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Everything posted by Jen

  1. It is still the same battle that has taken place since the Garden of Eden, since the story of Job being accused by Satan, a terrible scary battle that is waging as we speak. "The adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour." 1 Peter 5:14. Would that this would just be a science fiction movie that would be scary enough but to know it is real and the outcome for those not covered by the blood who inconcievable. The comfort from this passage is that the accuser whose time is short has been overcome, defeated and we will be with our Lord for all eternity through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross (and before with His flogging and crown of thorns). Blessed be our Savior and Lord the victorious one Jesus the Christ.
  2. What positive characteristics do we see in their actions that we should emulate. As to wether we should wear sackcloth I don't know but I do see that as a positive characteristic in that they were on God's mission and that didn't include impressing people with their finery. They were not timid but spoke boldly prophecying in word and action. Matthew Henry says "God made them to be like Zerubbabel and Joshua". Just as he says to us Fear not I am with thee ; be not dismayed for I am thy God so was He their God. They were here for a mission and they completed it. So should we complete our mission. Since we don't know what that might be yet we should be backing each other up in prayer because we care about each other and when one of us is honored so are we all. Paul asked others to pray that he might speak boldly and I need that also. What is their reward? What a reward! God allows them to be killed and their bodies lie in the streets for 3 1/2 days while people party and make merry over their deaths only to have them rise from the dead in front of tv for all to see, to be called up to heaven and all in the front of their enemies. Kind of like the handwriting on the wall. A 'little' display of Gods power in their lives and deaths. It makes me think also of Psalm 23: Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies. God Bless, Jen
  3. I believe it is bitter because it is judgement. There is terrible suffering and eternal damnation for thosewho do not repent. It is sweet when first taken in because we love the Word as believers but becomes bitter when we realize that there are those for whom the unthinkable awaits. If we have even the slightest inkling of eternity we cannot rejoice in this judgement. I love you all. God Bless Jen
  4. We learn that God is the God of irresistable power. Nahum 1:3 says God is great in power and the Lord will by no means leave the quilty unpunished. In whirlwind and storm is His way and clouds are the dust of His feet. It goes on. No one can withstand His wrath. The seal protects those who love Him and His law. Once again a demonstration of His mercy. Nahum 1:7 says the Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.
  5. I believe this passage tells us that there will be believers who will be Tribulation believers ( I hope to be raptured before this but I'm not sure if this means us the church or believers after the rapture also the church since believers are the church). Anyway the church is alive during this time. These souls spoken of are in the most holy place at the foot of Christ in heaven. They were killed as martyrs for the testimony of the Word. Matthew Henry says "God has provided a good place in the better world for those who are faithful to death and are not allowed a place anylonger on earth". I think the proximity to the altar is a pretty good place. And it signifies how God feels about those martyred for the Word. The robes represent purity (washed in the blood). J Vernon McGee believes the blood of Christ is in heaven. He confirms that with Hebrews 9:23-24. He also believes these are the souls of Old Testament saints and included with those are are those who will be slain during the Great Trib. Period. Matthew Henry says the white robes are robes of victory and honour. Whatever they (the souls) are washed by the blood if they are in heaven. Matthew Henry also puts it this way about their cry for justice "Even the spirits of just men made perfect retain a proper resentment of the wrong they have sustained by their cruel enemies" They leave vengeance to God however. They are told to wait until other s to be martyred should be completed. God Bless Jen
  6. it is the Lamb who opens the seal(s). It is directed against the inhabitants of the earth. It is just. Everything God does is just and he gives man plenty of time to repent.
  7. What did the Spirit make them do? Its interesting that they were holding palm branches which is what they were spreading in the road along with clothes as an act of homage during Jeusus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It was associated with celebrations in ancient times but this celebration is different. They recognize that salvation comes solely from Jesus and they worship Him and they cry out with a loud voice as they hold their palm branches and worship the Lamb. Its rather humbling to picture it and to knowyou are unworthy in yourself. The only goodness in us is God the Holy Spirit who resides in these earthly temples we call our bodies. I have a long way to go and it brings tears to my eyes picturing this passage becuse this iswhat Jesus deserved the first time. We deserved the cross. I thank Him for my family in Christ. I thank Him for you and me. I also read that they are before the throne of God day and night serving Him. Like the Levites who had no land but the privileged position as priests and God was their heritage. Here again is Gods amazing grace to bless sinners after what they did at Shechem and let them minister to Him. Is this an example of the priestly service we will be doing? I know we will be serving, worshipping and ministering to our God. In what capacity I don't know. I don't even know how we will ever rise to our feet in front of Him but I do know the Bible says no eye has seen no ear has heard what God has prepared for thosewho love Him. I want everyone to be there. God Bless Jen God bless Jen
  8. They come from every tribe tongue nation. They are people like you and me that were saved by Gods "amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found twas blind but nowI see". Although this is a time (the tribulation) of unparelled judgement it is also a time of God's amazing grace. What a God we worship. Thank you Lord for your amazing grace which saved a wretch like me.. How I wish no one would have to go through the tribulation. I'm glad You found me eternally grateful. God Bless Jen
  9. I am still trying to figure out in what sense we will serve as priests. I looked up the duties of priests before Christ became our perfect High Priest. There were many of which many are oudated but they were in charge of worship and put much time and care into the practice of worship. Also 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. So I think in the sense of worship and praise we may serve as priests each with things to do. His kingdom will be perfect so I would imagine we will have plenty of duties as priests not inthe sense that the former priests had but it will be a joy to love our job our services. We will never tire of it. Never come home saying I'm beat or traffic was a bear. God Bless Jen
  10. The significance of the same quality of worship to God the Father and Jesus the Son tells us tht they are both equally worthy of worship. God says He will have no other gods before Him so that says that Jesus is God. Their relationship to each other is Father and Son and I think also God to God. Mathew Henry puts it this way "We worship and glorify one and the same God for our creation and for our redemption. " That makes their relationship to us Creator Father Redeemer and Brother since we are redeemed (grafted) into the family as heirs by the Son. "Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God How unsearchable are His judgements and His ways past finding ouT!" Romans 11:33 This is all so much to try to comprehend. We've been blessed. We sinned and yet we are blessed. God Bless Jen
  11. I looked to see what J vernon McGee had to say about reigning. " "A kingdom and priests" refers to the tribulation saints. The church will not reign on the earth but over the earth." Over was in italics. I looked up priest which Webster said "a person whose office it is to perform religious rites". So we will reign with Christ the High Priest. We will be made perfect no more sin and perform priestly duties. It is hard to comprehend and I personnally have a hard time understanding all this except the priests served God and we will serve God and perform priestly duties. We will be in His presence. We are of HIs Kingdom as the church. It certainly gives us a hint as to our responsibilities while here to be priests to Him and to learn so wewill be better able to reign with Him in glory. I think I have a long way to go. God Bless Jen
  12. Jesus is sinless and thats what it took. He is God and the only one that is sinless. It is so remarkable because in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. He is absolutely worthy of being worshipped and adored.
  13. Well there is cerainly a lot to think about in these chapters and I don't think we will ever comprehend the splendor of of God until we are there with Him and it will take all eternity to do that so we will never fully comprehend our God. Elements and concepts of worship: in spirit on His throne His holiness His glory He is omnipotent omnipresent He is head of the church (that's us!!) Creator HIs will His worthiness He was slain and lives We were purchased by His blood Men form every tongue tribe and nation(whosoever) We will serve Him We will reign through His victory on the cross He is worshipped by angels and praised constantly for His worthiness We will bow before Him (fall down) Everyone will sing to the Lamb Every creature! He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah The root of David We worship with music He loves music that glorifies Him the King of KIngs "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be honor and glory and power for ever and ever. Amen God Bless Jen
  14. To add to those already named I found Christ We Do All Adore Thee. I have found others from Revelations . I do like Come Christians Join To Sing. Hope we are inspired to sing hymns all weekend in praise to our King. God Bless Jen
  15. Anytime we compromise in heathen practices we brake our relationship with God and must repent. We also live with the regret of what we have done. Better to just stand firm in the first place but I fail often. I think some of the major areas of compromise in the church are easy divorce (God hates divorce) abortion either having one or not speaking up against it and homosexuality. I don't want to hurt anyones feelings but sometimes we have to. I don't want to be shunned. It hurts but we risk it and more if we speak up and its just a fact of living in this world. I don't want to let my God down but I need his strength and I get that through time in prayer and reading His Word. How much time do I spend in prayer? Not nearly enough to face the challenges of this world. How much time do I spend reading His Word HIs precious Word. Not nearly enough. I get easily distracted by chores. Its an area I would like to work on and improve in. I don't like tv so thats not a problem and I like praise music and hymns so thats not a problem. We all have our areas of regret and where we would like to grow . I think God desires sincerity and I see it in everyone on this forum. God Bless and keep reaching for the goal set before us. Jen
  16. Philippians 2:12 says we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Its easy to take your eyes off God just for a "moment "to indulge the flesh but we are of the spirit if we are in Christ and not of the flesh. I believe its only God's strong hand on me that keeps me from falling because our enemy is cunning. If we behave like those in the flesh there is no difference between us of the church and those not of the church. God gives us the strength we need and the wisdom to work out our salvation and it is with fear and trembling because I know how weak the flesh is and how easy to conform to the world. Compromising sexual standards are all around us but that gives us the opportunity to shine like stars. God Bless and Shine like stars Jen
  17. I think we can lose our first love through pride and neglect. Not spending time with the one you love. I read once you obey the one you love so if we love Him we will obey Him. A lack of love or losing our first love can show up as sin in our lives and attitudes and also how we treat one another. I think it is important for people to see us obey His Word and to love one another. They will know we are Christians by our love. I try to repent everyday of my sin and to spend more time focused on Him and not circumstances be they good or bad. I believe He wants to work a wonder through each of us and wants intimate fellowship with each member of His family. I hope I appreciate that everyday. What a God we worship. How could we put anything above Him except through the total depravity of the human heart. God Bless and keep pressing towards the goal set before us. Jen
  18. About Jesus being dead I asked someone about it because He told Mary not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended but He told the thief on the cross today you will be with me in paradise. He said tht Jesus spirit went immediately to be with the Father and he suffered physical death. If anyone has anymore thoughts on this I would be interested. I love seeing Jesus walking among the lampstands. It tells me that He is in the church. He is here He is here He is moving among us He is here He is here as we gather in His name. Doesn't that just make you want to gather in His name. We are gathering in HIs name now. God Bless each and everyone reading this lesson. One day we will be gathered before Him. I wonder what that will be like, to be in the presence of God in person. See you there! God Bless Jen
  19. I love seeing Jesus walking the roads of Galilee and Judea. He was hot and dusty. He was thirsty and lonely for His father. He left His kingly crown and His throne to roam with us to be with us to suffer with us. Here we see God as man. Who can comprehend a God like that coming to His lost people. Coming for me and you and all who will receive Him. In Revelation 1 verses 12-20 we see Him as Lord. Lord of His church. We see His purity and His Holiness, His power,His brilliance. We see Him as God. When we read of His brilliance I am drawn back to Matthew 5 verse 6. He is my light and I want it to shine but it seems to often I don't let it rather all people see is me and thats not so pretty. But then I'm the one who is human and He has promised to finish the work started in me. I pondered today on calling God Father and my whole unworthiness of it except through Jesus. When I read this passage of Jesus I want to fall at His feet. I want to worship this Carpenter, this God who came for me. God Bless Jen
  20. Verse 8 tells us that God declares Himself the Alpha and Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. In Exodus 3:14 He says I am who I am. I love it. No explanation needed. Jesus in 1:17 says I am the First and the Last. That is the same as saying I am the Alpha and Omega. I am God. Jesus is God! God Bless Jen
  21. I see persecution around the globe now although certainly more intense as far as being put to death in some countries. Its not fun being laughed at or ridiculed for our beliefs although we are to count it all joy. Philippians 2:10 says "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings. I don't like suffering but the Bible says we will have it on this earth. Carrying your cross means going to your death. These things are not enjoyable but we are still to count it all joy. I need to remind myself of that in my minor afflictions. I need to remember that I can trust God in everything and that He is good! I spent 8 years in muslim countries. In Saudi Arabia I first read the Bible. Why? Because of some minor persecution. Persecution brings greater dependence on God. Anything that drives us to God I am glad for even if it doesn't feel good at the time. Maybe thats one reason to count it all joy. God Bless Jen
  22. I thank God for giving us Revelation. Those who read it are blessed with comfort and hope. I am grateful for those who have gone on before and suffered so that I might know Jesus and I pray God will give me the courage (since I don't have it in my self) to do the same so others will know "Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood". Our testimony is important. We are Jesus' body and He works through us as well as in us. Gal. 2:20. What a privilege. Jesus is the faithful witness and we need to declare His witness to a lost and dying world. May God give us the courage we need to witness for Jesus not just in words but in deed something I find difficult many times. God Bless everyone in this study and thank you for your insightful responses to the questions. Jen
  23. Jen


    My name is Jen and I am looking forward to the study on Revelations and especially what others have to say. I learn so much from others. God Bless
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