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Q2. Humble Service
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 23. Washing the Disciples’ Feet, Love One Another (John 13:1-38)
Q2. (John 13:14-15) Why do you think Jesus went to such an extent to break all social norms in washing his disciples feet? What value did he establish in his Kingdom by this dramatic act? How are we to live this out in the Christian community? First the social norms of this world are not the social norms of Jesus Kingdom. There many who are last here will be first there. He is teaching them that it does not debase them to 'wash feet' or serve but elevates them in His Kingdom. He established the act of serving others and putting others ahead of ourselves, to consider others more important. I live in a place where there are little bastions of power. One day a neighbor invited me for a walk just to show me a couple houses down someone who has a lot of power in the town and obviously I was to be made aware of that. I thick I said Oh that is nice and we turned around and went home. I am as of one of little importance here in their eyes. However we look to God, it matters what He says. And I have no urge to get into the I'm more important than you. In the end God offered His gift of salvation to all as a free gift, which leveled the playing field. Besides I have been given the job of caregiver for several years now. Lord may I do it in a ways that brings honor to you. I have found in the churches when inside they are really prideful about their position of responsiibilty they go around with their head down with the biggest show (and what a show it is) of humility. It seems to show some immaturity We are to live our lives quietly ready to serve in what ever capacity we are able, grateful we are given the privilege of serving Christ as He serves us. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 May we be honest with one another and with the Lord May we remember where we came from (the mire pit) and who our Lord is in our everyday prayer and dealings with our fellow man. May we live to serve you. -
Q1. Cleansing
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 23. Washing the Disciples’ Feet, Love One Another (John 13:1-38)
Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? When we accept Jesus and His righteousness instead of our own, when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior and are indwell by the Holy Spirit we are cleansed of all unrighteousness. That is 'louo', regeneration. After that we need to come daily to be cleansed of the daily dirt of the world. (nipto) I don't think we realize in todays culture how dirty we get daily. However God sees all and if we go to Him and confess daily our sins He is faithful and Just to cleanse us from our sins, to forgive us our sins i.e. foot washing. Thank you Jesus for what you do for us that we don't process or understand yet, how very dirty we get in this world. We think we are so clean, we wash our clothes and our bodies and whitewash our bodies that hide all the dirty little sins, the little hates, irritations, self-righteousness, pride, the list goes on and You who see all go on loving us and desiring that we be more like You. You ever amaze me and I am ever amazed how little I know about you. Don't stop the good work you began in me, us. Help me to see the things that have come unto me are from you, have gone through You first before they ever touched me to help me see how dirty my feet really are. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-6 -
Q6. In Jesus' Name
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q6. (John 14:13-14) What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name”? What happens to prayers that are out of his will and purposes? Are there any practical limits to this promise of answered prayer. We have no merits to stand before God except in the name of Jesus. So this is for believers only, those who are in Christ and He in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who love Him want to see God glorified through His Son and their prayers should reflect that. When we go to God in prayer in the name of Jesus we go in who He is, His will and His character. It is good to know His will and His character so it is rather important to read His Word. What an awesome privilege He has given us, to pray in His Name. How little do I understand this awesome God that loves me and desires to answer my prayers in a way that will bring glory to His Name. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q5. Greater Works
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q5. (John 14:8) What happens after Jesus’ “glorification” that enables believers to do greater things than Jesus? Is this promise limited to the apostles? Why are Christians today uncomfortable with this promise? The answer is the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. All who know Jesus receive the Holy Spirit. I think the uncomfortableness of this promise lies along the lines of what if He asks me to do something I am uncomfortable with or have never done. This is where faith and trust enter in. Quite marvelous of God, to make all things possible but not to do it without something on our part, the willingness to let the Holy Spirit have His way in us. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q4. I and the Father are One
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q4. (John 14:1b, 6-11) In what sense is trusting Jesus the same as trusting God? How accurately does Jesus portray God’s actions and words? What does it mean that Jesus and the Father are one (John 10:30)? Trusting Jesus is the same as trusting God because Jesus is God. Jesus portrays God's action and words perfectly because Jesus is God. Jesus and the Father are one because they are both the one and only God. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q3. Exclusivity of Jesus' Way
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q3. (John 14:6d) Is it intolerant to believe that no one comes to God except through Jesus? How does Jesus’ death and resurrection atone for the sins of the Old Testament saints? Why are some Christians uncomfortable with the statement that “No one comes to the Father but by me”? God made a way for all who will to come. It is through Jesus. It is not intolerant to believe that since it is open to all. Rather those who reject it are more intolerant because they reject God's only begotten Son and choose their own path. The Old Testament saints lived by faith the same as we do. When I accepted Christ as my Savior I had just come from the Middle East where I was for a few years. I remember asking the lady I prayed with "but what about the 'people I had just left' ". I had grown to love the people in the country in which we resided and felt sadness and concern for them. In that sense it made me uncomfortable but I was also rejoicing for me. God made the way open for all and there will be some who choose to reject. I am thankful to God for giving me a teachable spirit so that I might hear the Truth and listen. We can absolutely trust God that He knows and cares and will do what is right and good. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q2. Way, Truth, and Life
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q2. (John 14:6) In what sense is Jesus the Way to God? What does it mean to “follow Jesus”? In what sense is Jesus in himself God’s Truth? What are the implications of this for us and our world? In what sense is Jesus God’s Life? How does this affect us and those we speak to about him? No way, no church, no current theory can bring you to God. Only the way provided for us by Jesus finished work on the cross. It is our highway to Heaven. To follow Jesus means to take the narrow road, to stay close to Him, through His Word, prayer and focusing our thoughts, our hearts our minds on Him., He is the Truth. Without Him the world has only lies made up by the world system. Through Jesus we know the truth and the truth has set us free from slavery to the lies of the world. Jesus is God and God is life and life eternal. Those who go the way of the cross have eternal life, abundant life. We have a joy, a hope that the world does not have. We also have a responsibility to live that life as Jesus did and to tell others that there is one who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and His name is Jesus. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q1. The Father's House
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q1. (John 14:2) What is the “Father’s House”? What does verse 2 tell us about what Jesus will do, and what is provided for us? How does that comfort us? The Father's house is the heaven where He resides. Actually the universe of which we are a speck. Jesus is preparing a place for us and has prepared a way for us to get there. It is through the finished work on the cross upon which He hung for us. In our father's house He prepares many dwellings for there are many who will come to reside in them. They are individual rooms or apartments for I will be me and you will be you, perfected by Him. We are not to be discarded, as nothing. Christ has given all for us. We can trust in Him to see us safely home to live with Him forever. What wondrous love is this! Thank you Jesus! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q6. Judging and Resucing
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q6. (John 12:47-49) In what way can judging people get in the way of saving them? How did Jesus deal with this in his own ministry? What will it take for us to lose our stiffness and judgmental demeanor so that we might be able to be Jesus’ agents of salvation? Judging people shows rejection, it is unkind and hypocritical. Jesus did not come to judge the world but to save the world. We are to be like Him. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q5. Praise of Men
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q5. (John 12:42-43) When we are quiet about our relationship to God out of fear that people will criticize us, what does this say about our priorities? About whether we are true disciples? When Peter denied knowing Jesus in the High Priest's courtyard, what was the effect in his life? To me for a while it speaks of immaturity, after a while it speaks of cowardiceness, and not wanting to have your boat rocked or your parade rained upon. Wanting to straddle the fence. Sometimes I felt God wanted me to speak up and I didn't right away and the opportunity passed, others I felt I was to keep quiet. Others I have spoken up right away. I knew God put me there for a reason. The times I have not spoken up or listened to God's leading I have had to live with the sadness of it which I felt most sorely and would not have felt if I did not truly love the Lord. I have learned it is best to obey God's leading without hesitation. I am sorry for Peter, he lived with his denial of Christ all his life however I think it had the effect to spur him on greatly afterward and after to die a martyrs death for his Lord. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q4. Hardened Hearts
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q4. (John 12:37-41) In what way does declaring truth to resistant people harden them further? How can a person (or a Pharisee) see a miracle and become even more determined to resist Jesus? How do you understand this paradox? It is pride, arrogance, and deliberate refusal in the human heart. The attitude of many people here (they think they are independent, they are stubborn to a fault) is that "No one can tell me what to do". Can you see the slight curling of the lip. Those people saw the miracles but not the God who performed them. They don't want God. It is not about Him, it is about them and unfortunately that is where is will end. Maybe it is like glue. When first applied it is soft and appliable and as time goes by it hardens so that it cannot be moved. You can hear them saying I have set my mind always before me so that it cannot be moved. The mind apart from Christ is evil. That is what they know and that is what they want! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q3. Lifted Up
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q3. (John 12:32-33) What does Jesus mean when he talks about being “lifted up.” Do you think Jesus means being “lifted up” literally or figuratively or both? “Extra credit”: How does this phrase relate to Isaiah 52:13? How does it relate to Philippians 2:8-9? In every sense Jesus was and is lifted up. He was allowed by the Father to be lifted up on a cross by men, He was lifted to the right hand of God by the Father, and He is lifted in our hearts when we worship Him. He is lifted up when we don't worship Him because He is who He is. He is seated forever at the right hand of God and makes intercession for us. Everything Jesus did, does, will do prospers. (Isaiah 52:13). And in His work on the cross for God's glory and for our salvation He was lifted high, very high for God was pleased with His servant. in His humility He was lifted up. There is a magnificent strength in humility and Jesus who was and is and always will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords humbled Himself and became obedient to God to suffer by and for us on the cross, to death and was exalted by God to have a name that is above all names, JESUS, high and lifted up. Philippians 2:8,9 God Bless! Jen Philippians 2: 10,11 -
Q2. Loving Your Life
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q2. (John 12:25-26) In what way is verse 25 the essence of what it means to be a disciple? In this verse, what does it mean to "love" your life? What does it mean to "hate" your life? How did Jesus live this out in the Garden of Gethsemane? To be a disciple is to learn from the Master and to follow Him, carrying our cross (not some little burden but to go to death as He went to death for us). To love your life means to forsake Christ for the pleasures of this world, to hate your life means to be willing to die for the glory of Christ or to live a life separate from the ways of the world. Hated by the world. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus knew intensely all that was ahead of Him in His time left on this earth. He pleaded to have it removed however He knew God the Father's will was of eternal importance for so many and desired more the Father's glory than His own release from the pain to come. We are to desire God's glory more than our own lives. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q1. Glorified in Death
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? Jesus dies on the cross, a cruel barbaric death, so that we might have life. It is illustrated by a seed. It is buried in the ground and it raises as a new plant with much fruit. Jesus was buried and rose again as the bringer forth of much fruit. We die to our old way of life so that we might live the new life which we have in Christ as Christians or little Christs, and He is our Redeemer, Lord, Savior, Author and Finisher of our faith "In Him we live and move and have our being" and only in Him and Him in us forever totally united as one inseparable from Him. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King? He deserves our all, complete devotion, service, pleasing Him is our priority, our complete obedience. As I look around, read the news, I get a full realization of what that might mean. Going where He leads us and it is not always down flowery paths. Do I give Him His due as King? I can only say "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". I cannot on my own strength, only as He supplies. I cannot even love Him as I should. Everyday I wake up and my self is right here. I can do nothing on my own. However He who supplies shall amply supply all we need to be faithful and true if we so desire. God Bless! Jen Psalm 138:8
Q3. Messianic Praise
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 21. Anointing at Bethany and Triumphal Entry (John 11:55-12:22)
Q3. (John 12:12-13) What about the people’s praise show they believed Jesus to be the Messiah? On this occasion, why doesn’t Jesus shun such an open declaration that he is the Messiah, as he has in the past? The palm branches were a sign of victory and triumph and the waving of palm branches signaled the belief that the Messiah had arrived. Jesus was ready to take the position of Lord and King of His people, His ministry complete, and the declaration was made. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q2. Riding on a Donkey
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 21. Anointing at Bethany and Triumphal Entry (John 11:55-12:22)
Q2. (John 12:14-16) What is the prophetic significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why did he do it? What was the effect on the crowds? Scripture says that the Messiah would come riding upon the foal of an donkey into Jerusalem where He would present Himself as their King if they will have Him. He came humble as He offers Himself as King. He did this to fulfill Zechariah 9:9. He stated publicly who He is to His "adoring" people, He is their King. The effect on the crowd was partially exhilillarating and partly quiet observers who watch the frenzy and praises dished out to our Lord who was finally proclaiming what they had wondered, what they had hoped, longed for, dreamed of. Finally our Messiah is here. Now everything will change. He will rule over us. Were they glad for that or that they would be victorious. Little did they know what was coming and little do we know sometimes what is coming. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q1. (John 12:3-8) Why did Judas object to Mary's extravagant act of devotion? Why did Jesus defend her? Why did Mary do this? What does this teach us about worship? Does your worship tend to be cheap or extravagant? For you, what would be extravagant worship? Judas objected because he wanted it himself and he wanted to appear pious. I also think he could not stand the pure intentions of Mary because he himself was corrupt. He did not have the heart of love for Jesus that Mary did and so he objected. Jesus defended Mary because He understood Mary's intentions. Jesus has a heart of love and felt so little on this earth towards Him. How good this must have felt to have someone pour out their pure selfless love for Him. The same kind of love we should all have for Him. True worship should be heartfelt. Extravagant worship sounds to me like giving, our praise to Him, time, money, hearts, lives, however He leads us, wherever He leads us. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26
Q6. Strategic Retreat
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q6. (John 11:54) Why did Jesus withdraw to Ephraim? Does this show fear? What does this teach us about strategic retreat? Jesus retreated to Ephraim because the Jews of Jerusalem rejected Him. He would not ask for trouble. It would come on its own in its own time. The people were openly hostile to him and He would not walk among them. The full rage of their hate and venom was to come. Let them foment among themselves and live their lives of hate and devilish thoughts. Jesus went where there would be peace for the moment. It was not fear but wisdom and knowing what was in their hearts. It is good to pull away sometimes and let things calm themselves or let the evil doers do their devilish deeds. He did not aggravate the situation or flaunt anything in their faces. Let those who would miss His beautiful presence. God bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q5. Caiaphas' Prophecy
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q5. (John 11:49-53). What did Caiaphas intend to say to the Sanhedrin? What is the prophetic meaning of his statement? Don't you just love this! Look at how he comes up with this we have to get rid of this man for the "greater good", as if he cared about the greater good. I think he is in several governments today. When someone is an inconvenience and a threat to those in power (even if they are like the dog or flea David referred too when chased by Saul) they are done for according to those who manipulate others, not realizing they are but pawns in the Hand of God. 1Corinthinians 15: 21b says "by Man also came the resurrection of the dead". Too bad they don't read the scriptures. Jesus is the Man, Mr. Caiaphas. Ignorance is no excuse with God. Jesus is God's "Man". So the prophetic meaning was that one man would die for the salvation of all. For the good of me, you, your family, your friends, your nation this world which we reside in. You are the Man, Lord Jesus and we give you our heartfelt gratitude. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q4. Jesus Wept
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q4. (John 11:32-38) Different writers interpret Jesus’ emotions on this occasion differently. Why do you think Jesus was “deeply moved”? Why did he weep? I wonder more how Jesus could not be deeply moved. He is a God of compassion and He understands all to well our sorry state that we brought upon ourselves by disobeying Him in the garden. Jesus was heart moved in this. He understood all too well the emotional agony and pain in death. He understood the aloneness we are each under. He understood the comfort of our loved ones who weep with us and so He was deeply moved because He understood and felt far more than we. Why do we question Jesus being deeply moved? We are the hard rocks of ice who need to have our hearts softened. I question more why are we moved and why do we weep? Maybe there is more to us than we care to admit deep down in some untouched recess of our heart there is still some part that has not been hardened by life and things, and what are the neighbors going to think. I am glad Jesus wept. For those who think it is sissyish to weep, Jesus who has all power, wept. For those who accuse Him of not caring or say "where was He in this", He has more compassion than any of us and if we want to resemble our Savior we will weep also. Do we read the headline news and weep? If we don't I wonder about us. Please God save us from what we can or are becoming. God Bless! Jen John 11:35 -
Q3. Martha's Confession
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q3. (John 11:27) Based on Luke 10:38-42, what is Martha's reputation compared to that of her sister Mary? What is so amazing about Martha's confession? What does this tell us about her? Which of the sisters seems more spiritual on this day -- Martha or Mary? Martha was the more active of the two while Mary was the more quiet and sedentary. Martha's confession showed that she was a very spiritual person and probably did more than just cook while in the kitchen. I am glad for the Martha's of the world. Yes they get tired and maybe feel put upon and they need our appreciation and yes they do think about things while they work and they do care. They are servers, givers of themselves for others. Martha seems more spiritual on this day and I am glad she went out to see Jesus alone. When you spend time alone with Jesus you always leave blessed. God Bless Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q2. Resurrection and Life
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q2. (John 11:25-26) In what sense does Jesus embody resurrection? In what sense does he embody life? What is the great promise that he offers us in verses 25 and 26? In what sense does Jesus embody resurrection? Jesus is the resurrection so that just by believing in Him as our Lord and Savior we will rise to live with Him. In what sense does He embody life? He is life so in Him we have life forever to never be separated from Him. The Great promise: Our soul and our spirit shall never die and we shall live with Him forever. Amen God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 -
Q3. Laying Down His Life
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q3. (John 10:11-15) How does a “good shepherd” differ from what a hired shepherd would do in time of danger? In what way did Jesus the Good Shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? The hired shepherd is in it for the money so to speak. He may or may not treat the sheep well. We were once under the control of the thief who wanted to destroy me (us) however the Good Shepherd knows the thief is holding sheep and He finds (found me) us and transfers us to His flock under His care since He has rightful ownership. What an amazing Shepherd He is. He not only gives His sheep care and security but He brings back those who have been stolen (who are His), who want to be His. Jesus the Good Shepherd gave His life for to ransom me (us). God Bless Jen Numbers 6:24-26 -
Q4. Protecting the Sheep
Jen replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q4. (John 10:27-30) In the world of shepherds, who would try to “snatch” a sheep? Who would try to “snatch” a Christian if he could? What promise of absolute security are we given? How does that assure you? A predator of the animal kingdom or thieves would try to steal the shepherds sheep. A nonbeliever in Christ or Satan who is the devil, a roaring lion seeking all he can devour would like to snatch a Christian, all Christians. Verse 28 of John says" And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My Hand." We were not saved on our own and we are not kept on our own. It is all by the work of the Holy Spirit by the grace of God that we have absolute security. Jonah 2:3 says "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs." How foolish to cling to other than God's grace. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13