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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Q2. (Revelation 5:6) Decode (that is, identify) each of the following symbols that relate to the Lamb: The lamb itself represents .... Standing after being slain indicates ... Horns represent .... Eyes represent ... The number seven carries the idea of ... To summarize, then, the Lamb has the qualities of being of .... The Lamb is Jesus Christ standing after being slain shows He rose from the dead Horns represent might and power eyes represent sight the number seven means completeness, perfection The Lamb has the qualities of being the Messiah, the Son of God, the Holy One of Israel, the One predicted by prophets who would be slain for the sins of all people and rise all victorious, all knowing, all powerful, all seeing, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the only true God, the only God who is God. God Bless! Jen Jude 24
  2. Q1. (Revelation 5:5) Why is the Lamb called "the Lion of the tribe of Judah" and "the Root of David"? What do these titles signify about him? Lion of the tribe of judah Judah was symbolized as a lion's cub and his tribe would rule until Messiah would come. Messiah and the Lion are one and the same Root of David Messiah would come from the line of David, Jesse being David's father. The Lamb is the Lion and will rule forever and ever for He Is Messiah, our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, the Holy One of Israel. God Bless! Jen Proverbs 22:11
  3. Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) When we celebrate the Lord's supper we remember the celebration that will come when we eat at the wedding supper of the Lamb as His bride. He died for us that we might live with Him. And so we shall forever live with the Lamb of God, our Lord and Savior. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  4. Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible? (Consider Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 11:27; Matthew 6:14-15; 5:23-24; James 5:16.) Since the Lord's Super is about the forgiveness of sins if we refuse to forgive those who have dined against us doesn't it nullify the Lord's Supper and don't we make a mockery of it. Since Christ died for me while I was still a sinner does it not compel me to do the same (forgive) those who have sinned against me? So the Lord's supper and unforgiveness are incompatible. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  5. Q3. (Matthew 26:28) Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? When we sin someone else always suffers. Jesus had to pay the price He paid for me, for us. That causes me sorrow, because of my sin He suffered this. Because Jesus paid the price for me I will live with Him forever. He is my Lord and Savior. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  6. Q2. Compare the annual Jewish Passover celebration meal in Jesus' day with the Christian's celebration of the Lord's Supper. Where are the similarities? Where are the differences? Both are celebrations or remembrances of deliverance. For the Jewish people it was to remember their deliverance on the last night before they left Egypt being delivered both from the angel of death that spread across the land of Egypt and delivered from slavery to pharaoh. For the Christian it is to remember our Lord's sacrificial death on the cross to deliver us from our slavery to sin and from eternal separation from God. ​Both celebrations are institutions ordained by God. The Jews had a complete meal ended with a psalm to be song. We as Christians take the bread as the body of Christ broken for us and the wine as the blood of Christ shed for us and a hymn sung after as we go out into the world remembering what Christ has done for us. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  7. Q1. (Exodus 12) In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The blood of the lambs placed on the lintel and door posts protected the Israelis from the judgement that was happening. Christ's blood shed on the cross protects us who believe from the judgement coming. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  8. Q4. According to the slave-ransom analogy, who is the slave? What is he enslaved by? Who offers the ransom? If Satan is involved in the enslaving process, why isn't the ransom paid to him? Why isn't the slave-ransom analogy spelled out completely in the New Testament? all who have sinned (all of us) Satan and his lies Jesus Satan has kept us in darkness and made us slaves to him. He has filled us with his lies. He does not own us unless we refuse to repent, then he has control over us until we do. He does not care about us, only himself. The ransom, the blood of Christ, is to satisfy the justice of God. Satan is defeated and receives nothing but God's justice for the evil he is and does. That justice will be eternity in hell. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  9. Q3. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) How should we disciples apply the principle: "You are not your own, you were bought with a price"? How should this affect our living? Because God paid a very precious price for us He owns us (and loves us) and we should always live for Jesus. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  10. Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer? the responsibility of a kinsman redeemer Marrying a brother's widow if there were no children to produce an heir for the brother. ​purchase family land to keep in family buying the freedom of a relatives made slaves because of debt Avenging a kinsman who was murdered Rescuing a kinsman who was kidnapped Jesus is our kinsman redeemer. He paid the price Himself to pay for our debt of sin which we could not pay ourselves to redeem us from our slavery to sin and brought us into His kingdom of light, we then become the bride of Christ who promises to avenge troubles done to us. One day this earth will be totally back in His control and out of the control of the evil one and we will become inheritors with Christ. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  11. Q1. In the New Testament world, what class of humans were freed by payment of a redemption price or a ransom? Why do you think that Jesus, Peter, and Paul used this analogy in this week's theme verses. What about the Christian life does it help explain? In the New testament world the slaves were the class of humans who were owned by someone else. They could not free themselves. They needed someone to pay the price demanded for their freedom. Christ has paid that price for us. We have been freed from slavery to sin. We are redeemed, pardoned, forgiven by a just and holy God who because of His great love for us and His great mercy, came to earth and paid the required price for those who want to be free from their sin and it's price which is death. God bless Jen Romans 15:13
  12. Q5. Which single New Testament passage best sums up for you the lessons of Isaiah 53? Why did you chose this passage? List of NT Allusions to Isaiah 53 John 1:29 Behold The Lamb of God who takes the sin of the world. Thank you Jesus God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  13. Q4. In addition to our sins, the Servant also bears the punishment deserved by sinners. In what sense, if any, did Jesus bear the punishment due you when he died on the cross? Our sins are grievous, heinous. Look what we do to each other. Our sins separate us from God. The wages of our sin is death. We had to pay the punishment which would have been eternal separation from God. Jesus came to pay the price for us. He came willingly of His own volition. He ransomed us so we could be with Him for all of eternity. Our God is Awesome! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  14. Q3. Isaiah 53 teaches what theologians call "the substitutionary atonement." In what sense does the Servant act as a substitute to bear our sins? Put it in your own words. ​God knew we could not carry the burden of our sin. We had in us no righteousness, no excuse, we were guilty, men condemned to die for the wages of sin is death. God sent Jesus who is pure righteousness to bare our sins and pay the price which was death, for us. We became His righteousness as He took our sin from us. He came for us to pay the price for us and when He did we became His righteousness. Now when God sees us He sees the righteousness of Christ who took the burden and paid the price for us. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  15. Q1. From how large a group of people does God remove sins in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12? In what sense is this a universal sacrifice of salvation? In what sense is Jesus' sacrifice wasted on some people? All who believe in Him. He will sprinkle many nations (Isaiah 52:15), will justify many (Is. 53:11), He bore the sin of many (Is 53:12) Everyone ​He laid on Him the iniquity of us all. (53:16), He takes away the sins of the world (John1:29) His sacrifice made salvation possible for all however many will tragically not choose Him. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  16. Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? What do they teach us about holiness? What do they teach us about God's nature? When we sin an innocent victim must pay the price for what we have done. The sacrifices teach us that God is holy and cannot be around sin. His nature is perfect in holiness, justice, love, mercy, forgiveness. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6: 24-26
  17. Q5. In what sense is God's provision of animal sacrifice for forgiveness of sins an expression of his mercy? Were animal sacrifices actually adequate to atone for human sin? God provided a means for forgiveness through animal sacrifice as an expression of His mercy. The animal sacrifices were only temporary until the time was right for the real Lamb to pay the price for us on the cross. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  18. Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? We should not feel indifferent that something had to die so that we might live and live well I might put. However we do find meat or chicken neatly packaged and I for one grew up with chicken or meat wrapped in cellophane and gave it no thought. Just the yummy dinner we were going to have. How very ignorant we are as to what happens outside of our little sphere and who or what suffers while we are living with ease and comfort (compared to so many). I believe we are becoming more aware on some fronts as to how inhumanely some animals are treated and it is offensive to our consciences (or should be). God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  19. Q2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? Sin is disobedience and disrespect for God. We should be angry with a righteous anger when we as a people disobey God and violate His holy laws. Caprious or uncontrolled anger is sinful anger. We do not correctly correct sin with another sin. Righteous anger or indignation brings about a change of heart that leads to repentance. God Bless Jen Romans 15:13
  20. Q4. (Leviticus 4:32-35; 5:5-6) What are the basic elements involved in a sacrifice for sin? Which of these are still necessary for forgiveness of sins today? Which are no longer necessary? Why? Sorrow for sin (confession) perfect lamb lay hand on head of lamb slaying the lamb ​blood of lamb for transfer of sin altar fat of lamb priest to make atonement Today we need only sorrow leading to confession to our High Priest, Jesus the Christ, who shed His blood once and for all, for the sins of all who would believe on Him. He is worthy of our worship and adoration. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  21. Q1. How do you know that John the Baptist's statement about the Lamb of God refers to sacrifice? (John 1:29). How was the comprehensiveness of "sins of the world" so radical a concept? Ex. 29:38 Now this is what you shall offer on the altar; two lambs of the first year, day by day continually. A lamb was the offer for sacrifice for sin, without blemish, perfect. Christ covered all sins of all people. Once and for all. There is no other sin offering accepted. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  22. Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time? Those who have a teachable spirit will listen to the Holy Spirit and He, when they are saved, will cleanse and purify them. They will know the truth and the truth will set them free. Jn. 8:32 We are so used to the ease of worship and living with plenty that we don't always think of God or give thanks. We assume that it will always be this way. We have grown complacent and the urgency is not always there. Refining fire gets rid of the dross. Meditate on the Word and pray with urgency. Learn to give thanks for all things for this is the will of God in Christ for us. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  23. Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news? The intense persecution will last 3 1/2 years and it will be so as to break them. Sometimes we need to be broken before we will turn to Christ. God doesn't spare us bad news just because we don't like it. It is necessary for us to prepare us and if we need to repent to do so and become right with God again. Would that all would read these portions of the Bible. This is looming in our future and we are going on as if everything is the same. We need to wake up. We need to look at what is going on around us at home and else where to see that this world is disintegrating into a mass of sinful pleasure seekers. May we not be among them but as the wise who will know and be able to lead many to Christ. God bless you, my family in Christ. Jen Romans 15:13 We need to uphold each other in prayer everyday!
  24. Q4. (Daniel 12:3) What is the end of those who are wise and influential for God? What is their reward? How does God use your influence currently to advance his Kingdom? What would need to change so that you might have greater influence for Christ? Those who are wise and influential for God will shine with God's glory eternally. They will be powerful influences on others who will turn to God. I trust God uses me where I am put to His glory. More and more prayer for the unsaved! God bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  25. Q3. (Daniel 12:2) What do we learn about resurrection? How does this compare with New Testament teaching? What is the future of the righteous who are raised? Why do you think the unjust will be raised also? All will be raised, some to everlasting life and some to eternal shame for all have eternal souls. The righteous who are raised will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him. The Lord died so that all could share in this. The unjust will be raised also to their rewards which will be everlasting contempt and weeping and wailing. It will be unparalleled misery for such as no words can express. The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, however it is clear that many will die unsaved and it will be too late for them. No hope for them anymore. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
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