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Q6. Self-Deceit
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Hearing and Practicing the Word (James 1:18-27)
i like what Sgt Z Squad posted but i would like to add this simple statement of fact we humans hate to acept the fact we are wrong and it seems everyone looks to pass the blame to someone else when they find fault in themselfs But i guess its been that way since Adam blame God for giveing him Eve but we only can be thankfull for God knows us and will show us the truth -
Q5. Life in the Word
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Hearing and Practicing the Word (James 1:18-27)
I have to keep it simple i agree with Sherrylynn but i just need to add that he has also given us the liveing word and the written word and they both may guide us in our path of life but they must never conflict with each other so we must sturdy the word for sure and walk with him daily love you all gace an peace to u all -
hello my friends call me prophet on the cb radio because i love to share about the love of God and the power he gives us thruogh his son Jesus i drive a truck in fl an ga so its nice to come home in the middle of the week and do my bible study and read your replys and get info to share with others so thank you al for helping me share the word with others grace to u all
Q1. Value of Trials
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
Advanced Member Group: Admin Posts: 301 Member No.: 2 Joined: 22-November 02 Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed? Ive had some very hard times over the last 18 years and i have to say ive grown the most in the battle of life when it comes to trusting my father God but i grew in love i think in the good times but the other thing i have learned is there will be more trails to come and i now never slow down just jump in the fire and let God get me passed the fire and away we go to the next one and i now feel his love 24 / 7 so yes im allowing God to refine me and the devil cant win he can only block me for a while sometimes but God shows me and teaches me how to run and side step him or just slip by and never slow up his change is great i never worry about things.because he will see to it that we all have everything we need to get to him and he will be waiting for us to come home im full of his GRACE !!!Jesus in me & me in Him and with al our brother an sisters we cant lose GRACE an PEACE to all -
Q3. Revelation 12:11 could be considered a theme verse for the book. What does it mean? Who is overcome? In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? What does the "blood of the Lamb" have to do with this? How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? (See Luke 14:25-27; Matthew 10:37-39.) what does it mean ? well to me it says from the first start Gods adversary never wins Gods army won the fright in heaven an cast them out . who is overcome ?Gods adversary in what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? we have total victory over sin an death what does the blood have to do with this ? Jesus shed the blood to cover us an wash us clean with out the blood there is no vitory God always shed blood to cover sin an he dont change how does loveing this life stop us from spiritual victory?The Lord says we cant serve 2 masters an must who are true belvers can tell you they had to battle with 1 love or another had to lay something aside an finaly they will give up their control of their life an fall in love with Jesus because there is no other way but to out him 1st above all things an above all others then we will start to grow into the person he created us to be an will live to do his will just like Jesus said i must be about my fathers work grace is the only way let God jesus in you and they will shine praise the lord love u prophet
Q2. Woman and Dragon
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage? again i have to agree with the body although there was a few things i saw that made me thinkand pray alot 1st if we look at to 911 we have to look at the word an see the word comeing true those an the loser we call satan dont care who he kills but he will have a one world order or church or call it what you will they will follow the way of the world , we should have been over there stoping the bombing years ago then it would not have made it to our shores maybe the CIA SET IT ALL UP ,MAYBE THIS OR THAT the one thing we know is no matter what we mustlive the life Jesus showed us he gave us all the power to finish the job we are the ones to keep the light shineing for the lost to see no matter how the world try to stop us GOD WILL SHOW US A WAY to share his ways in word an deed i read that the fallen angels may not be demons well where else did they come from ??????? BUT LET GOD CHILDREN SHARE THE LOVE OF HIM THAT SENT US INTO THE WORLD WE ALL HAVE A PURPOSE AN WE CAN ONLY DO IT IF WE STAY CLOSE TO jESUS IN OUR WALK AND PRAY ALWAYS GRACE AN PEACE TO U ALL LOVE U PROPHET -
Q1. Two Witnesses
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
i agree they stand in the face of death an never think about it ,also they where the 2 that hadnt seen death so they i belive had been in the presence of the lord and you see himself come out in them share the word and doing the lords work till death an then the real blessing they got to go to be in the presence of the lord for ever an im thinking and beliveing they heard the words well done son So like them we should be like JESUS never stop shareing the word and even in the face of harm i thinik of the words DO NOT FEAR WHAT THEY CAN DO TO THE FLESH THINK WHAT GOD CAN DO TO THE SOUL this helps me to share because the lost need to know God loves them but their soul is going to spend it one way or the other Also i praise the lord because we can be in the prasence of our lord Jesus an can feel his love an careing arms holding us in the time of need GRACE AN PEACE TO YOU ALL Its only by Gods power that we can have peace on earth an still complete his mission he has for us love u all prophet -
I think we have a couple of great list so i didmt what to do it again ,I also agree it is going to be the best place ive every beem along with the best music and i think ill throw down my crowns if the Lord Jeuse gives them to me then i must be worthy of them someone said that we werent worthy to wear them but i belive anything that Jesus gives to us we should use it or take care of it an i belive we see here that there will order in his place SO LETS GO LET THAT POWER FLOW TO OTHER AN WATCH GOD MOVE IN OUR LIFES AND IF WE DONT EVER MEET ILL MEET YOU AT THE FEET OF OUR GOD GRACE AN PEACE UNTO YOU ALL PROPHET / joe
Q5. Criticism and Praise
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
This shows us again that he knows an sees all so be real to ourselfs and others an keep Jesus #1 in our lives keep our eyes on Jesus do his will be about the fathers bussiness Jesus gave us all we needed to tend the flock -
Q4. Apathy
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
We have become a house full of pagan worship or self worship even the gifts that God gives to us are miss used .... If we alow Jesus to fill us each day an we look for the apointments he sets up he will make things happen an i think we will be able to share Jesus right up under their noses untill the end because Jesus walked out from among them an he will hide us also -
Q2. Compromising Standards
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Again i must say this topic is coverd well and i think we all know what the TV has to show but i must say i still watch it but i choose to keep the remote close at hand an i have alot of christain channels but even them have bad teaching so if my Grandkids are over i have to really listen an teach them the things i see wrong with what they are whating to watch because my children doest have the insite i have an she isnt sold out but yet she loves Jesus and teaches the sunday school stuff to them but the school sys is alot deeper then that so we let the world teach our children an then they become a leader of the country an have no clue of what God calls sin an or choosees to turn for fame an money there are alot of rock stars who have preachers for father and they had been raised in church Also Gods kids always turned away untill they had to trust in God Jesus planly teaches that it will be as it was in the days of Noah he told them of the comeing flood for what ?? i think 40 years and they laughed just like our fellow americans who say dont judge me ,take that preaching to church etc etc Well now we go to a land far away and have to hide our signs of Jesus or the other people police may beat us to death an its their law so our men are orded to hide any sign of christain beliife or they could get locked up and the if they do get back they face chares of their own etc etc WE can see the end is near an they will say they been saying that since jesus was walking but its time for us to hold on tight share with others but dont cast our perals b4 the pigs or the just stomp them into the ground So we must know the holy sprit will lead us an he will make it know when an whare to to speak an dont fear what they can do to our flesh think of what god can do for our soul .Theres no felling like sharing with someone an see them open up to the sprit of God an hear their heart call out to God oh please save this sorry fleshly sinner it only comes in 2nd place to the high i got when i asked Jesus to be my Lord an Master no matter the cost an i paid it but the promise of the Lord was true i was an im still blessed comeing an going even in my battles i know Jesus is there an he will be there for all we bring to him praise the Lord Jesus king of kings Lord of Lords GRACE AN PEACE 2U prophet / joe -
Q1. First Love
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
I just love the postings and i think we all agree on the fact if we take our eyes off Jesus an start looking at man we will lose the LOVE that only he can pass out when we are doing his will an even the simple things need to be done when we start pleasein man instead of God then we know we got something out of line but we see it alot please the people or this an that wont get done etc etc etc The only way to get back to the 1st love is to alow the Lord Jesus to show us our heart an our desireers an then alow him to cut out the bad an heal the wounds that are left by our errors an the things others do to us or say that cause us to take our eyes off Jesus .But the best part his he does alow U TURNS anywhere along your road of life grace an peace to all prophet / joe -
Q4. The Exalted Christ
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
im so glad we have these sicriptures for me i see the one who is all He is the 1st an the last the A to Z he was 1st in heaven an left it for us then show an a baby an the sprit of God above provideing for him then a fleshly man or human like all of us ladys included suffering but never loseing site of the work God had for him to do then we see him comeing back to life now we see the whole picture we see the Power of God in the form of total power and able to protect an provide for us in anything an everything we need -
Q2. Father and the Son
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Well ill have to say this shows us that God an Jesus is one an the same yet there is at times a parting between them Jesus talked with God an only did an said what he heard or saw the father do an GOD spoke out of heaven for humans an for us to be able to see him as he is the 1st an last begining an the end God is the spirit in heaven an Jesus is the flesh on earth that was filled with Gods spirit an thats where the power comes from an when Jesus left he gave us the power to do the work of the lord GRACE SAVED BY GRACE i think grace is the power of GOD enableing us to become all he made us to be and to do all he has for us to do Its how Jesus did it and its only by the power given to Jesus by God that we can do all things in Christ Once again i think they are one in the same but yet apart at times grace & peace unto you all a brither in Christ love always joe -
Q1. Faithful Witnesses
prophet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Jesus is the one we are to look up to and belive his words of truth he left his place in heaven to dwell with us knowing the pain and agony he would suffer but for us he came and lied down his life to show us how to overcome this life and he promosed us all we needed to do the work he has for us to do then he told us he would never forsake us an he would even send us the holy ghost to teach us all things an to confort us so i belive thats how he is our faithfull wittness Q2i think we dont really trust in his word because we are to worried about what others might think of us even though he said we where to share the gosple we think about what we might lose we we do or what another person might do to hurt us but we forget that in the end it will be ok in the arms of the lord Im still not as strong and bold as the Lord would have me to be its hurts to have family an friends turn away from me but the truth is got to be shared but im carefull to always share in love thank you for this great work you are doing looking forward to the rest of the time spent shareing with the brothers an sister in the Lord be cool joe