are completly erased by the power of Holy Spirit and we are made new in Christ. This takeover is by His mere grace and mercy, not because of any effort by us. -
Q2. Extreme Symbolism
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
An act always expresses an emotion or belief or commitment. Since we believe in the salvation obtained through the cross of Jesus Christ, we obediently observe what Jesus told us, " Do this in remembrance of me" and exactly in the manner Lord showed us. Amen -
Q1. Intimacy
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
What a great institution God has created for us to keep us close to HIM and remind us the ultimate sacrifice HE has made for redeeming us unto HIM. When I partake the elements of Lord's table, I undergo a spirutual experience and rejoice for the way in which HE has saved me and renew all HIS assurances. For me, the continuity and the connectivity to God, through these earthly but blessed elemnts is the essence of Lord'Supper. -
Hezekaiah in his prayer, is highlighting the point that his heart and soul are for the Lord and that he has tried to live a righteous life, keeping God's commandments. He is trying to draw nigh unto the Lord, self-assuring himself of God's intravention, from the pathetic situation he is in. Like Hezekaiah, if we also lead righteous lives, we can approach God with our just requests and be assured that HE has listened to our prayers. Unrightepusness causes us to approach God without clear conscience,thereby hindering God from listening and answering.
Hezekiah was more worried about the kingdom of Israel, that it would leave them in turmoil, if he dies at this stage of war. He has more concern for the people who worshipped with him the real God. Also he was aware of the promise of the Lord of the lineage of messaiah. With all these in his mind, soul and heart, inspite of many people mulling around him,he sought God by turning to the wall and wailing his requests to God.
Both these prayers start with the recognition and reiteration of the absolute sovernity of Lord God over everything in the universe and stating what He is to us, as well.These statements put us on a faith level at a platform able to approach Him with absolute confidence, at which our prayer operates and is acceptable to the Lord.
We should take all our problems to God in prayer and supplication and ask for His guidance and help to face them in this world. Most often we first try to slove our problems on our own and ask for God's help when they become unsurmountable. If we do not apply this priciple of giving the problems to God to help to solve them for us, we will be drawn into more and more difficult situations.
We can actully start our prayers by invoking the greatness of our God, by repeating the quoted verses from the text from Revelation book. Our God takes great pleasure on our praises unto him. In the prayer taught by Lord, in the end we close committing everything, all glory, powerand honor for ever and ever.
We are confessing with all our soul, mind and body for what HE is, by declaring again and again His Glory, Majesty, His righteousness and His truthfulness. When we glorify God as above all, as omnipotent,omniscient, everlasting, we do not add anything to God's glory but remind ourselves what a glories God we serve. We confess among all the multitude of people the greatness of our God, the only God. We glorify God with humility, love and adoration, gratitude and thankfullness!
When we bless the Lord in our prayers, we are admitting and recommiting that HE alone is Amighty, Holy of the Holliest and wothy of all praise and worship we humanly could muster. And also for what He is to us. God recognizes our hears filled with awe and glory and honour for Him when we bless Him for what HE is. Prayers without such an adoration, giving all the glory and honour to him and blessing Him for all He is, are like empty vessels making noise.
When we have a contrite and broken heart, we will be able to pour out heart before God, as a sacrifice for HIM to pardon and rectify and make it pure in HIS sight. Pardon reqires a total surrender and commitment for futue. We have an ego, which resists our effort to be contrite and humble, which we can over come with the help of Holy Spirit.
Q3. A Pure Heart
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51)
It is possible to have pure heart, when we ardently seek for it and ask God for guidance. HE will be able to establish a clean heart in us. We should also seek the continuous guidance of Holy Spirit. If we adore and love the Lord all the time, it helps us to keep a pure heart. -
1) A tuely repentent prayer to God, has faith in God, that HE is not only the almighty but merciful God. 2) Our faith is based on the very promises of God according to His Word, given to us in the scriptures which we believe and the realisation that HE hearkens to our prayers and helps us to set our lives straight in the sight of God when we confess our sins and repent. 3) Our faith in God grows as we delve deep into the study of His word and ask the help of Holy Spirit, to understand and to follow.
Q4. Persistence
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abraham was boldly approaching God, again and again with humility and faith, pleading what if a lesser number of righteous people are found in Sodom. Persistenace is necessary in our prayers to show our absolute faith in our God's merciful nature. In certain difficult circumstance my, my families and our friends persistence prayers were answered in due course of God's time!! -
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abraham's boldness in his prayer to God, has pleased God for his faith in God's mercy and omnipotence, as well as Abraham's concern for other righteous people. When God sees our utter dependance on HIM, for all the good gifts and protection, He delights that we are going to HIM, with confidence and humilty. -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Here Abraham is showing his utter reverence to God's majesty and his own humbleness, by quoting that he is but dust of the earth,but for God's grace. Our boldness to approach God, comes from the realization that He is a merciful God and that we can not do anything without His help and kindness. -
Q1. Contending for Righteousness
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abrham is appealing to the righteous judgemennt of God, as God is always righteous in all circumstances. Abraham is face to face bargaining with God. God also went on considering Abraham's requests, as in this case ithey are for the safe keeping of righteous God's people. : -
Q4. Changing God's Mind
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
That is the God we worship, adore,pray to and follow. He is full of grace, mecry,love and kindness. Eventhough he is a righteous God, he is slow to anger and condemnation of the people he created. He never looses hope that we would repent of our sins and come back to him for forgiveness and acceptance. When sees truly repentant heart he overcomes with compassion and gives us another chance to be his children. When we come back to be within his will, he rejoices and accepts us. Here God is not the wavering one, we are. No, God never answer prayers that does not conform to his will. -
Q3. Prayer and Determinism
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
We see in the bible many instances where God has changed his mind, at the urging of fervent and faithfilled prayers from his servants. Eventhough these servants believed God to do HIS will, still they appealed to him urging him to cosider their request to have pity on the people he loved. I think God expects us be instruments to cause changes in his judgemens, appealing to his mercy, love and kindness. I believe that God hears even the prayers of a sinner with complete repenteance. -
Q2. Praying Boldly
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
When we pray to God with a specific request, we pray with complete Faith, because what He is, what He has done earlier to His people and what He is to us, FATHER. And He is promise keeping God. Reminding them or recanting them in our prayer is assuring ourselves, that God would honor our prayer request. Moses appeals to God over the cosequences of annihilating the Isralite race, His chosen people. That it would give an edge to non-Isralites to slander the Holy God. When we know the many promises, miracles and the kindness of God the Father, from the word, we can remind them ourselves and claim forgiveness and victory over the sickness or temptation. -
Q1. Rebellion
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
(1) In their own present generation of Isralites, God has done many miracles, which they have seen with their eyes and enjoyed the fruits thereof. Because of the delay in Moses returning from the Mount Sinai, they have lost faith in the almighty God and went after a visible item to worship. This is considered by God, a very great sin, moreso as He was their constant companion in their jouney out of Egypt. (2) Because God loved them so much, HE was angry with them for their grivious sin of totally replacing Him in their hearts. It is a righteous anger of the most holy God. His Righteousness and sin have no compeimise. (3) Here we clearly see the righteous judge and a loving God. God is fully justified unto himself for the decision to detroy them.