Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?
New believers in Christ are full of so much excitement in knowing their sins have been forgiven. Yet it doesn't take long for the enemy of our souls to throw doubt and condemnation at us, once we are not around other believers. It takes constant tending to, and feeding on God's Word and fellowship with others to encourage one in their new walk with Christ. When one is young, they are full of strength, ready to fight the good fight of faith, and able to endure. Yet they too need to be encouraged to continue to fight, and not let down their guard. Oftentimes they are more apt to be the ones ready to step out, full of vigor and enthusiasm and work for the Lord. The enemy thrives on trying to tear down one who is seeking to follow and serve the Lord, causing them to doubt themselves, so they will eventually just give up. The mature saints or believers are those who are "seasoned" in the service of the Lord, having walked many hard places. Yet they need to be encouraged that they are still needed, and that what they have gone through can and will be of value to others, who have yet to face those challenges. They have much wisdom and knowledge to share to those who are young in the Lord, and those who are just joining the family of God.