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Everything posted by Patriciaa

  1. What a joy and gift to be allowed to look forward to Christ's Second Coming. When we look forward to this Coming, we desire to serve and glorify Our Lord. In our weakness, we do sin but we must repent and strive to live more like Christ taught us to live. As children of God, saved by Jesus' salvation, we should be motivated to purify ourselves from sin. God's grace sends the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and help us in our weakness to purify ourselves from sin and strive daily to glorify our Lord and Savior.
  2. Jesus came to the world and died so that we can all be His children as we are born of His Spirit. We become joint heirs of His kingdom. The Holy Spirit lives in us and guides us to live as His children. This new birth gives us joy as we a members of His family and our desire is to serve Our Father and live according to His will.
  3. You have the Holy Spirit who will remind you of what Jesus taught and who will lead you. You don't need the false teachers. If the Holy Spirit teaches us, do we need human teachers? Is John telling us to reject teachers altogether and rely solely on the Spirit. No. However, we must not be arrogant in our ignorance. Among other gifts, God has placed in the church "teachers," whose job it is "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12). We receive from godly teachers and their essential ministry. But we must not rely on them to feed us or we starve. Rather, as we mature, we turn to the Holy Spirit to nurture and sustain us in Christ. The Lord promised to send a Helper to guide us into all truth (John 16.13). The Bible says that we have received an indwelling anointing from Christ, a presence of the Lord that teaches us concerning all things. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. 1 John 2.27 This passage of Scripture is not an argument against the ministry of teaching. There is a solid scriptural foundation for the teaching ministry. It was Christ Himself who gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph 4.11). True teaching ministry is driven by the same teaching anointing of the Holy Spirit. But only the Spirit is able to bring true revelation to the human heart. The apostle Paul writes about the spirit of wisdom and revelation which gives us knowledge of the Lord (Eph 1.17). We must come to Him to have life (John 5.40). There is an anointing available to every believer that teaches concerning all things. The Holy Spirit in our hearts is not speechless but He speaks and reveals the things of God. Our problem is that we have the tendency to disconnect His holy anointing and replace it with intellectual reasoning. The mind is an excellent instrument when it is subordinate to the Spirit. The analytical and creative capacity of the human brain is a great gift from the Lord. But the mind was never intended to be our ruler. We were created to be driven by our hearts in obedience to the Spirit of God. King Solomon wrote: Trust the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Pro 3.5-6
  4. It is pure joy to abide in Jesus as this means one is constantly inviting Jesus to be the center of his or her life. One who abides in Jesus spends time with Him in prayer, reading His Word, sharing fellowship with other believers and especially strives to live what Jesus taught. One who does not abide in Jesus focuses more on the things of this world than on the wonderful relationship with Jesus.
  5. The Holy Spirit lives in us and speaks to our hearts and mind as we study scripture and practice Christian disciplines. The Spirit teaches us and guides us as we study the Word, pray, interact with other Christians strive to live for God's glory. Jesus' teaching is a true plan for how we should live as Christians and the Holy Spirit constantly reminds us of this and guides us.
  6. The "anointing" that John is talking about is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes into the life of one who accepts Jesus Christ. This anointing is connected to the Holy Spirit in the Bible as those who were annointed lived Godly lives and went about teaching about Jesus to others. I believe every Christian has received this anointing. Some make use of the gift more than others and thus are dedicated to living to serve God in every area of their lives.
  7. This antichrist that John expects to come is a servant of Satan who will rule in the temple and will lead those who do not believe in Christ. The antichrist in the church are the false teachers. In our day, we see those who lead others away from Christ and who teach false doctrines.
  8. We must always remember that we are sinners and are free only because of God's grace. If we keep this in mind at all times, we will not feel we have the right to be judgmental of others. Love means a care and concern for others whereas legalism means following the law irregardless of whether love for others is of upmost concern. We can be serious about obedience and make love our center by striving to serve Our Savior by loving His children just as He loves us.
  9. When we do sin, we are assured God will forgive us if we confess. This is a comfort to know we have a loving Father who is forgiving. To know we have such a caring and loving God makes us who love God want to please and glorify Him and thus avoid sin. It should also make us forgiving of our brothers and sisters when they sin against us because we need to forgive just as God forgives us. The battle against the world and its values will be a constant struggle but even when we do stray, we know we have a loving Father who will give us strength when we repent and strive to serve Him.
  10. A Christian who walks in darkness has broken fellowship with Jesus. Jesus is ready to welcome that person back in the fold. This is the joyful news but the sad part is the longer fellowship is broken the more difficult it becomes to confess. One can easily deceive himself by denying what is being done is wrong acoording to God's Word. When we walk in the light and ask forgiveness, Jesus is always ready to forgive and give us the peace and joy we so desperately want.
  11. Q3. (Romans 8:31-32)
  12. Q2. (Romans 8:29) What does it mean to "be conformed to the likeness of his Son"? I believe this means we become more like Jesus by living a righteous life as God
  13. Q1. (Romans 8:28) What is the actual promise contained in verse 28?The promise in verse 28 is that God can bring good out of evil for those who love God and who are called to live for the Lord. What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. This promise means that God can bring good out of bad situations and for those who love God and live for Him, all things will eventually work out for good even though there may be many trials that we do not understand. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise?The two qualification are that one must love God and and be called according to His purpose. How does verse 28 give you hope? This verse gives hope in that when we are undergoing difficulties in life, we can rest assured that God can eventually make them work out for good if we love Him and serve Him.
  14. Q2. (Romans 8:5-6) Romans 8:5-6 (New International Version) [/color] 5Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6The mind of sinful man[a] is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; Exactly what does it mean to set your mind on the things of the Spirit? This means that we think, read, pray and value the things Jesus taught and the heWord of God teaches us. How do you do this? I do this my reading scripture and devotions, listening to programs where God's Word is esteemed, having discussions and sharing with fellow Christians and especially through prayer. How can you recognize when the things you're setting your mind on relate to your sinful nature? When things in my mind are not related to Christian values. With these "things of the flesh" enter my mind and my life, I get a feeling that my time is not being wisely spent and a feeling of discontentment.WeHow much of this is deliberate? These "fleshly values" often creep in when one is not on guard against them. How much is habit? These "fleshly values" can certainly become a habit--watching programs where values relate to the passing entertainment of the world, reading literature which does not promote Christian values and worshipping "idols" of the world such as material things and entertainers, etc. What part does the Holy Spirit have it this? The Holy Spirit will give us strength to overcome worldly values if we only stay in touch through prayers, reading the Word and other ways of communicating with God. Or is this primarily right living by force of will? We do need to will to live close to God and ask the Holy Spirit to be with us and give us the strength to overcome the temptations of the world. What a joy to know the Holy Spirit will give us needed strength to live righteous lives.
  15. The weak link if definitely our flesh. We are too weak to keep the law and must have the strength of the Spirit to help us live righteousness lives. Thankfully, Jesus died to save us from our sins so that even in our weakness, we are righteousness.
  16. Paul is not confessing that he continually practiced sin in his daily life, but that the threat of practicing it was always with him. He always had to be on guard against it to keep it from breaking out. And, at times, it did indeed break out, reminding him not only of its presence, but also its strength. There is no doubt Paul was a mature Christian. Therefore, this serves as a reminder to us that, no matter how spiritually mature we become, human nature will still always be with us.
  17. In every aspect man is flawed. Even the good that a person may intend may come from mixed motives, etc. This is the doctrine of "total depravity". Man in his present fallen state is not basically good, the Scripture teaches. He is deceitful and conniving. Yes, there is good in him -- the remnant of God's image in which he was formed. But the good is corrupted. No part of man is any longer perfectly good. All is a mixture of good and evil. And certainly man's "flesh" is corrupt: "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature (flesh, sarx)" (7:18). Modern man wants to be in control and feel that he is basically good. He often doesn't want to depend of Jesus for salvation.
  18. The law makes it clear what is right and wrong but knowing this does not save us. The problem is knowing the law leads to sin because our human nature leads us to break the law. Our hearts must be changed as we turn to strength from Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sins and will give us strength to do live a Godly life if we only ask and desire in our hearts to serve and glorify Him. When we do fall and sin, we repent and because of His love of us, we will be forgiven.
  19. Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? Often in the news, when a leader of a political party makes a statement, this statement becomes representative of the entire party. A father
  20. Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Reconciliation means we are made righteous by the death of Jesus and the shedding of His blood or us. We are sinners but Jesus gave His life or us that we would be forgiven of our sins and be made right with Him. Why is reconciliation with God necessary? Reconciliation with God is necessary because as sinners we would face the wrath of God in judgment; however, by Jesus
  21. Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? "You see, at just the right time,29 when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly." (5:6) To embrace this truth that Christ died for the ungodly gives us hope. When one doesn
  22. Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? We trust in with God in the future We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character and character, hope. Perseverance means that we continue to be strong in our faith and commitment to love and serve God in spite of trials in life; we persevere because of our hope in eternal life with God; we know there is a better future and our trials now are only temporary. We strive to develop patience and with God
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