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  1. God cannot lie. There is a place in the Body for each member to serve. The problem is that some members don't want to do that which they have been called to do; but rather what they think they would be happiest doing.
  2. The Holy Spirit is to do the forming and shapng of the Body of Christ. We are to copperate with Him and be submissive even when we do not understand the direction that He is taking us.
  3. It is easy to get the feeling that you have all the answers when in fact you may be operating under some traditional beliefs that are not scriptural. We all have faults and must learn to overlook others when our are so claring.
  4. Christ came that we all might be one in Him. When we bicker and quarrel then His desire for the Church is not accomplished.
  5. By alllowing the Holy Spirit to not only dwell, but reconstruct our lives we become the dwelling that God can call 'home'. We must be cleaned and swept clear by the Holy Spirit so that the new man can begin to operate in the world among God's People and those yet to be joined.
  6. Within the Body of Christ there are various callings. Each member is to respect the calling of the other in order that the whole Body may be in accord with the Head. This Body should draw all men unto itself and thus bring others to Christ. We are to be a 'royal priesthood' ministering to a hurting world. Webecome holy in service. He who would be the greatest must learn to serve the most.
  7. In a household there are tasks for each member to perform. When someone doesn't carry their load the others are either overburdened or disruption occurs. This the local church, the members are to assume their roles to assist tha leadership depending of the talents each possesses. We are bear one another's burdens and biding up the wounds od the hurting members.
  8. We who were without hope, have been secured from a fate worst thatn death and raised to a new life that is eternal. We have been given a place around the heavenly table with all the saints and in the company of the angels. In the old testament, only the Jews had this hope, but we are now grafted into that family. We are to walk in this new life striving to become holy as our God is holy.
  9. We are seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. It is through the shed blood of Jesus that we can come boldly into the throneroom.
  10. In the years of kings and rulers, The one in power set on a throne and put his feet on a footstool. The footstool often took on the nature of asserting dominance. The enemy is seen so in Ps. 110:1, Matt. 22:44, or in James 2:3 as a sign of superiority. The earth is even indicated to be God's footstool Matt. 5:35.
  11. The Head[brain] doesnot work in isolation from the body. The Head works through the feet, legs, arms, etc. of the body to accomplish the plans it formulates. It is not so much that Christ cannot do the task without the Church; rather it His unwillingness to do it without the Church.
  12. The Head is the center of activity. It is from the brain that the body gets its direction s to operate. The body [The Church] must function in obedience to the Brain [Jesus Christ]. For the Church there is no operations to be preformed without the HEAD. The Head is the Master Computer.
  13. The body must go where the head is in order to have life. If we truly believe that Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, then He cannot be seated there with only a head. His body must be there also.
  14. Paul is referring to the Christian operating more like Jesus did on the earth. Seeing, feeling, living, acting as Jesus did with compassion and understanding. Great power comes from great living.
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