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Everything posted by Candygoo58

  1. Q3. (1:6) What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers? Why does he expect God to do this? What is the basis of Paul's confidence? On what basis can we expect God to do this for us? Paul expects him to follow through on his promise to take care of them. To meet their needs as they go about spreading the good news. And its his promise to us also that if we serve him he will provide all we have need of.
  2. Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial? We recieve a blessing when we give to our church or to missions. Its a good feeling when you know the money you give goes to reaching out to save those that are lost. I feel we should reach out to the missionaries. Encourage them by writing to them and praying for them. And helping to provide what they may be needing.
  3. Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? (Note: to answer this question correctly you'll need to refer to the notes on the precise word meanings.) To be a slave means that we have given up our lives to serve those we work for and our families. The saints give up their lives to serve God. Both we have to be willing to give up our lives to serve. We are willing to clean up our lives that we might be able to serve God with our whole hearts and lives.
  4. Q5. Now that you're finished with James: Practical Christianity, what did you get out of this study? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved? I have enojoyed doing this study. Reading others responses and learning from them as well. I have learn how to use my faith in praying and coming against all temptations. How to get along with others no matter who they may be. I think this is probably one of my favorite books. I am looking forward to starting philipians now.
  5. Q4. (5:19-20) In the light of James' emphasis on active faith vs. dead faith (2:17), why is the role of finding and bringing back the wandering sheep so important? If we let one of our brothers or sisters stray from the truth and not go to find them. How they going to find their way back again. Its very important for us to go to them lovingly an show the wrongs they are doing and guide them back. Satan just loves to pull us away from the love of God. Its our responsiblity to pray and bring them back
  6. Q3. (5:14-16) In the healing prayer, what is the role of oil? What is the role of the prayer of faith? What is the role of faith? What is the role of confession of sins? The oil repersents the Holy Spirit. And the prayer of faith is that the one we are praying for is being healed. And the role of faith will help us to draw closer to God. When we confess our sins to one another and forgiving one another. Then the healing can happen.
  7. Q2. (5:14) What is the elders' role in prayer for the sick? What must be their spiritual qualifications for this ministry of prayer? Those that hae matured in the faith are to pray for those that are sick. Believing they are being healed. I believe the only qualifications is that they will pray in faith. Cause we already know its God's will for no man to be sick. A prayer of faith no doubting
  8. Q1. (5:13-14) According to verse 14, who is to initiate prayer for healing? Why might this be important? I believe that the one sick that is to initiate the prayer for healing. Then go to the elders of the church to have them pray for us as well. When we include others to pray for us it helps to build our faith, but theirs also. And they can see that their prayers are being answered.
  9. Q4. (5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? About our faith? About our patience? I think it says we don't trust God to take care of us, or think he is not taking care of it the way we think he should. It is always better for us when we wait on him. When we grumble and complain our faith goes out the door. And so does patience. We have to learn to trust God and wait patiently for him to take care of our needs.
  10. Q3. (5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? Why is patience so vital? We should always be looking for his coming as if it is today. But since it has already been 2000 years it makes us wonder if he is ever going to come back. We sometimes get to busy to keep ourselve prepared, so we slack off and are not ready. When we need to keep watching and waiting at all times Patience will keep us from making mistakes. If we look to him and and his word adn be prepared at all times wew on't be caught off guard when he does come.
  11. Q2. (5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury? Extra credit: How might our demand for low-priced goods and services cause us to (1) oppress our own employees or (2) cause workers in this country or abroad to be under paid or oppressed? How does all this relate to the need for patience? Its not wrong for us to want nice things. But it is wrong if we let it take first place in our lives. God has to be first. Sometimes getting the nice things makes us want something else then something else and thenit becomes a habit to want more and more and start pushing God to last place if we ever remember him. Sometimes in our wanting everything at a cheaper price. We forget wht it cost the employees. For an employer to sell things chear. They will not be able to give them a good wage for them to make a living. making it harder for the employes to pay their bills. We know that if we be patient God will provide for all of our needs. Casue that is one of his promises to us. But waiting is hard, but if we will we will do better than if we keep wanting everything right now. Let all learn to be patient. And desire Gods best, instead of not waiting and getting something that is not as good
  12. Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13- 16? How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy? Thinking we know better how to take care of our lives. We need to remember to keep God first. Let God worry about our tomorrows. We need not to boast about what we can do, but have compassion for what God wants us to do
  13. Q4. (4:11-12) In what way does bad-mouthing a neighbor cause you to be a judge of the law? Why is it tempting to bad-mouth others, do you think? If we are to loves others we should not badmouth them. We have no right to judge others cause their is something in them we don't like. We are to show love at all times. Or we are saying the law doesn't work. Its very tempting to open your mouth when you shouldn't when someone says something that is mean or hurtful to you. But we need to put a guard over our mouth and watch what comes out of it.
  14. Q3. (4:6-10) Verses 7-10 contain 10 different commands. Why are these actions so vital? In what way do they go against our nature? Which of these commands is most difficult for you? I think its every vital to help us to see that we need to repent and draw closer to him. Helps us to see that we need a clean heart. And by this we need to resist the devil and turn back to God. But this is hard for us to do cause we want our way in everything. When we need to remember God's way is always better than our ways. Its sometimes hard to humble myself
  15. Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? We are the bride of Christ. When we put other things before him it becomes adultery. Adultry is taking the love of God and giving it to someone else, or into our evil desires. We should not want to greive God. God's place in our lives should be first place, not anything from this world. Lets get back to placing God first in our lives. And turn away from the things of this world. Pleasures that belong in this world should not replace our first love.
  16. Q1. (4:1-3) Is God against pleasure? What wrong in living to increase one's pleasure? God is not against us have the things we enjoy in this life. His desire is to give us all we have need of and desire. But he is against us if we want something for selfish reasons. We need to see that it brings us plaesure when we do things that makes others happy. Makes us all feel good.
  17. Q4. (3:17-18) With what tool do peacemakers sow peace? Why does this produce a ripening crop of righteousness? In whom does this crop grow? I think peace is sown in Heavanly Wisdom wich produces love. When we love others its going to produce good fruit in both the one giving and the one recieving
  18. Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing? We are to walk in humility. If we envy others then we are not humble. Ambition in its self is not a bad thing. But to want something someone else has for the wrong reasons is. We must put God first. We must put others before our selves. Only way to show God's love
  19. Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What has to happen before it can be tamed? What ever is in our heart will come out. We need to keep in the word and renew our minds. That will help us to tame our tungue
  20. Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate? Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself? He tries to discourage those who want to teach knowing that that people sometimes can't live up to what they are teaching We need to be stricter with those who teach. especially if they are teaching wrong. If they are allowed to continue to teach others wrong then they will cause some people to fall back into sin Same with Pastors. They are to shepard the people and if they are living wrong then how can we expect others to live right?
  21. Q4. (2:20-26) How does James' point about the necessity of works jive with Paul's emphasis on salvation by grace without works (Ephesians 2:8-10)? If we are saved we will want to do good works. Doing good works shows others that we are saved. But works good works doesn't save us There is nothing in ourselves that is good enough to earn salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God who sent his son to pay the price for us.
  22. Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian? The demons do believe in God but fear him. They want no part of him The practicing christian knows God and loves God and desires to do what they can for others. The none practicing christian knows of God, but has no wish to live for him
  23. Q2. (2:15-16) To what degree are we responsible for the poor and needy in the church community? How about our responsibility for those outside the church, in the community at large? I think when we do things for the people in our church that have needs it shows our love for them. When we are so blessed we should bless others by helping them where they need it. When we help someone out side of our church it shows them the love of Jesus. Its a great way to be able to witness to them about Jesus. We are the only bible some people see. Its a way to show them the love of Jesus by caring for their needs.
  24. Q1. (2:14-18) In what sense is faith dead if it is unaccompanied by action? In what sense might (if that were possible) it be alive? It does us no good to say we are going to do something if we don't do it. Their is no trust if we don't follow through. It becomes dead. Hbr 6:10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of* love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. w can people trust us if we don't do what we say we will do.
  25. Q4. (2:13b) In what way is showing regard towards the wealthy (2:2-3) a denial of mercy? Extra credit: Read Hosea 6:6; Matthew 5:7; and 9:13. In what way does mercy
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