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Everything posted by Jen

  1. What does the gift of God and the living water refer to? What does the gift result in? The gift is Jesus and His redemption of our souls by the way of the cross. The living water is the Holy Spirit who indwells the believer from the moment of acceptance of Jesus' atoning death on the cross for our sins. I believe we are baptized in the Holy Spirit at that moment. Does this gift differ from or is another way of saying the baptism of the Holy Spirit that John spoke about in 1:33. I believed I received the Holy Spirit in full at the moment of becoming 'born again'. I believe the gift of tongues is a gift of God and the same with the gift of prophecy and other gifts and maybe the Holy Spirit works according to those gifts in a way that is different from each other gift. In other words all are from God and the Holy Spirit works in all according to His gift for us. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  2. Jesus words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. what has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness? I was thirsty for something but wasn't sure what. It was deeper than a drink of water. As God led me along little steps at a time I thirsted for more and more until I came to know the Living Savior, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, that he was more than I was taught in church, that He was real, that He loved me and that He wanted to satisfy my thirst which can only be satisfied by knowing Him, believing in Him, spending time with him. Yes she is spiritually thirsty however she herself doesn't seem to recognize that it is spiritual. Her deep thirst was caused by the presence of the Living God talking to her, gently prodding her along the same as He did me. He leads and we follow because He is unlike anything on this fallen earth. He is gentle with some and confident and He seems to know us. He is not condemning (getting our hackles up) us so we can just listen and learn as He gently explains truths to us that we do not hear on this earth. Be patient, listen, explain in love. God Bless Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  3. John 3:16 Why is this verse so famous? what does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since entering eternal life is a synonym for entering the kingdom of God what does this verse teach us about our destiny? This verse is so simple and yet so profound. It teaches us that God loves us, plain clear and simple. We don't earn His love. Father I don't want to have to earn Your love. I would never know if I had done enough or if someone else out earned me so I would just keep trying to earn Your love. You love me because you made me. It teaches us that salvation is for me and everyone who wants You. I want You Lord. I want you in my life every second. I want to be more like you and to know you better and better and better. You made me to live with You forever. You know me! That little strange person who lives out in the outskirts of that small obscure town where I am not even anything important there. But I am important to You! I am one of the whosoevers. Thank you that I am one of the whosoevers. I don't want to compete with my brothers and sisters. I want each one to have and use their gifts that you gave so I can rejoice in their joy so I can be happy in their successes like You are. Thank you that You gave me and everyone who wants You the greatest gift, eternal life with your beloved Son who died for my sins on the cross so that I will live with Him (Oh Jesus you are so wonderful) forever. When I came to know you I started eternal life with you and I will one day move from here to be with You where You are. And I will live with You forever and ever. Thank you God for loving and giving for us. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  4. Why do you think Jesus went against social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture? If God went by social norms I don't think He would have sent His Son because what He preached (I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me) went against social norms. Jesus (God ) isn't dictated to by our 'social norms'. He sees lost sheep and reaches out to them. We hesitate because we are sort of indoctrinated by social norms or what is "acceptable behavior" since we are young. It goes against the grain to go against social norms even to share the "good news". Also some tend to feel inadequate. If God appoints you He will help you. He takes our bumbling efforts and makes men and women of God out of them. He doesn't need a polished speaker just someone who loves Him enough to go where He sends and to be willingly to suffer what ever consequences may comes. We obey God period and leave the consequences to Him. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  5. Is it possible to believe in God's love and God's wrath at the same time? How does God's justice allow salvation, when what we deserve is punishment for our sin and unbelief. Yes. God provided the perfect way to solve the differences between the two by sending His Son Jesus our Lord and Savior to suffer for the crimes of humanity (high crimes and misdemeanors) and redeem us from the kingdom of darkness and brings into the Kingdom of His Son (Col 1:13). Those who accept His gift of love (the substitutionary atonement on the cross) will be spared God's wrath. Those who reject the gift or price His Son paid will suffer God's wrath for all eternity. Thank you Jesus from the bottom of my heart. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  6. In what sense in order to be successful in your Christian life must you decrease and Christ increase How can you facilitate this shift necessary for this change to occur? In every sense. If I have just added Christ on to my life and continue walking as I have I will not have a successful Christian walk. I will have an unsuccessful me walk. I must subtract me and myself and let the Holy Spirit increase as I talk with Him, spend time with Him through the day and let Him put His thoughts in me. It needs to be a daily thing otherwise I will just take control and then wonder what happened. I can facilitate this shift from me to Him by prayer, meditation, reading the Word and obedience. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  7. Have you ever resented larger churches that attracted people from your church? What is wrong with this kind of possessiveness? Is it self pity or something else. No! I don't own them. Christ does if they are His. And all we have and are, is because He gave it to us. I owe everything to Him. He is my true love, my first love. Maybe self pity, insecurity, sense of loss, sense of betrayal. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  8. What was the importance of Jesus spending time with His disciples? To be a good disciple requires time by the teacher, to be immersed in His daily life and thought process to learn how the master thinks and what he does. To get to know him in all ways. Those who want to spend time with Jesus find that Jesus wants to spend time with them. His strategy was to make strong, godly disciples who could spread the good news and disciple others. As Jesus desired to have his disciples with Him so do His disciplers need to spend time with those they desire to disciple to bear good fruit for God's kingdom. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  9. What does "entering the kingdom" have to do with being born anew or from above? We are born spiritually dead so we need to be born anew spiritually to enter the kingdom. I believe any of the terms, born again, born anew or born from above apply. Our new birth comes from above and it is the second birth. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  10. What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the kingdom of God? Nicodemus is looking at everything through the eyes of the flesh and Jesus is opening his eyes to the spiritual nature of the kingdom of God. First the Kingdom of God is spiritually discerned meaning God alone can enable you to see it because it is discerned spiritually. Second the kingdom of God is spiritually entered meaning we only inherit eternal life if we are changed spiritually which is only through the illumination by the Holy Spirit. At this time I don't think Nicodemus understands however he does have an open mind and recognizes that there is more than he understands. And I believe the pharisees thought for the most part that they knew everything. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  11. Why did Jesus do this miracle behind the scenes? Probably because He was not ready or to put it the other way His time had not yet come. Who was He trying to protect? His ministry perhaps as it would have drawn much unwanted attention at this time, or and also the bride, groom, hosts. What does the quantity and quality of the wine tell us about Jesus glory. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  12. Why do you think alcoholics are quick to point out this miracle? Oh don't we just love to justify our sin. Which is wrong: drinking wine or drunkenness. I would say for now drunkenness however: How can we avoid excesses and still enjoy God's good gifts. If we cannot control how much we drink then maybe the first glass of wine is wrong. Something we should flee from. There were other gifts there to enjoy, good food and good fellowship. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  13. Why do you think Mary pushes Jesus to solve the wedding hosts problems. I believe she saw the problem and knew Jesus could fix it. Are her words to Jesus appropriate? I think so. She saw the problem and went to her Son and asked. She also saw the plight of the hosts and the embarrassment they would suffer. Would you categorize Jesus reply as a rebuke. Not knowing customs at that time I cannot say for certain. However I think it was a proper way to speak in public which would seem very different to us. I have looked in different commentaries and found different opinions. Recently my son-in-law addressed me as ma'am in front of someone and at first I wasn't sure how to take it and then decided it was his military training how to address women and considered very polite in front of others. We need to be careful not to read something into things if we do not know. One said it was a rebuke and if it was then I am wondering if it was appropriate for her to ask the question in the first place. She was presuming upon Jesus to do a miracle and she was aware of Who He was. If so why does Jesus go ahead and do the miracle anyway. Again I don't know why. I just know He did it. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  14. What is the problem with faith that rests solely on miracles? It is not and cannot be sustaining faith as there will not always be miracles but rather it is belief only in what can be seen. Is it true faith? I don't believe so. However there is nothing wrong with looking back and remembering what God did for you at an earlier time to help and sustain along the journey. What is necessary for it to develop into true faith? I have a quote by someone and I don't know who it is that says "Preach faith until you have faith". We need to keep reading the Word, communing with God, praising Him and asking for the Holy Spirit to deepen our faith and then expect things to get more difficult. In my experience they will and it sometimes gives me chills. Did Jesus see these as a reason not to perform miracles? I believe there were some places where it was difficult because they would not believe however He did enough miracles so that we have no excuse not to believe. God Bless Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  15. I love this! Apparently Jesus was angry. Was His anger justified? I wonder if some were saying to themselves What is this guy's problem. We have to live. What's wrong with selling in the temple. We are doing the little people a favor. So we make a little profit. However this guy looks serious. We better not argue. As I write this I am feeling the callousness which lies in the recesses of my heart and I feel very sad because I know some of what God has done for me. Will I ever know or realize it all? Am I like the money changers down there in the deep recesses? There is a song by Ray Boltz which says "the only thing I'm praying for is Your mercy". I pray for Your mercy Lord. Yes Jesus was angry and justifiably so. They were making the temple and true worship of repentance and gratitude nothing but a business transaction. It was like they were saying There God we have given you your due, and it had everything to do with what was in their hearts, the bottom line, profit and power. We should be angry with injustice to others and the lack of respect and honor given to a just and holy God who could squash us but instead has extended mercy after mercy to us. I wonder how out of touch with reality I am sometimes. Anger can be good or bad. It depends on why we are angry and how we handle it. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  16. What was going on in the temple? The temple had become a market place with greed and profit. It was supposed to be a place of prayer. There were those who came with one intent which was to make money and those who were there with true intent to worship and were giving what little they had to those whose intent was to cheat their own people. Bad enough to do that but in God's holy temple? When they did it in the temple they did it to God and God was there in human form. Surprise surprise! Who would have thought that. Jesus overturned the the tables, scattered coins and told those selling to get out. God Bless Jen Numbers 6: 24-26
  17. Why are we sometimes to busy to spend time with friends and family? We do not put a priority on family and friends. Rather we put it on earthly things. It is the same with the Lord. If we don't spend time with Him it is not a matter of enough time rather it is what we put our priorities on. What does Jesus attendance at the wedding tell us about him? He felt it important to be with family and friends. Can you imagine what it meant to have Jesus at the wedding? A smile here, a kind word there and the fact that they were important enough for Him to make time to be with them. How can we apply that to our personal lives? Make time for others and sincerely desire to be with them. God Bless Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  18. How does Jesus deal with Nathanael skepticism? Jesus commended Nathanael. He didn't get defensive or argue. He already knew Nathanael. He was a modest devout man. He also knew that the Messiah was to come from Bethlehem. The nature of the miracle was something between Jesus and Nathanael that they both knew what Nathanael was doing under the fig tree and it was commendable. Nathanael immediately gives Jesus the title Son of God and King of Israel. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  19. Andrew first sought out his brother and told him "We have found the Messiah!". He then took his brother directly to Jesus. I think many people think that people will 'meet' Jesus in 'church'. I was told about Jesus in church when I was little but never told about a personal relationship with Him. So you cannot depend on the 'church' to do what you should do. We are the church and it is our privilege to invite others to Christ. He has sent us and given us all we need to do as He asks. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
  20. Jesus wants us to trust Him and follow Him unquestioningly. It isn't where he is staying that is important, it is Him and are we willing to follow unconditionally. Matthew Henry says "the nearer we approach Christ the more we see of His beauty". They were drawn to Him the same as we were drawn. Drawn to His heart of love. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  21. Andrew and the other person followed Jesus on the' recommendation' of John the Baptist. I don't believe it cost John anything. He gained more than he lost if it was fellowship with Andrew and the other man. He did what he was there to do and that was to prepare the way for Jesus who is the One we are to follow. John knew who he was and he knew who Jesus was. Although recognized before Jesus was on the public scene so to speak John was a follower of Jesus himself even when or if he didn't know Jesus personally because he knew who he was and he knew who Jesus was. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  22. How does John the Baptist baptism differ from the one Jesus brings. John's is with water and Jesus baptism is with the Holy Spirit. Baptism means immerse. What does a baptism with the Holy Spirit imply. It implies that we will be immersed with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus! God Bless! Jen 2 Corinthians 16:13
  23. Jan Marie that was beautiful! I don't know what to add. Lamb of God tells us that Jesus was the Lamb, God's own spotless Lamb, sent by God, to be the sacrificial Lamb that we might have forgiveness of sins, be redeemed, adopted by God. Jesus came from a perfect relationship to this world which as recent weeks have reinforced is the complete opposite of that. He came to take away the sin of the world, to deliver us from this kingdom of darkness and bring us into His Kingdom (Col.1:13). In what ways did Jesus fulfill Isaiah 53. He grew up as a sapling in complete humbleness and wretched condition. He was not beautiful to gaze at as we look at people now. He was not charismatic as we desire, someone who will puff us up with our own important. He was despised, lowly, a man of sorrows, who knew suffering, we averted our gaze at Him because of His wretched condition as if there were something wrong with Him and we did not want to associate with Him. He was all the while here for us while we in our puffed up arrogance thought He was being punished for something He did. The punishment which we deserved fell on Him and we didn't recognize it. Just a little obtuse of us would you not say. God brought all our acts of rebellion on Him. He paid the price for us fully and completely never objecting (I myself would have been like a squealing pig). He was put to death in the most cruel manner like someone who had a curse on Him (He had our curse on Him). He was put to death with the wicked as though He were wicked. He was buried with the rich even though He lived His life with the poorest of the poor and the dregs of society. He who owns everything was given a tomb by a 'rich' man. When I read this I want to fall at His feet and cry. Oh God I am so sorry. Thank you for forgiving me! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  24. John the Baptist was interested in his mission from God. He was not out to appear great and I believed he shunned the spotlight. He knew he was to point the way to One greater that he and he was faithful in all God asked. We do get all puffed up sometimes but John the Baptist was well grounded and knew he was there at the Lords behest and not of his own doing. He only wanted to be who God wanted him to be. He was God's man of the hour and he knew who was coming and who he was in relation to Him. When you know God the approval of men doesn't mean much. Can humility and powerful confident speech coexist? Of course they can in someone who is well grounded in Christ. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 We need to pray for each other! We need too!
  25. John baptized to draw attention to Jesus, the Messiah and to draws mens hearts which were open to God. The pharisees thought that they were without sin. Baptism signified cleansing and purifying and was said it would be used in the days of Messiah. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
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