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Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law reveals to us God's standard for righteous living and by it we learn so much about who our God is. We are the opposite of the law by nature which is why we need to read the law even though it is written on our hearts. We seem to gloss over our sin. We cannot live and obey it on our own merits. We need the power of the Holy Spirit in us to convict us. We are powerless on our own. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
Q5. (Romans 6:18-22) In Paul's analogy in these verses, is there a place of independent freedom apart from "slavery" to sin or to Christ? Why do we long for this kind of independent freedom? Why do we hesitate to firmly take sides and make our allegiance clear to all? No I think if we knew what was ahead we would be running for the cover of His everlasting arms. We do not comprehend the battle we are in. The only time we shouldn't think and just do is the one time we do think. God Bless! Jen Numbers6:24-26
Q4. Adhering to 'Good Doctrine'
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding? Good doctrine teaches us how to behave as Christians. It teaches us how to conform to the image of Christ. We should desire it earnestly. If we honor sound doctrine we will lead lives worthy of the name of Christ and influence others by our behavior. It is very contrary to our own human nature. It is so important to keep our little noses in the Word and to pray. We should avoid any doctrine that is contrary to the Word. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q2. Offering Our Members to God
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? I look at it this way. Everyone serves God to work out His purposes either in honor or dishonor. When we yield to Him we will serve Him in honor. Not perfect yet that is to come when we go home to be with Him. When we yield to our sin natures in whatever form we serve God in dishonor or you could say we are serving Satan. We can offer or present our members to God through the power of the Holy Spirit when we know His Word and pray. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q2. (Romans 6:3-4) In Paul's reference to baptism in 6:3-4, what does "buried" (6:4a) correspond to in the act of baptism? What does "Christ was raised from the dead" (6:4b) correspond to in baptism? When we are baptized and we go under the water we are buryng our sins as we identify with Christ in His death and burial. When we are raised out of the water we are identifying with Christ in the newness of life we are given when Christ rose from the dead. The same as He is seated in the heavenlies we are now seated in the heavenlies as we are identified with Him. Praise God for all He has done for us. God Bless!! Jen Numbers6:24-26
Q1. Obedience and Sin's Reign
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
Q1. (Romans 6:12) What does obedience have to do with the "reign" of sin? I remember once hearing or reading "you obey the one you love". If we love sin we will "obey" its call or lure and it will reign over us. If we love God we will obey Him and He will reign in our hearts. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q1. (Romans 6:3-5) In what sense does baptism bring about our union with Christ? In what sense does baptism symbolize our union with Christ? The first baptism happens when we become true believers and are made one with Christ. That is our union with our Lord. It is spiritual. The water baptism is what symbolizes our union with Christ in a way that is an outward testimony of our inner belief in Christ, His death and resurrection from the dead to newness of life through Him. God Bless Jen Numbers6:24-26
Q3. (Romans 5:15-19) By what right does Adam represent all humankind? By what right does Christ become head of all who become his disciples? If Christ is not our "representative" or "head," how can his death for sins be effective for us? As first created man we get our human bodies through Adam. It is his first sin that infected the whole human race. As to exactly how we are all infected I can't explain except that we all sin so through Adam we are all infected. Christ becomes our head through His victory over sin by His sacrifice on the cross if we accept Him as our head and our need of His atonement for our sins. If Christ is not our head , if we do not submit to His authority over us His death cannot atone for our sins. We are still in our sins and we will perish in them of our own free will and choosing. Choose Christ, for why will ye perish? For what? Anything else is vain. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
Q4. (Romans 6:2-5) According to this passage, at what point do we move from being under the headship of Adam to the headship of Christ? Is there anything we must do to bring about this change in headship? What are the implications of us having died with Christ? At the moment of salvation when we are declared righteous before God we have moved from the headship of Adam to the headship of Christ. Is there anything we must do to bring this about? I think Romans 10: 9 says it very well. It implies that as we have identified with Christ in His death so we died to sin and as He rose from the dead we so rise to newness of life in Him. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-326
Q2. (Romans 5:13, 20) What is Paul saying in these verses? Can there be sin without law? In what sense does the "trespass increase" (5:20) when the law is present? To me Paul is saying that until the law was given men sinned using ignorance as an excuse even though they knew wrong. After the law there is no excuse however some still continue on knowing "it" is wrong and doing wrong anyway because they think that nothing will happen. J Vernon McGee says "Even the very thoughtlife of man is alienated from God". In verse 20 he is saying that God gave us the chance to be forgiven however we still have the same sin nature in us and will until we go home to be with Him. However many make a deliberate choice to reject even when they "know "the truth" and theirs is the greater trespass. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:
Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person? Heads of households, mayors, town selectmen, ambassadors, world leaders, judges, congressmen, senators, airline pilots, investment land managers, religious leaders, teachers to name a few. In what ways are members of the group tied to this person? By birth, belief, elections, choices made, circumstances, jobs, default, customs and traditions, threats and intimidations and love and duty to name a few. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
Q3. Christ Died for the Ungodly
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive? Why is it important to embrace the truth that Christ died for the ungodly, that Christ died for sinners? To embrace is to hold closely. It has the sound of affection or love. Since the devil will try to get us to believe the opposite of God's Word we must embrace the truth that Christ died for sinners, for us while lost in sin. Don't you just love what our Savior has done for us!! According to 5:8 did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? He died for us when we were at our worst. Oh how His actions humble us when we refuse to forgive others. How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about being to bad to forgive? We have embraced (hold closely as in a hug) the truth that Christ died for the ungodly, for us when we were at our worst. What a Friend we have in Jesus!! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q4. Reconciliation
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Reconciliation: the process of making consistent or compatable Why is reconciliation with God necessary? So we can be of the same will and live in harmony with Him. The perfect harmony of the Father, Son And Holy Spirit. We go from enemy to friend. In what sense are we being saved by his life? He lives ever to intercede for us. What is Jesus doing for us in the present? He is our Friend everyday that He leaves us here. He makes us acceptable to God. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q2. Rejoicing in Our Sufferings
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of perseverance, tried character, and hope? It is in our sufferings and tribulations, if we submit to God, that we are molded to Christ's image. If we didn't have these we would be like all the meddlesome gossips. We are conformed to His image through tribuations which work in us 1. Perseverance: the steadfast pursuit of an objective. It implies a continuous process. We press toward the goal and our adversities advance us toward the Christlike character He is working in us. 2. Tried character: character is the collective qualities that distinguish us from other people. Our characters are being tested in the flames of affliction to produce the Christlike sweetness we desire and to rid us of the dross so that we may have hope. 3. Our hope is Christ and being conformed to His image. As always I have a long ways to go. God Bless!! Jen Numbers6:24-26 -
Q1. Faith and Justification
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Q1. (Romans 5:1-2) According to verses 1-2, faith is a key to salvation. For Abraham (4:3), what was the relationship between faith and justification? For us (5:1-2), what is the relationship between faith and justification? In your own words, what does it mean to be justified? For all faith is the only way to justification. To be justified means reconcilliation with God and the permanent peace which comes as a result of that reconciliation. It means He will remember my sins no more. It means He is for me and not against me. It means someone (Jesus who alone was without sin and acceptable to God) paid the price, the penalty, due for me. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q6. Blessed Are the Persecuted
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? We should rejoice because when we are unjustly persecuted and stand up under it God is glorified and we should desire His glory first and foremost. I personally don't like suffering so I can't say I find any pleasure in it. Suffering is just that! Suffering! Matthew Henry says "God will provide that those who lose for him, though it may be life itself, shall not lose by him in the end. This is what has borne up the suffering saints in all ages--this joy 'is set before them'". We need to pray for each other. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q5. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes? Because God is pure. Sin separates us from God. Darkness hides from the Light. 1 John 1:9 says "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". We must be diligent to pray and read His Word. God Bless! Jen Numbers6:24-26 -
Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude? If you have this desire for righteousness you will be a reminder to the world of God and His standards. Matthew Henry says "Those who contendedly bear oppression and quietly refer themselves to God to plead their cause, shall in due time be satisfied, abundantly satisfied, in the wisdom and kindness, which shall be manifested in His appearances for them." We need to pray for each other! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
Q3. Blessed Are the Meek
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? If the gentleness does not spring from union with Christ it is more like worldly condescending arrogance. I also like the scripture in Matthew 11:29 "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls." The world is not like this. It gives no rest and a Christless society is a merciless society. The humbleness and gentleness of Christ is where we find our rest and our fellowship with Him and its where the world will find it in us. As always I have a lot of work to do in these areas. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q2. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.) Until we are aware of our spiritual emptiness we don't know our need for a Savior. We believe the lies of the devil that we go to church or live pretty good lives so everything is fine. Every culture has its deception and we enter willingly into the deception. We need to realize that we are lost sinners and mourn over our sin. We need genuine repentance so we turn to Jesus. A common mourning for Christians is the understanding of the awfulness of sin, and the terrible fate of those who do not turn with a repentant heart to the atoning blood of the Lamb. We need to pray for each other! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q1. Beatitudes and Spiritual Fruit
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts? Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox? What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? The two parts are who are the blessed and what is their reward. A paradox is opposite of what the world thinks. According to the dictionary a paradox is "a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement even if actually well founded." Jesus therefore used paradoxes to set forth the difference between God's ways and mans. The relationship between the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit is the Beatitudes are the standard, the Holy Spirit the force to accomplish and the Fruit of the Spirit is the evidentiary proof if you will of the presence of the Spirit. As always I need a lot of work in these areas. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q1. Psalm 2
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Q1. (Psalm 2) What does Psalm 2 teach us about Yahweh's "anointed" king? Why do you think the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah? What does the passage teach about the importance of submission to Jesus the Christ before it is too late? This psalm teaches of the opposition of the world to Christ as their King. The apostles quoted, in Acts 4, about the start of the opposition by Herod, Pontius Pilate, the gentiles and the people of Israel. It was through the Holy Spirit that they knew this. We can only know through the Holy Spirit. When it's too late, It's too late! Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31. Man has the freedom to choose whether to believe or not and Christ is going to come to set up His kingdom. He is coming to judge the earth. It will be too late then. Lord , Please through your Holy Spirit open our eyes and the eyes of our loved ones to your Truth set down in Scripture and to the folly of delaying that kiss of acceptance of our beautiful precious Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Let us pray for each other. We need each others prayers. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26