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Everything posted by ccs
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? I speak with love towards God... and do not use His name in vain... What desecrates and besmirches it? A profane vocabulary, or using His Name in vain. Speaking of HIm without the respect that belongs to HIm How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We should approach the Father with thanksgiving, respect and awe... -
Q1. Work Out Your Salvation
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Growing in the fruit of the Spirit -
Q4. Exalting the Humble
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Hello, I had every intention to join this study group... however, the Lord is stiring some things up in our life... and I believe Satan is too... we are pending a house in escrow right now and our adult children are not living their lives as controlled people... We have always had a very close realtionship, but now I have had to detach... I will be starting a new job after 20 yrs, in a new area after living in the same house for 25 yrs... My husband is commuting 4 hrs a day and working 10 ... so there is a lot of stress to deal with... We are trying to get our home in shape to be a rental... So, much is going on and would appreciate your prayers thank you and God bless -
Q4. Discerning the Best
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
What will be the result of discernment in their lives? "... So that they may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ...." (1:10) How does selfishness cloud discernment? Selfishness is of the flesh and gives you only a small view of what is important (you). It blinds you in the fact that our God is a big God who loves all and has created all. How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? Good is a temporary feel fix -
Q3. Bring to Completion
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q3. (1:6) What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers? To finish the sanctification work He started in them Why does he expect God to do this? It -
Q2. Partners
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? We recieve the satisfaction of knowing we did our part for today in the work of the kingdom here on earth. What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial? 1 Corinthians 13 (niv) Love 1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. 4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave To be totally surrendered and obedient to the one you serve What is the root idea of "saint"? Being set aside for God -
Hello, I have participated in other studies and have enjoyed them very much. I live in S. Ca. and am in the process of moving after 23 years in the same community and home. Hope to be able to push all the way through on this study blessings
Q29. Healing Prayer
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Q1. (5:13-14) According to verse 14, who is to initiate prayer for healing? The person who is sick Why might this be important? Because their faith is what will heal them -
Q28. Complaining
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q4. (5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? About our faith? About our patience? Q4. (5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? We are uncontent with our situation or with someone or somthing in our lives About our faith? that our faith is being tested About our patience? that what we think is a long time, may not be long at all to God -
Q27. Christ's Return
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? Why is patience so vital? 5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? We can be caught off guard. Why is patience so vital? Because no one knows the hour of Jesus return and we have to be ready when He comes. 2 Peter 3:10-13 -
Q26. Comfort and Luxury
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q2. (5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury? Extra credit: How might our demand for low-priced goods and services cause us to (1) oppress our own employees or (2) cause workers in this country or abroad to be under paid or oppressed? How does all this relate to the need for patience? (5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury? The spiritual danger is that we can become smug, prideful, arrogant, and selfish. Extra credit: How might our demand for low-priced goods and services cause us to (1) oppress our own employees You are not giving your employees the tools they need to do their job and thus, compromising. or (2) cause workers in this country or abroad to be under paid or oppressed? When you cut corners in such a manner you are cheating others. . . How does all this relate to the need for patience? We need to wait on the Lord for all the blessings, you can not out give Him. . . as a person continues to do what is right in the Lords eyes, the rewards will come. . . even if they are not rewards of this life. -
Q25. Humble Planning
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy? What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? Boasting Ps. 5:5. . . The boastful shall not astand in Your sight How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy? keep it simple, let your yes be yes and no be no -
Q22. Spiritual Adultery
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Submitting Yourself to God (James 4:1-12)
Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? Because they are Christ -
Q1. (4:1-3) Is God against pleasure? No, God wants us to have joy but the joy that comes with unselfish love. What wrong in living to increase one's pleasure? It only gives momentarily satisfaction. To give to others builds godly character and heavenly treasures.
Q20. Peacemakers
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Attaining Tongue-Taming Wisdom (James 3:1-18)
Q4. (3:17-18) With what tool do peacemakers sow peace? Why does this produce a ripening crop of righteousness? In whom does this crop grow? With what tool do peacemakers sow peace? A guard on ones mouth and a heart that is changed. Why does this produce a ripening crop of righteousness? Because it produces Love. . . Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) In whom does this crop grow? All whom have accepted Jesus as their Lord. John 14: 25 -
Q19. Selfishness vs. Humility
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Attaining Tongue-Taming Wisdom (James 3:1-18)
Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? bitter envy and selfish ambition are either of the flesh or Satan and humility is of the Spirit. How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? you are to consumed with the negitive to encourage the positive. . . only the light can give healing. How does boasting about these prevent healing Boasting does not produce good fruit, thus, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. -
Q18. Tongue-Taming
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Attaining Tongue-Taming Wisdom (James 3:1-18)
Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What is in the heart comes out the mouth What has to happen before it can be tamed? A new heart attitude. -
Q17. Teachers
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Attaining Tongue-Taming Wisdom (James 3:1-18)
Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? It's not an easy position; a teacher is held at a higher standard and should be a living example for others, because of this they will be judged more strictly. Why is greater strictness appropriate? Because a teacher should know better. A teacher leads and those that he/she is leading learn from watching the teacher. Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself? Yes, much is expected from those who much is given. -
Q16. Works and Grace
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Energizing Your Faith by Works (James 2:14-26)
Q4. (2:20-26) How does James' point about the necessity of works jive with Paul's emphasis on salvation by grace without works (Ephesians 2:8-10)? It is the way in which the word -
Q15. Believing Demons
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Energizing Your Faith by Works (James 2:14-26)
Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? Words The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian? Words -
Q14. The Poor
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Energizing Your Faith by Works (James 2:14-26)
2:15-16) To what degree are we responsible for the poor and needy in the church community? To the degree it has been given to us How about our responsibility for those outside the church, in the community at large? The same . . . it is the Body first and then others. Luke 12:35. . . v 47-49 (New International Version) 47 -
Q13. Dead Faith
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Energizing Your Faith by Works (James 2:14-26)
2:14-18) In what sense is faith dead if it is unaccompanied by action? Faith is a way of life for us. . . As we live in our faith our works should overflow from the abundance of inner growth in our Lord... In what sense might (if that were possible) it be alive? In the sense that we allow the Holy Spirit to have his way. . . to become our hands and feet. -
Q9. Discrimination
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Forsaking Favoritism for Love (James 2:1-13)
Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? Those that are self-righteous What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I cannot speak for everyone in our fellowship, for each of us has our own personal weakness. However, for myself. . .I try to live with in the principles of God -
Q8. True Religion
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Hearing and Practicing the Word (James 1:18-27)
Q4. (1:26-27) Why does James make taming the tongue and caring for the poor the prime tests of pure religion? It