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Everything posted by dantanc
The Lord asked us to be salt of the earth. Our behavior should always be tasteful. We can imbibe this inner beauty only by having the holy spirit guidance all the time and bearing the fruits of the spirit. We should completely discard hypocrasy and double standards to devolop inner beauty. We devolop charater when we are obedient to God and superiors, be resposible in the family, church and the society and courageous in all circumstances. In the case of a woman everybody looks upto a woman of character, for guidance and example. Her husband will feel her precious and adores her.
A christian woman is to be properly dressed and groomed up, to insantly demand respect and to add dignity to the womanhood. When a woman tries to go an extera mile to make her look more attractive, not only she tends to spend more money on herself, spends more time on self, she could neglect her family and children and be a cause of distraction in the church. A balance can be struck by being clean and simply attired, influencing other women also in word and deed.
Q1. Submission
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
It is the free will aspect of our being, that makes it difficult for us to be submissive. Submission does not mean that we meekly agree to each and every suggestion, when convinced, we should freely express our opinion. Anyrhing going against the principles laid down by Jesus for us his follwers is unacceptable to christians in our daily lives. -
We would be able to deal with sin, effectively, only with the guidance of holy spirit, by hiding the Word in our hearts and by following it. However the flesh is in constant fight with the spirit, which longs to be perfect and righteous. In each and every situation in our daily life, work, social, church , family and spiritual, if we can standup for Jesus and his WAY -- we can stand up for righteousness and live for it.
Only Jesus pure and holy can atone for the sins of mankind. Nothing else can be acceptably to the righteous and holy God. When Jesus took upon himself on the cross the sins of human race, he was cut off from the fellowship of his father and sacrificed for the same. This seperation was a great spiritual agony for Jesus, besides the unbearable physical torture he was subjected to.
God gave me Jesus, to atone for my sins. No amount of good works of mine are any avail to sanctify me. Only the precious blood of Jesus can wash me free of my sins. By his grace I will saved. I must continue to work for my salvation through the redemptive power of Jesus, who has suffered to bear my sins. Only Jesus can make me stand before the righteous and holy God to be judged worthy of entering into his eternal kingdom.
Q4. Walking in Jesus' Steps
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4 Submitting and Suffering Like Jesus (1 Pet 2:13-23)
Jesus rises above the level of those, who are torturing him and even went the extent of asking for forgiveness for them from the Father. He has always kept in view the work for which he has come into the world, with unwavering intensity and application. We as his beloved followers, having accepted him as our personal savior, should endeavor to follow the example set by him to us - " love your enemies and those who persecute you". -
We must try to be a pleasant worker with a posive attitude. compassionate to others and an encourager and deligent as well. We can not be a complainer in such situations because that would involve third person or persons( gossip). But in unavoidable circumstances, a one to one, unemotional, level headed, to the point interaction with the perpetuator of the injustice, can in some cases might yield good results. However we must ask for the holy spirit guidance to be able to carry that converstion with descretion avoiding any accusations. In difficult circumstances we must try to move out of that that particular postion or situation.
"It is one thing to know that my relationship to God is secure. I know this because Jesus is my Savior and Lord. It is quite another to accept my assignment in God's world as His son and servant, to love the world He created, and to truly and joyfully live for and love and serve my brothers and sisters in the human family. This power, this life, all that I need to live a joyful, effective,abundant life, is within me. It has been granted. I need only to accept it, and to live and act as if it is so-- whether I feel it or not. Only then I discover love and joy and meaning, and purpose and begin to infect others about me with contagion of God's life and Spirit. God help me, and His sons and daughters throughout the world, to rise up and live! "
Q1. God's Glory
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4 Submitting and Suffering Like Jesus (1 Pet 2:13-23)
"DO NOT WORK FOR RECOGNITION, BUT DO WORK WORHTY OF RECOGNITION" If we are faithful, honest and hard working to the work entrusted to us, as we claim we are children of God, we bring glory and honor to our father in heaven. On the other hand if we do not work deligently and are not submissive to the earthly authorities, we greive our heavenly father as world then tends to say " what sort of God's children these are". And also we can not win over to our father, those who are inquisitive and observant of our behavior. -
A friend of mine sent me an e-mail list good deeds, few of which I quote below. Remember that loving words heal quickly. Don't forget that ultimately we are judged by what we give , not by what we get. Don't work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition. When someone lets you down, do not give up on him/her. Be willing to accept temporary inconvenience for a permanent improvement. Rebuild a broken relationship. When you see someone sitting alone on the bench, make it a point to speak to him/her.
Q4. Combatting Lies
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
First Peter is qualifying us unequivocally- as aliens and strangers to the world and its systems. Hence he is instructing us not succumb to its ways and sinful desires, as they draw us away from the good and godly life we were taught to lead. This would mean a daily fight with the worldly ways. With the help of Holy Spirit and konwledge of the God's word, we should be able to resist the temptation of this world, however decptive they may be. -
Q3. God's Own People
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
It is highest previlege a human being can imagine, the relization that he belongs to the family of God. Nothing compares to this in the world. Also we are related to billions of such people whom God has given the same previlege. The company of God, the father and the company of saints, brothers and sisters, what JOY!. So, let us encourage one another, with these precious thoughts. -
Q2. Offering Praise
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
Praise to God must be on our lips and heart at all times. Thus when our spirit communicates with the Lord, he will guide us and lead us in righteous paths and use us for his glory. The praises of his choosen children rises to him as an acceptable fragnance. -
Q1. Priesthood
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
The mindset of a priest towards God is to send up the aroma of our acceptable praised to God, in which he delights and rejoices. This inspires in me to be acceptable to God in all ways of my life. -
1). I have never felt of no worth or value. Since I was born in a Christian family, they have showered me with love and imbibed in me an optimistic outlook and my value in the sight of Jesus. 2) We are redeemed out of this sinful worldly life, by the precious and invaluble, all powerful and able blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing in the world is more valuble than the blood of Jesus, which is life saving and preserving . 3) I are born again of imperishable seed, promised to be eternally in the kingdom of God, which is more value to me than anything. 4) Being faithful to the calling I have in Jesus.
Q3. Judgment and Gospel
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
1) We are very self-righteous. We conform to our own set standards and are very indignant when somebody questions our standards, morals and can not stand any outside judgement. 2) God is Holy and there is no place for unholiness in his kingdom. How can this be achieved, without judgement. Since He loves the world and the believers thereof and wants to reward them, he has to judge leading unbelievers into damnation. 3) When the good news of Jesus Christ is preached and at the prompting of holy spirit, either one believes and repents and accepts Jesus Christ as savior or rejects. It is good news for the believers, the knowledge that in the final judgement they will declared by the King of Kings, as heirs of His kingdom. 4) If final judgement is left out of the Gospel, we loose sight of what for we have been called and santified. We also do not put in sustained effort for the enlarging of His Kingdom -
1) Holiness is to be set apart for Jesus Christ away from sin in mind, body and spirit. And trying to live Christlike with the help of Holy Spirit. 2) I am holy now because by HIS blood I am sanctified, redeemed and forgiven. 3) To be holy, I must be totally obedient to the teachings of Jesu Christ and follw them in all situations of my life. 4) Impure thoughts and hasty mouth are my biggest struggles to live a holy life.
Q1. Christ's coming
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
1) When Christ comes in all glory, I should be ready to present myself holy and pure to him to be acceptable to him. I should also be able to present before The KIng of Kings, the good works I have performed with the help of Holy Ghost . 2) And then we will receive the full reward for our faith , the eternal salvation. This the basis of our HOPE. 3) We should live a controlled , desciplined and pure christian life so that we can receive a crown of glory. 4) WE must always live expecting the return of Jesus Christ any moment. That way we are ready in all respects and do not become sloppy in our christian living. Only then HE will be able to restore, strenghten, confirm and steady us in him. -
The great "inexpressible and glorious" JOY, is from the depths of my heart and soul, is due to the enlightment that the creator and sustainer of the whole universe, God has counted me worthy and has assured me place in his kingdom because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Human emotions are purely earthly and go up and down. They do not touch the soul. In the pursuit of happiness, we reach some goals we set for ourselves with respect to the life on the earth and the society thereof. Genuine JOY never fluctuates. It always remains steadfast because of the realisaton and understanding of the assurance we have in our God.
Q4. Refining Faith
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
God has blessed me very much, enabled me to get good education and good job. However i have squandered all his blessings by unwisely jumping into the company of non-believers and face many difficulties. But he has out of his mercy also given me the courage and guidance to get out that situation and increase in my faith and knowledge of his kingdom. God has, with help of holy spirit enabled me to face any situation, forced by the king of the world. Genuine tested faith enables us to do good works for the kingdom of the Lord and thereby bring him glory. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
God is the author of our salvation. He has, in his infinite wisdom and love sacrificed his Son Jesus Christ for saving us. Once we have accepted the call of Jesus Christ and sustained ourselves to be obedient to Him with the help of Holy Spirit,God will protect us till we receive our unperishable inheritance. Thus God's part and our part are interwoven, though we are always dependent on HIM to fulfil our part. -
Q2. Forgiveness and Obedience
dantanc replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
For God is Holy and if we are to be reconciled to God, the Father, we are to be transformed and sustained in holiness. Jesus by his supreme sacrifice makes us ready for it, by washing away our sins with His blood and obtaining our forgiveness. Holy Spirit hepls us to sustain and increase in that holiness, by prompting us to do the good works, which we do only if we become obedient to the teachings of Jesus Christ. However this whole process has the predestined blessing of the Father, the Grace.