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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Q6. Since Yahweh seems to be formed from “I AM” as God’s own name, what is the significance of Jesus’ “I am” statements? Which of these “I am” statements means the most to you personally? Jesus is revealing who He is as God in these statements. They are beautiful, poignant statements that show the love of God for us, his care for us in the most compassionate form for us to understand. If asked to pick a favorite today it would be" I am the bread of life". I feed on His Word everyday, without Him I would surely perish to be lost forever in a bottomless eternity of emptiness. All who come to Him will never die. God bless! Jen John 6:38
  2. Q4. Why is the title "Lord Jesus" such an exalted one. What does it tell us about Jesus' divinity? ​Lord comes from the Greek kyrios which means "owner, one who is in charge by virtue of possession", then anyone in a position of authority, lord master. So the title Lord Jesus means He is the owner of all, He has all power, He is in charge of all, He has the power to save us from our sins. Only God can save us from our sins so it tells us of His divinity. Our words cannot do justice even a little to who Jesus is. There is something heartfelt about this so that it cannot be communicated fully in words, but only in heart talk with our God. I believe for all eternity we will have "heart talk with Jesus" and those of us who have studied now will be filled with an awesome awareness of what we have studied and unable to put into mere words. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  3. Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross? Jesus, Only Begotten God, is God. He was God sent from God. Jesus is the Son from eternity, He is the One and Only, the ONLY Begotten, the Only God of God or very God of God. We are created beings by God and have become sons and daughters through adoption. Jesus is God, sent from God, the very God of God. God Himself, came to save us. He sent His Son, His unique, Only Begotten Son to live among us to die a vicious, barbaric, humiliating death on the cross, a death of spiritual agony and He knew ahead it was going to happen. But for the glory set before Him, He paid the price to purchase me and all who will have Him. I don't know if we will ever realize the costliness of the cross. God Bless! Jen John 1:14
  4. Q2. (Mark 1:10-11; Ephesians 1:6) If Jesus is the Father's Beloved, how can the Father send him to die? How does that make sense, given what we know of parental love? What does that say about God's love for us? John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 2 Peter 3:9b not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. "Amazing love how can it be that thou my God shouldst die for me". If we expect God to make sense to us we are going to have a long wait. We are limited in sight, love, knowledge, wisdom etc. It seems the only thing that there are no limits to is the evil we can do. God is not limited in love, power, knowledge. He is all knowing, righteous, just , holy and a God of love. All we can do is worship Him and ask that He bring glory to His name through us and souls for Him. It is His to do and ours to obey. God Bless! Jen Jude 24,25
  5. Q1. In what way does the title Son of God make Jesus equal with the Father? When you deal with the Son, is that the same as dealing with the Father? Do you know Jesus the Son of God? Do you love him? Because Jesus is fully God He is equal with the Father. He was begotten of the Father through the Holy Spirit who is fully God, so Jesus is fully God. Like begets like. It is the same as dealing with the Father in that they are equally God. Jesus is the Messiah, our Savior, Lord and High Priest interceding before the Father for us. The Father is the Father, Ancient of Days whose throne we can now come before through the name of Jesus alone. Yes I know Jesus the Son of God. Yes I love Jesus. God Bless Jen Romans 15:13
  6. Q6. (Luke 9:35) Since Jesus is God's Chosen One, what does it mean to "listen to him"? In what ways does your life reflect listening to him? In what ways do you need to heed him more explicitly? Jesus is God's chosen One so who else would we listen to. We do listen to the world sometimes however I hope I see before it is too late because listening to Jesus leads to life and health and listening to the world leads to sin and death. The only way I can keep the world out of my life is an active prayer life and reading the Word and then heeding what it says. Psalm 119:173 says "Let your Hand become my help , For I have chosen Your precepts". We choose who we listen too. I have chosen the Lord. When I am misled by the enemy of my soul His Hand guides me in the way which I should go. I do need to pray more and listen for His Voice. I would save myself much grief. God Bless Jen Psalm 119:173
  7. Q5. Where did the title "Branch" come from? How does the imagery differ from the title "Root"? The title Branch came from prophecies in Isaiah and Jeremiah. The Root is the source (Jesse/David) and the Branch is Jesus, the righteous king, long awaited Messiah. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  8. Q4. (Matthew 21:9, 15) Why were the chief priests and scribes so angry when little children referred to Jesus as "Son of David"? What does the title "Son of David" signify? Pride was the reason. Otherwise they would not have been angry. They might have wondered, investigated scripture, prayed to God (who they really had no relation too). They had only their power and position and it was threatened by the miracles and the humble nature of Jesus. Son of David signifies the Messiah, the long awaited One, the Son of God, promised One from the line of David. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  9. Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20). Peter believed Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. It was revealed to him by the Father in heaven. Jesus came to die for our sins, to be crucified precisely and the time was not yet. It would work out in the Father's way and time to fulfill scripture. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  10. It is hard to pick a favorite Messianic prophecy. Some are beautiful and if I had to pick a favorite it would be Isaiah 9:6 or Isaiah 53, however Psalm 22:14 is the one that makes me take pause. What does it take to make your heart like wax? This is what our Savior suffered for us. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 22:11-21 In these verses we have Christ suffering, and Christ praying; by which we are directed to look for crosses, and to look up to God under them. The very manner of Christ's death is described, though not in use among the Jews. They pierced his hands and his feet, which were nailed to the accursed tree, and his whole body was left so to hang as to suffer the most severe pain and torture. His natural force failed, being wasted by the fire of Divine wrath preying upon his spirits. Who then can stand before God's anger? or who knows the power of it? The life of the sinner was forfeited, and the life of the Sacrifice must be the ransom for it. Our Lord Jesus was stripped, when he was crucified, that he might clothe us with the robe of his righteousness. Thus it was written, therefore thus it behoved Christ to suffer. Let all this confirm our faith in him as the true Messiah, and excite our love to him as the best of friends, who loved us, and suffered all this for us. Christ in his agony prayed, prayed earnestly, prayed that the cup might pass from him. When we cannot rejoice in God as our song, yet let us stay ourselves upon him as our strength; and take the comfort of spiritual supports, when we cannot have spiritual delights. He prays to be delivered from the Divine wrath. He that has delivered, doth deliver, and will do so. We should think upon the sufferings and resurrection of Christ, till we feel in our souls the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings. God bless! Jen Psalm 22:19
  11. Q1. What is the meaning of the words “Christ” and “Messiah? How does the Davidic Covenant influence messianic expectation in Jesus’ day? Christ and Messiah mean "Annointed One", 'mashiah' the Hebrew word was translated into the Greek' christos' or Christ. The Davidic Covenant said that the Lord Himself would establish a house for David from his own body or offspring. This kingdom would would endure forever and David's throne would be established forever. The leading tenants of this for the people were the importance of faith, the prophecies of the prophets and the power of prayer that God does answer the prayers of His people. The people knew that someone was coming and the anticipation heightened every year as they groaned under Roman occupation. However God never works in ways we expect The King of Kings didn't come as a powerful arrogant ruler to overthrow the Roman rule by force by the sword. Instead ever so much better He was a humble, gentle, Savior. Not by might nor by power but by my spirit (Zechariah 4:6) He conquered, changed hearts of those who received Him, so that we can look to Him and face the world with a smile, with the fruit of the Spirit deep within us. This is the thing that myths are made of but this is the Truth. This is fact not fiction. How God pulls one over the world and establishes His kingdom in the hearts of men. Jesuah ha Mashiah, the mystery of heaven comes to earth a mortal man. God Bless! Jen Zechariah 4:6
  12. Q4. (1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1 John 2:1) In what sense is Jesus our "one Mediator between God and man"? What happens to this personal relationship with Jesus when we ask a minister or a saint to intercede for us? How is Jesus our Advocate before the Father? In what ways are you an advocate for the powerless in your community? How do you function as a reconciler, a mediator, a peacemaker as you serve Christ? There is one God and one Mediator, the man Christ Jesus who Himself paid the price for our freedom and deliverance from the kingdom of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son, Christ Jesus. We do offer intercessory prayers however they are offered to the one and only true God through the shed blood of His Son on the cross for us. No one else lived a sinless life and died a sinless death for us but the man Christ Jesus who was sent by God to alone atone for our sins. No one else could but God alone. God will listen to no other advocate than the One He sent to be our mediator, the man Christ Jesus. No one else is acceptable before God than Christ Jesus. We advocate for others only through Christ. We are peacemakers only though the power of the Holy Spirit by the atoning death for us on the cross by the man, Christ Jesus. We do nothing and have nothing on our own. Only through the Holy Spirit who always points to Christ and Christ alone can we do any good, promote peace, intercede and come into the presence of so righteous, just and Holy God who alone is worthy of praise and glory. If we pray though any other name than Christ Jesus do we not in a sense, offer the same strange fire that Aaron's sons did in Leviticus 10. God Bless! Jen 2 Corinthians 2:14
  13. Q3. (Isaiah 53:3) How can Jesus be the Man of Sorrows as well as the one who finds joy in his Father? How can we experience sorrow without it coming to dominate our lives? Jesus came here to live a perfect sinless life and to then be a sinless sacrifice for human kind. He hung on a cross for all to see, to make atonement for you and for me. He loved and healed and was despised and rejected. He was indeed Man of Sorrows. He found joy in doing the Father's will and bringing glory to His name and many sons to righteousness through His life, death and resurrection. We look to the Shephard who can sympathize with us because He Himself has experienced it. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  14. Q2. (Daniel 7:13-14) Since Jesus is the Son of Man in Daniel's prophecy, what implications does that have for your obedience, your worship, your estimation of Jesus' power and glory? ​I just read in Exodus the verses on the death of Aaron's two sons for offering strange fire. This is the same God we worship and it is still worship that is to be taken seriously and with, love, caution, gratitude and reverence to our Lord and His commands and laws. We may live under grace now however we are still worshipping the same God. He is worthy of our worship, our obedience, He has all power and is to be reverenced above all. He is the Only God and if we love Him we will obey and worship Him as Daniel did. God Bless! Jen Jude 24,25
  15. Q1. (Daniel 7:13-14) What attributes does the "one like a son of man" have in Daniel's prophecy? In what ways does this personage possess divine elements? What authority does he have? How do we know that Jesus identified himself with this Son of Man in Daniel? He resembles a man ​He comes with the clouds of heaven ​He approaches the Ancient of Days Is worshipped by people of all nations and languages Possesses an everlasting kingdom God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  16. Q3. (Revelation 3:14) Why is Jesus called the “true and faithful witness”? What did he witness to? How was he faithful in his witness? As a disciple, to what degree are you a “true and faithful witness” to the Word that your Rabbi has taught and has done in your life? What would it look like if you improved as a witness? Jesus was a faithful and true witness to the exact iota of who God is because He is God. How could He be else? He witnessed to the people to the death on the cross. Doesn't get more faithful than that. I am growing as a witness. It is a life long process that requires devotion of time for studying, meditating, prayer. God Bless! Jen Jude 20
  17. Q4. (John 4:16; 1 Corinthians 1:24) How does Jesus' truth contrast with your culture's dearly held "truths"? How does Jesus' wisdom differ from the worldly wisdom that your culture teaches you? What would help you hold on to Jesus' truth and wisdom more effectively? Polar opposites Polar opposites Continually growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus God Bless! Jen Jude 20
  18. Q2. (John 1:1-3, 14) In what sense is Jesus the Word of God? Why do you think he is called this? Why does John call him the Word of Life (1 John 1:1)? What does this say to us about the importance of hearing, meditating on, and internalizing Jesus' words? The Word was considered equal with God there for Jesus as equal with God is rightly know as the Word. The Word gives us life. Jesus is the Word and we get life through Jesus. He is the life in us, without Him we have no life. Without Christ in us we are dead men walking. If we want to live we MUST hear, meditate and internalize God's word. As much as we do is as healthy as we will be in life. If you feed yourself with junk food you will be weak, if you feed yourself with His Word you will be strong. The Word says we are to build ourselves up in our most holy faith and keep ourselves in the love of God. This is how we do it. God Bless! Jen Jude 20
  19. Q1. What is your relationship to Jesus as your Rabbi? How often do you come to him to teach you? How do you receive his teaching? How teachable do you think you are? He is my Lord and my teacher. I am His devoted pupil if you will. I start the day off with as much as two hours of Bible reading if my day allows. I try to return at least once more if the day allows. I get excited about my time with Him and I think I have a teachable spirit. Then I try to spend some time in Bible or Bible related reading in the evening. God Bless! Jen Jude 20
  20. Q4. How did Jesus' disciples use his name when they healed and cast out demons? Do we have this kind of authority, or was it only for the apostles themselves? In what way does speaking or acting in Jesus' name demonstrate the concept of power of attorney? Why are we sometimes afraid to speak or act in Jesus' name? How might hearing his voice about a particular matter alleviate that fear? 1. in His authority 2. Yes 3. Same as current POA 4.Small faith or unbelief 5.boosts confidence because it comes from the Lord Himself. This world is scary make no doubt about that and we need the Lord to stand. God bless Jen Romans 15:13
  21. Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for? ​We have been given the right and privilege to pray to the Father through the shed blood of Jesus which is the only name by which we can come to Him. Therefore we pray in the precious name of Jesus. Yes most times I say it sometimes if it is a quick prayer I think it. I always give thanks to Jesus. I don't think God would reject a prayer by a believer if in the fog of crisis didn't say in Jesus name as Jesus who intercedes for us knows those who are His. In Christ we are not under law but under grace. As Jesus redeemed chosen people we are responsible to pray His will and if we don't know His will to ask His will, to ask for wisdom in how to pray in a situation . We do not pray lightly in Jesus name however we can ask what we will. If we are mature in the faith our prayers will be mature and if we are not as we grow and learn in the faith our prayers mature with our growth as our minds conform to the mind of Christ. It is a lifelong process, learning about Him and loving Him more and more, understanding more how grievous our sin is and how great is His mercy. God bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  22. Q2. In what ways does taking Jesus' name on ourselves, or identifying ourselves with him, open us to shame and persecution? Have you seen examples of this in your own experience? What actions might show that a Christian is ashamed of Jesus? What actions might show that a Christian is unashamed of Jesus? 1. We will experience the same as our Master. Can it be any other way and would we want it any other way. If our Lord suffered should we not. 2. Yes 3. Denying the faith 4. Steadfast in belief, continuing on in the faith in spite of the 'side effects'. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  23. Q1. How is the meaning of Jesus’ name linked to his mission? What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? How did he fulfill his mission in your life? Jesus means Yahweh saves and His mission is to save us from our sins and glorify God. He fully submitted Himself to God and suffered death on the cross as payment for us of the penalty of death for sin. When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior I received the free gift of eternal life with God starting the moment I received Jesus as Lord and Savior. God bless! Jen John 3:16
  24. Q4. (5:13-14) What does it tell us about the status of the Lamb that he is worshipped alongside "him who sits on the throne"? The Lamb is eternal God, God the Son, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, worthy of all praise and honor. What an honor to study about Him, to learn about Him my blessed redeemer, Savior, Lord. God bless! Jen Proverbs 22:11
  25. Q3. (Revelation 5:5) What has the Lamb done to "triumph" and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? (Hint: See the "for" or "because" clause in 5:9 for the answer.) Because He was willing to be slain and with His blood purchased men from every tongue, tribe and nation for God, to live forever with Him and worship Him. God Bless! Jen Jude 25
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