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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Q3. (Daniel 4:27) What must Nebuchadnezzar do to demonstrate that he renounces and repents of his sins? What must you do to demonstrate that you repent of your sins? For us, what does it mean to be kind to the poor? That was certainly within Nebuchadnezzar's ability to accomplish. Is it within your ability? In what way can God's decrees be conditional? I like the verse in Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. It is in all of us to be kind to the poor. Everyone is to be treated with respect for God is not a respecter of persons. If we turn from our wicked ways, say we are sorry, ask God for forgiveness it is possible He will act on our behalf. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  2. Q2. (Daniel 4:23-26) What does it mean to "acknowledge that Heaven rules"? In what ways is this hard for a king? In what ways is this hard for us? How do we sometimes deny by our actions that God is in charge of all? It means no longer saying "I did this or I did that" but that the Lord gave me the strength or power or whatever to do something. It is all because of Him and it is all because He allowed it. Pride and arrogance. I get caught up in the day and don't acknowledge that I need His help. In other words I take my eyes off Him and put them on whatever is on my mind or in front of me. Always a mistake. When we do not acknowledge Him in our thoughts and hearts, in our prayers we deny Him. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  3. Q3. (Daniel 2:44) What does verse 44 teach us about the kingdom that the God of heaven will set up? What kingdom is this? When does this kingdom come? How is this related to Mark 1:15? When will it destroy all other kingdoms? 1 temporal: it will be set up in the time period of the kingdoms described in the dream's interpretation. 2 divine: God will set it up not man 3 eternal: it will endure forever, I like to say flourish forever. 4 consuming: it wil crush all other kingdoms and bring them to an end. Praise the Lord! This kingdom is God's kingdom and our Messiah will reign forever. This is the kingdom that was established when Messiah came to earth and will be full realized when Jesus comes back at His second coming. Mark 1:15 was when the kingdom was established and is now waiting for Messiah to come back and it will be fully realized. Christ's Kingdom is the " 'stone kingdom' ". He will crush all His enemies and forever reign in glory, majesty and honor. Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Rev 22:20b. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  4. Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen? Daniel tells the king there is no person who can shew him the secret or matter the king desires however there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets. Daniel knew the credit did not belong to him and he didn't need to puff himself up, rather wanted glory to go to God who reveals matters to men. In this way Daniel witnessed of the God in heaven to the king. 1 Peter 5:5-6 says goes gives grace to the humble and opposes the proud. God loves his truly humble people. In this arrogant, power hungry world the One who has all the power is glorified by the humility of His people God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  5. Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? Daniel was under the sentence of death. NO one but God could save him. If we don't ask God He cannot answer. He desires to answer our prayers. Jeremiah 33:3 is a good example of this. Intercessory prayer is very important and effective as shown in the prayers by Daniel and his friends. I believe God loves to see the His people showing their love to one another by intercessory prayer and our unity under His leadership. How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? The people must be willing to be bothered, to interrupt our busyness and consider it as top priority. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  6. Q3. (Daniel 7:18, 22, 27) Three times the angel assures Daniel that “the saints of the Most High” will ultimately receive the kingdom and possess it forever (Daniel 7:18, 22, and 27). In what circumstances is this truth most precious to God’s people? Though there may have been partial fulfillments, when do you expect the ultimate fulfillment? As we see sin increasing in intensity and cruelty, as we see the animals suffering for what we did, as persecution increases so are these promises precious to us. Ultimate fulfillment will be when God's timing is here, not before and not after. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  7. Q2. (Daniel 7:13-14) How do these verses describe “one like a son of man”? What makes us think he is a divine figure? What authority and glory does he receive? Why do you think Jesus called himself “the Son of Man”? 1 Accurate- He has the form of man 2 Ambigous- his enemies cannot accuse Him however He is fully God He is coming with the clouds which refer to God alone. Ex. 13:21, 19:9, 24:16, 34:5 Lev. 16:2 1 Kings 8:10 Psalms 18:11-12, 68:4, 78:14, 97:2-4, 104:3 Jeremiah 4:13 Ezekiel 10:4 Daniel 7:13 Mathew 17:5, 24:30 Mark 13:26, 14:62 Luke 21:27 1 Thess. 4:17 Revelation 1:7, 14:14 He receives ALL authority and power over heaven and earth. All peoples are to worship Him. ​He has and will fulfill all scripture referring to the Son of Man. Came from heaven John 3:12-13, 6:62 Judge of all John 5:27 Is to be glorified John 12:23, 13:31,32 To be lifted up John 3:14-15, 8:28 To save as atoning sacrifice for sin Isaiah 53 Mark 10:45 God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  8. Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in? In this we see God in the heavenly courtroom as absolute judge of the world and all who are in it. He who is behind the scenes so to speak is in absolute control. His is a courtroom of righteousness and justice and nothing is hidden from Him. The "beast- nations" are overthrown and the fourth is thrown immediately into the lake of fire. When we look at this world with the deceit, cunning, cruelty, lies, pride, the list goes on it is hard to believe that God is in control. It is only with eyes opened by the Holy Spirit that we can see and understand that God is in control and will judge the "beast-nations" of the world for everything done. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  9. Q1. (Daniel 4:10-20) Is Daniel actually afraid to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? Why? Why are we afraid to say the hard things that must be said to help our brothers and sisters? What can we do about it? I don't believe Daniel was afraid to tell Nebuchadnezzar the dream, rather reluctant to because of the harshness of the meaning. He had served the king long enough and been promoted many times that he was probably well treated and who would want to be the bearer of this kind of news. I believe Daniel was rather stunned or in shock when he knew the interpretation. Daniel was not afraid, however he seemed to have a humble and sensitive spirit which would be grieved over this. He was without words until the king enticed him to tell him the meaning and not fear. The king knew from Daniel's countenance that it was not good news for him. We must always pray! May everything we do be done in a loving spirit. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  10. Q6. (Daniel 6:10-11) How would you characterize Daniel's prayer practices? Which of these have you adopted? Which might help your prayers if you adopted them? Daniel's prayer practices showed complete devotion and love for god in his worship of Him. I like to kneel as difficult as this is sometimes, however do believe in praying on all occasions (such as while driving), I don't face Jerusalem, I try to find a place in private. I like what Ivory Eagle said about praying in the spirit of Daniel. God bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  11. Q7. (Daniel 6:21-23) How does Daniel use his experience in the lions' den to testify about God? What might have happened if, in his response to the king, Daniel had focused on the injustice done to him? What experience in your life might you use as a testimony of God's mercy to you? Daniel used his experience to attribute his life and glory to God. He sent His angel, Daniel said, and Daniel was protected from the lions. Daniel treated the king as always, with respect and dignity. I don't believe he could have done otherwise because he realized God was in charge and not the king. The injustice done to him was obvious so Daniel needed not focus on it. Everyday that I have breath it is by God's mercy on me. Every trouble I have had I have seen the hand of God's protection and mercy on me. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  12. Q5. (Daniel 6:4) What do we learn about Daniel's character qualities as a government official from verse 4? How do such qualities reflect on Daniel's God? Does your employer or supervisor see those qualities in you? they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault in him... unless it was found concerning his God. His character was of such integrity there was no fault to be found. totally faithful to his (our) God. Daniel honored his (our) God. Do I? God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  13. Q4. (Daniel 3:28-30) How does Nebuchadnezzar sum up their faith and commitment? Are you willing to disobey a command or law to be faithful to God? Are you willing to lay down your life to be faithful to God? What might hold you back? They trusted God so much that they were willing to yield their bodies that they might not serve or worship any other God. I would hope so with God's help. I would hope so despite any amount of fear I might have. I do know if I chickened out I would have a very hard time living with it. The price would not be worth it. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  14. Q3. (Daniel 3:19-27) What effect does their deliverance have on their government official colleagues? What effect does it have on the king? What kind of glory does God receive? The government officials who bound them and watched them thrown into the fire with delight now are crowded around to inspect the three Hebrews to discover not even a hair on their heads has been singed in the fire that killed those who threw them in. The king is astonished, amazed, and startled. With good reason because he is messing with God when he does wrong to His people. The king gives God glory and praise as he recognizes how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were saved by an angel sent by God. He also says they yielded their bodies, that they might not serve any god but their own. I think that is important for us to remember in this age of immorality and persecution. Who do we yield our bodies to and are we willing to surrender them for our God. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  15. Q2. (Daniel 3:16-18) How do the Jews answer Nebuchadnezzar? What is their attitude? How do they witness about their God? Do they face death with resignation or defiance? Characterize their faith. How do the Jews answer Nebuchadnezzar? With no hesitation they flatly refuse to comply with the king's demand. What is their attitude? Confidence in the God of their fathers. How do they witness about their God? He is able to deliver them and if He doesn't they want no other God save the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. ​Do they face death with resignation or defiance? Defiance Characterize their faith. Bold God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  16. Q1. (Daniel 3:8-15) Why do the Jews' fellow government officials report them to Nebuchadnezzar? Why is the king so angry? What is his motivation to have people bow to the statue? Why do the Jews' fellow government officials report them to Nebuchadnezzar? Jealousy Why is the king so angry? Pride What is his motivation to have people bow to the statue? Power and control God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  17. Q4. (Daniel 1:8-16) What is Daniel's first approach to eat a different diet? What does he do when his first attempt failed? What is his demeanor towards those over him? In what ways do you think God affects the outcome of Daniel's request? His first approach is to ask with consideration of the man over him to eat a different diet. When his first attempt failed he asked to be given a trial period on the diet. His demeanor towards those over him probably gained him favor as Daniel was respectful, courteous and called himself servant. The same as God worked for Joseph in Egypt He was working for Daniel. He had a plan in all this and Daniel was his man for the job. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  18. Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel? Daniel was a devout Jew and knew the OT laws about food. This was the beginning of stands Daniel and his friends would take for their faith in God against the laws and customs of Babylon. He had purposed in his heart not to defile himself with food that was against God's laws. When once we give in to that which we believe or know to be wrong we weaken ourselves and our stance. We feel humiliation and in this case probably immoral. As we are betrothed to Christ the Jews were also to God. ​Daniel had good character, and was very devoted to his God before he came to Babylon and in Babylon when the pressure to conform would have been great his love for God came first. He served God where he was put by God. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
  19. Q2. (Daniel 1:1-7) What changes did Daniel and his friends experience? What was their status in Jerusalem? In Babylon? What do you think was the effect of changing their names to Babylonian names? What impact might it have on them to be made eunuchs? Did they make compromises? If so, why? They went from nobility to hostages and then servants of a tyrant. In Jerusalem they were nobility descended from Hezekiah, in Babylon they were hostages trained to serve the king. The effect of changing their names was to wipe out the memories of the one, true God. It probably made them more docile and willing to serve. There was nothing else for them to do and they would no longer be acceptable to go home (Jerusalem). I do not see any compromise. When you are made captive you are under the dominion of whoever has power over you in that circumstance. Somethings they simply had no choice. The choice they had was to remember the God of Israel and maybe realize that they would serve Him in the courts of Babylon. God bless Jen Romans 15:13
  20. Q1. (Daniel 1:1-5) Have you ever made a rapid transition between your customary culture and a new and radically different culture? What did it feel like? Were you able to take your faith with you, or did it fade to the background during this time? We moved often to other cultures. Most times to me it felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. When we first started these assignments I was not a believer and I in some ways fit in more with the westerners we found than when I became a believer. Once I became a believer my whole life changed, my way of thinking, what I wanted to do, how I acted and behave, my likes and dislikes. Sometimes I found Christian fellowship and other times not however my faith has forever more been the moving force of my life. Thank you Jesus for finding me and lifting me out of the miry clay and giving me life. Before I was dead and now I am alive wherever I am. God bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  21. Q4. (John 21:18-19) What does death have to do with glorifying God? How will your life and death bring glory or credit to God? What does this passage teach us about God's foreknowledge? There is appointed unto all a time and way of death. How we go about it can bring glory to God. Giving your life for Christ glorifies God, being patient in affliction, hopeful and prayerful (Romans 12:12), being grateful to God for how He has saved you, looking forward to being with Jesus, encouraging others, being faithful even unto death, forgiving those who have wronged you, the list goes on. I think of the fruit of the Spirit, we live that way and we die that way. I pray that there will be souls for Him and that His name is glorified because I lived. God knows our way and He will prepare us for what is to come. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  22. Q3. (John 21:15-17) Why does Jesus repeat the question and the assurance three times? What does this teach us about God repeating the lessons he wants us to learn? What does it say about God's mercy and willingness to restore sinners to ministry? Peter denied the Lord three times around a fire and it was around another fire that he was asked three times if he loves Jesus. If he was to be recommissioned his love for Jesus needed to be affirmed for without love for Jesus he would not do the task ahead. We learn through repetition. Lessons are etched into our minds so we won't forget or take lightly. God is merciful. It's part of who He is. If not I would not be here. He is willing to restore sinners to ministry. If He were not I would not be here. He is so unlike the kings of the world. He is so much that they are not. He knows and cares about each of us. There are no words to tell of His love, mercy, forgiveness, grace however He extends it all to us on a daily basis. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  23. Q2. (John 21:7-14) What does Jesus preparing breakfast for the disciples say about his love for them? His provision? What does Peter's early morning swim say about his love for Jesus? He wants to feed them, to dine with them, to be with them, to fellowship with them. He uses ordinary things in ordinary places. He cares for their bodily needs, their warmth, their comfort. What a King, Lord, Savior we worship. Peter wanted to be with Jesus as quickly as possible. It was like seeing a long lost friend or son. You are overwhelmed with love and gratitude, thanksgiving, wonder all at once. Except this was the Lord, Messiah, King and Lord who welcomes us. Amazing! God bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  24. Q1. (John 21:4-8) Why did Jesus tell the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat? Why did the disciples obey? What was the result? What impression did it make on the disciples? Because that is where the fish were. They had nothing to lose although I imagine they were tired and weren't sure themselves. A large catch of fish. They recognized the Risen Lord, Jesus. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13
  25. Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why? John included what he felt would best show his purpose for writing his gospel which was to point out the deity of Christ. We believe first and then must RSVP (Lord I need you and what you did for me on the cross as the only way I will stand before God). So we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth( Romans 10:9) and we will be saved and the life of Christ flows through us through the Holy Spirit (our Lord's personal emissary who also is a member of the Godhead). What an amazing God we serve. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
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