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Everything posted by Jen
Q2. A Disciplined Devotional Life
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
I find that without a disciplined devotional life it is impossible for me to live a disciplined victorious Christian life. God Bless! Jen -
Q1. Christian Virtues in Your Life
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
I think the easiet for me would be knowledge as I have a natural desire to know more about God and His Word. The hardest would be self control. I find myself going off on side tracks especially when I don't like what is happening in my family or with me, to take my mind off issues or to make me feel better. I need to be in prayer more and I also appreciated the remark before me on fasting. -
Q2. Everything We Need
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What are the scope and extent and boundaries of everything we need for life and godliness. what does knowledge or knowing god have to do with this promise? This is such a powerful verse and when you read it you realize that any shortcomings on our part are not because God has not provided. It is our failure to use what He has provided. This is saying that God has made EVERY provision for our lives in Christ and our godliness of life for Him.(We are saved for His glory). We are trophies of His grace. We do not have it in ourselves but He gave it to us and it requires us to be in prayer and intimate fellowship with him to use that which He has given us. If we don't spend time with Him how do we know Him. We can go through our lives saved and never do a good work when we are so equipped because we don't know what is available to us and what He asks of us for which He has already provided. What a tragedy!! Matthew Henry says " knowledge of God and faith in Him are the channel by which all spiritual supports and comforts are conveyed to us". I know many people who don't read the Bible (and yet believe every word is true). The joys we miss out on when we neglect our first love and reading His Word. This verse inspires me to want to be all that God intends for me to be and to continue working toward that end. God Bless! Jen -
Q1. Equal Faith
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
If my faith in Christ is personal saving faith then my faith is as precious to me as Peters was to him. My faith is equal to his because of the only thing that saves him or me, the blood of Jesus and our repentence and faith in that blood to pay the penalty for our sins and that faith is granted to all believers by God. It is not of us but God lest any man should boast. Therefore in that it is equal. My growth in that faith may be different depending on how much I feed and excercise that faith. God Bless! Jen -
Which promises in verses 10 and 11 are most meaningful to you at thispoint in your life? Why Most important in this is God's glory and dominion. He is jealous of His glory and we should be also. Second I appreciate that He orders the times and duration of our suffering and not anyone else and He is a God of mercy as displayed in full at the cross. Third I appreciate tht there is an improved me at the end. (Much improving to do yet but He is able to finish the good work He started in me. God Bless, Jen
Q3. Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
What instructions does Peter give us to guide us in spiritual warfare? Be sober, be vigilant (stay alert), resist him, be steadfast in the faith, expect suffering. How are these instructions similar or differnt than Paul's instructions in Ephesians 6:10-17. They are similar by alerting us to the war we are in but Paul gives a different analogy than Peter with a few more instrucions on how to fight this war and be victorious through Christ. God Bless, Jen Stay sober, be vigilant resist and be steadfast no matter what to the end. Lets pray for each other!!! -
Why is it important to be aware of Satan's existence? It's always important to be aware of your enemy and if you don't know you have one you are vulnerable. That's why Jesus talks about Him. Even tough God is sovereign we are in a spiritual war and must know we have an enemy and who he is and how he attacks. What does this verse teach us about the devil? He is like a lion prowling about seeking whom he may devour and cause the utmost hurt and pain in the process. As an animal is filled with fear as it runs from a lion so should we understand what his intentions are. Why is this teaching important? So that we know and understand that we have an enemy, that we understand how he works, his intentions (to turn us from the truth and that we go to spend eternity in hell like he will) and so we are not caught off guard and slaughtered. Lets pray for one another fervently and for our loved ones and those who are under satans dread sway. God Bless, Jen
This verse speaks of casting all your cares on Him and I like that becasue to me it is an action we take. I like action. Its like getting baptized. Its action you take to declare your new life. It makes it personal not just words. This verse also says that we will have cares so we once again know tht we are very normal and that is part of this world. The difference between us and others should be what we do with our cares. We do this because He cares for us. Isn't that great. He, the God of the universe cares for us. He tells us He cares and wants us to trust Him with our cares because He is able to do exceeddingly abundantly with all that we ask or think. Wow!!!!!!! We are to do this through prayer and I think this is action prayer. The action of thrusting or throwing our cares on Him. We can do this when we trust Him. i pray that this becomes more and more natural to me as I continue to grow in my faith and knowledge of our loving kind generous mighty God. God Bless Jen
Q4. A Healthy Willingness to Die
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
If you are not willing to die for your faith what testimony is that if we believe what we teach that we go to be with the Lord. If we aren't willing to die and I am assuming physical death is meant here and maybe painfully it destroys our testimony and we will live in a world that reaps the consequences of our failures. That world is a Christless world which is one which has no mercy. Jesus took up His cross to be crucified which was a long drawn out horribly painful death. The Romans knew enough to know that a person would not even be able to faint to relieve his agony. On my own I don't have enough strength to bear up. That is why we must commit ourselves to a faithful Creator and know that He knows what is best, is with us, and do what He asks and leave the consequences to Him. We need to pray for each othr and stand with each other. God Bless! Jen -
Q3. Happiness Because of Persecution
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
If we are not suffering maybe its because we are no threat to the status quo of the world. And there is plenty of persecutuion going on in America right now of Christians. Some stand alone because others will not stand with them. They are to worried about their jobs careers etc. Will not God take care of them. Do what you should and leave the consequences to God. As far as any rewards go anythng I get belongs to Him because without Him I have no strength and " my faith at best is weak. He whispers words of comfort that no other voice can speak." God Bless, Jen -
Q2. Partaking of Christ's Sufferings
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
I don't like suffering. I don't consider my self a good sufferer maybe because I feel the pain and it doesn't feel good. I also feel the lonliness but knowing that it is for Jesus gives me hope and a lighter spring in my step and it can put a smile on my face when others are not smiling. Suffering also helps me comfort othrs in distress because I have gone through trials also. Jesus is our high priest and can feel with us because He himself endured suffering. God Bless! Jen -
Q1. Danger of Avoiding Persecution
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
One danger of avoiding persecution is being ashamed before Christ. While others are out suffering for the gospel should we be like some of the Corinthians who were smug and self righteous? What do we have that was not given us by God. The persecutions are meant to mature us and aid us in our spiritual growth, draw us closer to Jesus (for I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings Phil. 3:10) and for us to see sin for what it is. Also as others see us bear up under persecution we are a witness for our Lord. If we avoid persecuton we are not walking in His will and what He has planned for us. Many times I have been distracted from what I should be doing (bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse). Yes I've seen it in others. Lets pray for each other. None of us is above temptation. God Bless, Jen -
Jesus attitude was one of perfect obedience and love to the Father. My attitude should be the same. I'm working on it.
Q4. Being Considerate
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Another nice answer by "kas". I would just say also how do you like to be treated? "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I have a note in my Bible "submission means to be committted to and understand your role". There is only one God and we are not Him so we should be very careful in how we carry out our roles. Has anyone seen that bumper sticker There is only one God so stop appying for His job (or someting like that)? Anyway I think its appropriate to this day and age for all of us. God bless, Jen -
I think "kas" answered this very well. I would just add that our true character honors or dishonors God. We all have areas that need work so there is no room for smugness among Christians because they are saved. We need to work harder than others for God's sake. People judge Him by us. I have written in my Bible and I don't know who said it "Evil men are strict observers of the conduct of those who profess religion. A pure life is an excellent means to win them to the faith of the gospel". And may I add that even if they are not won there will be no excuse for them if they so dare anyway because of the example we set. God Bless, Jen
Q2. Outer vs. Inner Beauty
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Why should women try to look their best? I think it can be Christ honoring if done in the right manner with the right attitde. I'm of the old school that you should go to church looking your best and not just throwing on a pair of jeans but to dress nice because you are going to worship God. In the same way my husband wants to come home and find someone who cares enough about him to look her best. How can trying to look their best divert women from what is important? By putting more focus on how you look than what is important (like character). What is the balance. Do everything in moderation, the Lord is at hand. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face and the things of the world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace." God Bless Jen -
Q1. Submission
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Why is submission so difficult for us humans? I wish it were easier than it is. I think it is self will, part of our sin nature not wanting to be under any one. Its also easier when the other people are loving, kind, gentle, peaceful, having your best interests at heart and not their own. I like the illustration of Frank Sinatra "I Did It My Way". That is the human way but Jesus did it the Father's way and I'm glad He did. Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved. No but wisdom is needed. Too many times I've been quiet when I should have spoken up and too many times I have spoken up when I would have been better off being quiet so I'm still trying to figure it out. When is submission wrong for a Christian. When it asks us to put anything over God and God Bless, Jen -
if Jesus died to set us free from sins power why does sin have such power over us still? Isn't this just one of the most fustrating things of the Christian walk. Now that we know sin it still has power over us (limited) because we still have the old flesh nature with us. This we will struggle with as long as we are here on this earth. According to 2:24b how must we deal with sin. We are to die to it and live unto righteouness. Easier said than done because of our old nature and the prowling lion seeking whom he may devour. I thinkwe can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit. How blessed we are that our God is so all knowing and provided all we need to live righteously and dead to sin. In practical terms how can we die to sin? Pray and read the Word. We cannot do it on our own strength. In everyday language what does live for righteousness mean. I guess to me it means holy living. Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. God Bless, Jen
Q2. Jesus' Sinlessness
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5 Appreciating Jesus' Atonement for Our Sins (1 Pet 2:24-25)
Why is Jesus sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? As the other person pointed out in the Old Testament times it was a lamb without spot or blemish which would be an acceptable sacrifice for our sins. When the time was right God provided the permanent sacrifice for my sins Jesus the precious Lamb of God. Only God Himself could fulfill the requirements to be the atonement for my sin. In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul. He experienced separation from God with whom He lived in perfect harmony, never lonely. Now He was alone in the anguish of physical pain but also receiving no comfort only the wrath of God being poured out on Him in whom was no blemish or sin. It must be like falling into a cesspool of such filth. That's what I am without God. How pitiful are my sins and everything about me without the righteouness of God in me and His strong hand on me to keep me from sliding right back into the filth. What a pitiful person I am without Jesus. How could a sinlessman stand this kind of corruption? He is God! God Bless, Jen -
What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on thecross? If He hadn't bore my sins I would be living in misery now in the gutter of life where he found me and I would forever, for all of eternity be living in terrible anguish and pain and separation from Him. My soul will never die but I would suffer death for all of eternity. It's difficult if not impossible to adequately put it into words. Thank you Jesus. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should have eternal life. God Bless, Jen
We should want to do a good job out of our love for God because He sees us. What we do and how we act reflects on us or if we were of another philosophy it would reflect on that one. People shouldn't judge a philosophy by the abuse of it but they do and to silence the critics of our God we should behave with integrity and respect. There is something about character involved here that you want to do a good job. God's people should be of good character. I struggle in every area but as Susannah Wesley put it "Perfection is God's attribute sincerity is mine". It is God who will finish the good work He started in us but we should desire when we see areas where improvement is needed to labor earnestly for our good and God's glory. God Bless Jen
Q1. God's Glory
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4 Submitting and Suffering Like Jesus (1 Pet 2:13-23)
Honesty and submission glorify God because the world lies and rebels against authority and it shows our love for Him when we do what is right. God Bless! -
Q4. Combatting Lies
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
Read 1 Peter 2:11 carefully. The world tells us (1) to conform and (2) that sin won't hurt us. What does Peter tell us to combat these lies? How can this reminder help us? He urges us to abstain becaue we are aliens and strangers here and as those chosen of God we should be alien to these behaviors. How can we do those things which war against our soul. We have His Word to remind us. I see it in my family. The ones who don't read the Word and don't go to church think nothing of these behaviors. As long as we are in the flesh we will have temptations but I thank God for His Word and His Spirit in me convicting me of sin so I can repent and receive His forgiveness. This reminder helps me because it is given to everyone. Imagine if you thought you were the only one struggling in the areas of the flesh. What guilt and shame but these reminders are given because we are all tempted. God Bless, Jen -
Q3. God's Own People
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
What actions and attitudes shoud this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us. Good works, truthfulness, kindness, desire for purity and spiritual things, to put away the former things of the flesh. God Bless, Jen