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Everything posted by Candygoo58
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
This is the time that the antichrist and the False Prophets shall come in and deceive many for the Lord Jesus Christ will send a delusion to make sure they believe him. He will do many thing miracles and works like that Jesus did to fool those who are not walking in the faith and love our Lord. Many will go so far as to worship him as God since he will set himself up as God and many will follow him. We must be rooted and grounded in the word so not to believe anything that is not in the bible. All of them will be punished, because they would rather do evil than believe the truth. -
Q3. Overcoming
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The meaning is the faithful wittness has won, God is in control and Jesus has made his enemy his footstool just as the word has said he would. The one that was overcome is Satan his rule on earth is at an end. The ones that believe in Jesus Christ have the victory and the victory is knowing we belong to Jesus. It was through the shedding of the blood that we are redeamed. When we love our live more than we do the Lord we are not fit to be called a child of the King. -
Q2. Woman and Dragon
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Jesus was tempted by Satan while in the wildreness for 40 days. He offered him the world and all that is he could see if he would worship him. He did not let Jesus have any rest he was at him day and night durning this time. It is the same for us today. Satan is a liar and will offer us all that the world has to give if we will but bow down and worship him. The same was with Adam and Eve in the garden and they fell for it. We today must be careful not to fall for the tricks and lies of satan. The comfort we receive from this is the battle is already won by the blood of Jesus. We win in the end and shall reign with all the saints and Jesus if we just stay faithful. Nothing or no one can take us away from our Lord it is our free will to hold on and spend eternity in heaven. Thank you Jesus for paying the price for us all. -
Q1. Two Witnesses
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
We know they are brave and strong the word tells us that. They do not stop telling others of Jesus and standing up for what is right. No matter what is done to us if we win one soul it will be worth it all. Death should not be something we fear to die for Jesus is to live and reign with him. It is always best to do all we can for anything less could cause souls to be lost. The Reward for them the witnesses. They shall be forever with Jesus. -
To know that not all will accept Jesus. Knowing at the beginning of eternity we will be with Jesus, never to be separated from him again. We will hurt for the ones that will not accept Jesus as the son of God.
They came from every nation, language and all tribes. They came from all over the world. They came worshiping God and Jesus. Becuase of forgiveness they will be able to see Jesus.
He will take care of those that belong to him. Shows they belong to God and protects them from any harm
People will still come to Jesus during the tribualtion. They will live through the whole world. It signifies the prayers of the saints. They were killed for their beliefs. They wanted thier suffering to end. Yes it was a christians prayer. The white robe stands for the rightousness of the saints before God. All things are done in God's time.
Jesus was the only one that could intitate the destruction. It was directed at the unbelievers who chose to reject Jesus. It was directed to the unbelievers on the earth during the tribulation. Everyone had been warned what will happen to them that do not believe in God. So yes, it is just.
Q5. Equal Worship
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
They are one, and should be worshiped as one. We are all the same in God's eyes. Showing love for each person -
Q4. Reigning with Christ
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
He made us priest, and joint heirs with Jesus we will reign with him over nations and kings and priest by leading others to Christ, we serve as priest. We are his chosen people,therefore we are in the kingdom. -
Q3. Worthy Is the Lamb
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
He is the only one that was ever tempted, but never fell into sin. His blood was the only one that was pure enough to open the seals.We praise him for what he did for us by going to the cross. Only is he worthy of our praises. -
1. We worship him in spirit 2. We worship him as a precious jewel 3. We worship with our music 4. We bow before him, with oour praise 5. When we worship him, we recieve our strennght as an eagle 6. Even the Angels worship him 7. He paid our sin debt, so we didn't ahve to. Making it easier for us to praise his holy name 8. All things bow before him, worshiping him as Lord 9. Even the creatures praise his name 10. We worship through helping others
Q1. Revelation Hymns
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
sorry already posted this answer. -
Q1. Revelation Hymns
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
All Glory to Jesus All Things Praise Him Day of Judgement, Days of wonder Hallelujah, What a Savior Approach, my soul, the mercy seat Lamb of God our souls adore thee -
Q5. Criticism and Praise
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
The churches are criticized for allowing act of sin to enter into their lives. And for leaving their first love. The churches were praised, because even though they faced persecutions they didn't forget the one they belonged to. They pressed on in there service for our Lord. This should help the churches today to see that even though we face persecutions of our own. Not to take out eyes off of Jesus. With Jesus we can face anything and win the race and win the crown. -
Q4. Apathy
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
It seems in our churches that a lot of people have the I don't care attitude. They like to sit in their pews and let others do the work of the church. They want to be served instead of serving others. I think by looking at the life Jesus lived. The way he served others should make us want to serve others. By serving others, we serve him. We need to keep him in first place in our life's so that, we will always want to do what is right for others as well as ourselves. -
Q3. Religious Compromise
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
The reason for it to be so destructive is that it breaks our relationship Twith God. To let anything into our lives that is not of God. I think today we let TV, Rodio and computers and our friends dictate what we believe. Our real compromises comes when we stop reading the word. And learning what it says about living. -
Q2. Compromising Standards
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
I think today we have been come so tolerant of some of what the world thinks is ok. That we forget to look in the word to see what God says is sin. I think we let the TV, radio, and the people around us. We sometimes let these things tell us what is right and wrong. Instead of letting the word be our guide to what is right and wrong -
Q1. First Love
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
I think sometimes we get into teaching sundayschool classes or going to meetings. Or planning fellowships we forget the one we are there to serve and worship, Jesus our first love. when we can do something for someone else, without condeming them for past wrongs. We are showing our love for them and for Jesus Jhn 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. The lack of love is when we let ourselves get so involved what we are doing that we forget why we are doing it in the first place. We can regain this love by repenting of anything that has taken our eyes off of Jesus. By putting Jesus where he belongs first in our lives -
Q5. Christ and His Churches
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
I think with him walking among the lampstands that it shows that he is always with us. It shows us that he is our light, and willl be our guide to show us the way to him. It teaches us that we are his church. And without Jesus there would be no light. -
Q4. The Exalted Christ
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Jesus came down from living in glory to live a simple life. To teach us how to live and to treat each other. John was seeing Jesus in all his glory, shining around him. Its going to be more than wonderful, when we see him shining in all his glory. We learn to walk in faith with him knowing someday its going to pay off when he comes to get us. -
Q3. Comfort
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Some countries you can't talk about your faith, and share it with anyone. In the book of revelations we know that Jesus is with us till the end when he comes back for us. -
Q2. Father and the Son
Candygoo58 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
That the Father has always been and always will be. Jesus was with God from the beginning, But came to live on this earth to show us how to live and to serve others. And someday we will reap the rewards for what we learned from his life on earth