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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Q1. (Isaiah 24) What is the reason that Yahweh will devastate the earth (24:5-6)? Why do we feel so threatened by this kind of prophecy? Why is this kind of prophecy important to forming faithful disciples who "fear the Lord"? In what way does the glitter and glory of man (1 John 2:15-17) contradict this kind of prophecy? Sin We are all guilty Because there will be consequences on earth however for those who "fear the Lord" there will be safety. The attitude of the godless is that life goes on and there are no consequences. It is totally opposite a just and holy God who says He will punish sin. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  2. Q6. (Isaiah 6:9-10) How do you make sense out of these verses? Is Isaiah called to an impossible mission? Why will Isaiah's prophecy make the task worse? In which parable did Jesus quote this passage (Matthew 13:1-23)? In Jesus' parable, is there any frustration in preaching the gospel? Is there any hope? It was the truth. No with God all things are possible. The parable of the sower of seeds. Some feel on thorny shallow rocky ground and some on fertile ground. Maybe but the gospel will be preached for our Lord Yes. Some will hear and receive. Praise God! God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  3. Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision? How does God deal with Isaiah's fear? What question follows Isaiah's cleansing? What is Isaiah's response to God's question? What is your response when you sense God calling you? He recognized his sin. Next to God's Holiness it would have been impossible to see yourself and your uncleaness. God cleansed Isaiah with a hot coal. The question "Who will go for us?" Isaiah said I will go. Sometimes after the trials of the last years I feel tired and I need to pray that at the time God will give me the willing spirit I long to have. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  4. Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim's chant? To encourage Isaiah. Can you hear him saying I SAW the LORD! HE IS ON HIS THRONE AND FULL OF GLORY! His train was so magnificent that the tail filled the throne room. And the seraphaim couldn't do anything but cry out Holy Holy Holy! Someday we will be in His presence filled with the sense of His Holiness and only able to cry out Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  5. Q3. (Isaiah 5:1-6) What was the vintner's vision for the vineyard? What did he do to accomplish his vision? What happened when the crop came in? What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? What does this parable mean? An abundant crop of good, choice fruit. He cleared the land, used choice quality vines and seeds. The crop came in rotten. He would destroy the vineyard. We are the vineyard. If we do not want to live a godly and righteous life in Christ we will be destroyed. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  6. Q6. (Isaiah 35:1-10) How do you think these verses brought hope to their first readers? What is promised here? Why do you think Isaiah relies on heavily figurative language to communicate these promises? How does he describe the “highway of holiness”? Who will walk on it? Who won’t? What does it mean to be redeemed and ransomed? In the midst of despair, God promises coming home with joy and singing, He will right wrongs, those who were deaf, dumb and blind will hear, speak, and see. This will be spiritual, physical and literal. His highway will be holy! and only those who are redeemed will walk it. Those who are not redeemed will not walk on His Holy highway. They will not defile the anymore God and His redeemed. Redeemed and ransomed. We were bought at a price by the blood of Christ shed for us at Calvary. We are redeemed. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  7. Q5. (Isaiah 33:14-16) How does ethical behavior display love for God? How does it display love for man? How does the corruption of taking bribes destroy righteous government? It loves what God loves and hates what God hates. It desires fairness and righteousness in all the earth. it is not righteousness so it will bring down righteous government. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  8. Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? In what way is this similar to idolatry? People haven’t changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? We don't see God. We see what is visible to us. Also we like the clubs, belonging to the world and importance. Anything we put over God is idolatry. Matthew 6: 31-33 Take no thought saying, What shall I eat? or what shall I drink? or wherewith shall we be clothed. (For after all these things seek the gentiles) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness , and all these things shall be ministered unto you. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  9. Q3. (Isaiah 30:15-29) Why does God long to show us grace (30:18)? What does that say about God's character? What prevents his grace? Have you ever experienced the kind of guidance Isaiah mentions in verse 21? What is necessary in us so that we can hear God's voice? Why? Because that is who He is. Gracious, merciful, compassionate, loving. His name will be glorified. His character is holy, perfect goodness. Stubbornness, pride, arrogance Oh yes! The Holy Spirit and humbling ourselves before our God. God Bless! Jen Jude 21
  10. Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith? Yes We have a relationship with Christ if we are right with God. If it is not vibrant and exciting then something has been put in place of Christ or over Christ. Repent and come back to Christ. Read the Word and pray. It is lacking in substance. Life comes from God, if we have not God we have not life. We have only what dead men can offer. It is dead and leads to slavery to rules of men and condemnation. God is love and the work of the Holy Spirit is love (Romans 5:5). It is vibrant and joyful. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  11. Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? How can we help people come to the truth? What is the alternative if they don't, according to Isaiah 28:21? We are born with a self will that is alienated from the truth. The Bible says we are sheep. Sheep are stupid. We are stupid. So we are just prodigals who think we know it all. Lies feel so good for a time. So we cling to the ones that please what we want to hear. I love this. In our conceit we show our stupidity. We find out we don't have the answers and rather than recognize God our Savior we concoct lies and false beliefs to try to make ourselves look like we know it all. Pray!!! for all to come to a knowledge of the truth and to receive it for themselves. If they don't accept God He will fight against them. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  12. Q3. (Isaiah 22) Why is Judah faulted for making necessary military preparations in the face of the Assyrian armies? What should they have done at the same time (verses 11-12)? What seems to be the sin of Shebna, steward of the palace (verses 15-19)? Have you ever been guilty of selfishness instead of doing your duty to Christ? Making preparations is not the problem I don't believe. It was the leaving God (dissing Him) out of the whole equation. Imagine the only one who has power over anything including wisdom for the preparations they were making and he is not consulted, not even given a remote thought in the wee back of their brains. God gave them that day to mourn and to return to him for complete total mercy. Instead they were in very premature celebrations. Reminds me of people going to a wild New Years celebration a little immature as they will be in their eternal place that night. Help us Lord. Shebna sounds like may of todays characters. They just think they are really something (the cat's meow as my grandma used to put it). He and many today totally misused his 'rank' and power. Lined his own pockets with no reguard for the poor or for his master to do what was right according to his position. Aren't we a sad lot! Lord help us. We need your help. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  13. Q2. (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? What was its meaning? What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah's foreign policy? If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God? As a sign to Judah that only God has power to save and deliver. I read that under sack cloth was some sort of shirt so it is probable that Isaiah was not totally unclothed. However it would have been an act of great self humiliation in obedience to God for His sake and His glory alone. They remained faithful to God. I hope so! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  14. Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? Supreme arrogance Morning Star I hope not If I ever did it would have been out of ignorance and the ruler in chapter 14 was knowingly arrogant through and through. Confess my sin, remember the awful price Christ had to pay for my sin, read scripture, pray, pray, pray! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  15. Q7. (Isaiah 11:10-16) What does it mean that "the nations" will rally to the Messiah when he appears? Who are these "nations"? Who else will be "gathered" at this time? How does this prophecy relate to Jesus' and Paul's teaching about the Rapture (Mark 13:26-27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1)? When will this prophecy be fulfilled They will be drawn to the Messiah All nations All peoples They expound on it No one knows the day or the hour only the Father God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  16. Q6. (Isaiah 11:6-9) The passage speaks in figurative language. What kind of peace does it describe? How far will this peace extend? According to Isaiah 11:9b, why will there be peace? What does "the knowledge of the Lord" mean? How widespread will this "knowledge" be? Human and animal, all natural enemies The whole earth Because of the knowledge of the Lord An intimate, personal knowledge All living things God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  17. Q6. (Isaiah 11:6-9) The passage speaks in figurative language. What kind of peace does it describe? How far will this peace extend? According to Isaiah 11:9b, why will there be peace? What does "the knowledge of the Lord" mean? How widespread will this "knowledge" be? Human and animal, all natural enemies The whole earth Because of the knowledge of the Lord An intimate, personal knowledge All living things God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  18. Q5. (Isaiah 11:1-5) Who was Jesse? How does his name indicate that this passage speaks of the Messiah? What attributes will he have due to the Spirit of God upon him? What do we learn about this Messiah from verses 4-5? Who seem to be the victims of injustice and oppression here? When the Messiah comes, what will happen to all who involve themselves in injustice? Jesse was the father of David. The Messiah would come from the line of David. Wisdom, understanding, counsel, might and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He will care about the welfare of the poor and needy who are victims of injustice and oppression. When Messiah comes he will stay the the wicked who are the oppressors of the poor and needy. God Bless! Jen Romans 15;13
  19. Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities? Why do we do it? It seems to me there is something in the human psyche that feels good when it causes misery on others. It is in our sin nature I believe. And we enjoy the feeling of importance and power that we get when we oppress others. To prevent this we need to pray for those who don't know our Lord and to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. We can give them the gift of a smile, put a tender hand on their shoulder as we need when we are weak or poor. And do unto them as we would have others do unto us. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  20. (Isaiah 9:6-7) What in the text convinces us that the Child/Son is the Messiah himself? What do you learn about the Messiah from the four word pairs describing him? Which of these saving attributes do you need most in your life right now? Verses 6, 7 could only be talking about God who is the Messiah. Wonderful Counselor: His wisdom will be so great as to be mysterious Mighty God(El Gibbor): This is the same name as God pointing to the divinity of the Messiah Everlasting Father: means Messiah is eternal and as a father Prince of Peace: says that Messiah will be the king of peace, well being, harmony My father died when I was 5 and my stepfather died a few years ago so I feel that I need Everlasting Father. Someone on whom I can lean on, talk to, ask advice of and receive the unconditional love we so need. Someone on whom I can see His smiling face as I run to Him. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  21. Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? Jesus is our Rock. The only rock for salvation upon which we may cling. If we reject He becomes a stumbling stone and a trap and a snare. If we reject God's offer of salvation the rock will fall on us and judge us. We will not stand before God on our own merits. People are totally rebellious to Almighty God. And totally corrupt and don't even see it! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  22. Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? Jesus will be seated upon the throne of David and rule the nations at long last. And all will desire to know the one true God at long last. When Christ rules there will be peace at long last. Thank you Jesus! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  23. Q1. (Isaiah 7-8) What was the gist of Isaiah's prophetic instruction to Ahaz? Why do you think Ahaz chose to disregard it? What did Ahaz do instead? What was the consequence of this disobedience? Why do we sometimes seem to think that we're smarter than God? Why is it sometimes so hard to do what God tells us to do? God is saying if you will trust in me and obey me it will not happen (Aram and Israel invading Judah). Ahaz was fearful with good reason, a strong sense of guilt and lack of faith because being an evil and arrogant man he could not exercise faith in God who is pure and holy. The two were diametrically opposed. Ahaz preferred indebtedness to the Assyrians to the grace and mercy of God. The result was that they with who Ahaz allied himself with rather that God turned on Ahaz and became a tool of God's judgement on the them. We are evil inside and decide we know more than God. We go on our own strength and wisdom which is fatally flawed. We find opposition from those around us and succumb to the pressures of people and our own lack of faith and knowledge in and of God. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  24. Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? Judah forgot who made them! Today we remember the name of Ford and Wright but we forgot Who made us. We have dissed our Maker! Unbelievable! The only word I can think of for people is obtuse. He had to go to the heavens and earth to get an audience. Has He not made Himself plain and clear who He is from the beginning. When Christians "suffer" from such identity crisis it is willful ignorance and are rebuked by the dumbest of animals and suffer from God's withdrawal of His Hand of protection. The people are unjust and merciless in their dealings with others and will experience the same in God's dealings with them. Their unreasonable behavior is pure rebellion against a just, merciful, holy God. The one and only God. The alternative is to humble themselves before the very God they have shunned, confess their sin, turn from their wicked ways and ask for HIs forgiveness. He in turn will make them whiter than snow. What wondrous God is this? When we go around trying to be better than others He who is pure and Holy will forgive us who won't easily forgive others. Is even the word obtuse an accurate description of us? Is there even a word invented that accurately describes the unregenerate human heart. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  25. Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ's glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase "outer darkness" a helpful description of hell? Brilliant light and peace. We will not be able or want to take our eyes off it. For unbelievers they will know it is the One they have rejected and will fear. It will be too terrible for words. It will be death. Alone and terrlble darkness. Separated from the God of life, love and light. Colossians 1:13 says "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transfered us to the kingdom of His beloved Son". Partially now and fully then. Thank you Thank you Thank you, Lord! We fall at your feet in worship and grateful love and adoration. Let us pray for those in darkness to come to the God of life and light and love. God Bless! Jen Romans 15: 13
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