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Everything posted by ccs
What dangers faced Abraham and his family as aliens and sojourners in Egypt and elsewhere? They had no legal rights, were vulnerable to evil people who tried to take advanage, rape and even kill them. Who might oppress them? A local king or warlord, those were different from them, those in authority, the religious groups What "aliens and sojourners" live in your community? We are in S. California & have many from other countries here, but mostly Canadians, Hispanic and homosexuals[/color] Why did they come? For a better life How are they being oppressed or discriminated against by employers and others in the community? Canadians are called snow birds & charged more for things because people think the have more money. Hispanics are limited because a lot of them do not try to adapt to their new culture or learn the language. Homosexuals are looked down upon for their sin, it is hard for some to separate the sin from the sinner. What can you and your church do to "love those who are aliens"? We as Christians need to embrace those that are different and show them God
Q4. Calling on the Name of the Lord
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? Abraham is now a believer in the One God -
Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? We are fearful of the unknown . . and we as people like to have control of our destiny. . .we like to remain in the familiar surroundings we have grown accustom to. . . to come out of that is to stretch ourselves and it is uncomfortable to stretch, it even hurts sometimes. . . and we want to avoid hurt at all costs. . . Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Yes, I am one to step out in faith and have stretched myself to do so many times in the past. I think it's a challenge for me. . . because every time I stretch myself whether I understand it or not I receive a spiritual blessing and spiritual growth. Sometimes things don
Q2. Being Blessed and Being a Blessing
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
In what ways was Abraham blessed? Abraham was blessed was by becoming a great nation through the heir of his children Isaac and Ishmael. He also was blessed by having a great name, a name that is well known throughout generations and religions. He had physical blessings as well and was rich in live stock, in silver and gold, in new land. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? Through Abraham -
Q1. Beginning Again
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
(11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? Yes, I have had urging from the Holy Spirit to do things and then stopped. I first see the vision, then get the motivation to do the research, then the desire to go forward, but sometimes it -
Hi, I live in S. California, have 2 daughters and a golden retriever named Presious T (for trouble) My husband and I have a local ministry for pastors, wives and church leaders. With what is going on in the world today I am looking forward to this study. Blessings in Him,
What has this study on 2 Peter and Jude meant to you? It has been a reminder of God's love not only for me but for all . . . for He doesn't want to see anyone perish. How has it enriched your life? It has given me great comfort in what He has given to us, mercy, protection, and most of all a love that will never let me down. I feel stronger in the reminder that He wants me to be with Him and that no matter how many times I might mess up in this life. . . I will never perish. How could it be improved? I would like to see studies that limit my personal opinion and challenge me to a higher understanding of the text, chapter, or verse; maybe some personal intervention from Pastor Ralph when my thinking gets off course.
Jude 24) What does it mean to you that God is guarding you from falling? It means that I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus, it means everything to me. "To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy." (Jude 24) Without fault and with great joy, this gives me strength and a power to want to spread the gospel even more. It means that I will be with Him for eternity. I eagerly wait for that day, when there will be no more tears, no more fears, I will finally be in total union with my Lord; what joy for the both of us. How can you explain God's exultant joy towards you? A joy like I feel towards my own children. He created me for His purpose and sin has separated us. Jesus has bridged that sin by His grace and suffering on the cross, I will be with my maker, blameless, free of sin able to reunite with Him in a perfect love just as he intended from the beginning of creation. Adam and Eve could have had this joy and union from the time they were created, but sin separated them. One day they too will be reunited with our Lord. How will God manage to present you to himself "blameless"? He already has . . .Because of Christ
Q3. Staying in Love with God
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Able to Keep You From Falling (Jude 1-2, 20-25)
(Jude 21a) What does it mean to "keep yourself in God's love"? It means to continually work on my relationship with Him, it means giving of myself to Him 100 % to my ability in all that I do, I do for Him. What are you doing to strengthen your love relationship with God? Out of all the spiritual disciplines I try to practice. . . I believe that I Pray without ceasing the most, in the car, in the pool, where ever and whatever time of the day in the morning, at night, pray for others, for myself, situations, on and on I also love to put on praise music and dance and sing to our Lord. . . it is what I call my God time. . .I am at one with Him when I worship most of all. Also, Every morning I do my Bible study and then I answer my e-mails. . . I continue my Bible study as I give input to my messages. . . What more could you do that might help? I believe I could set aside more times of fasting, I am weak in this area. . . but the Bible clearly says, not if you fast but when you fast (Matt. 6:16) -
Q2. Building Up Your Faith
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Able to Keep You From Falling (Jude 1-2, 20-25)
(Jude 20a) Why does God make you responsible to "build up" your own Christian faith? We have to do our part, God gives us grace but does not give us everything. God does not force anything on us it has got to come from a heart that wants more, more of him. We have got to disire to grow in our grace and knowelege. Phil 2:12 says, Work out your own salvation with fear and tembling. What we truly disire we go after. What are you doing on a regular basis to obey this command? (Romans 10:17). I try to put into practice the Holy Habits or Spiritual Disciplines because Spiritual disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us in the inner spirit. They allow God to do His internal work upon our hearts. -
Q1. Three Privileges of Believers
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Able to Keep You From Falling (Jude 1-2, 20-25)
(Jude 1) Which of these three privileges catches your attention more than the others? Called (by God), Loved by God the Father, and Kept by Jesus Christ. Wow, this is a hard one for me. . . I would have to say that in different seasons of my life different privileges take the forefront for me. However, at this particular time in my life I would have to say being, -
Q5. Belief in Christ's Return
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
(2 Peter 3:11-12, 14-16) What effect should a belief in Christ's return and coming judgment have on your life? We should be looking forward to Christ -
Q4. Sin and Repentance
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Why does our culture resist the ideas of sin and repentance? We have grown cold as a people because we live in a world of everything goes and if it feels good do it.[/color Can there be salvation without repentance? NO Can you think of a time in your own life when repentance was difficult for you? Yes, there are lots of times when my pride over road my repentance. Why was it difficult? It -
Q3. Delay in Christ's Coming
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
(2 Peter 3:9) According to Peter, why has Christ's coming been delayed? He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (3:9b What does this teach us about God? That His thoughts are not the same as ours as we read in Isaiah 55:8-9, "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts'" That He does not want to loose anyone and He will wait with the virtue of patience. Even though God is just and must judge sin, he loves us so much He gave his Son to suffer for our sins, it is done!!! I am so greatful that it will be God judging me in the end and not manGod is patient with you. "Is patient" (NIV, NRSV) and "is longsuffering" (KJV) is the Greek verb makrothume -
Q2. What It Means to Perish
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? It -
Q1. Reminders
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? Reminders stimulate the mind so we can stay focused on the right course putting into action what we know and not being carried away by false teachings. How do you remind yourself of God's promises? By studying the Word, going to church and putting the truth into practice. How do you remind others? By speaking and showing God -
Q4. Warning about Sin
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much? Some leaders are just unwilling to confront their congregations on sin because they are afraid of loosing people, they think bigger is better; but this might be what some people need. To be lost for awhile so they can hit a bottom and reach up for the Lord. There is a "way of righteousness" (2 Peter 2:21) that we Christians are to walk in -- a safe path marked out for us. 2 Peter 2 is talking about those who teach and because some teach without the truth or without walking in integrity them selves; people will become slack in their Christian walk too. We as people have followed the leader since we were little children, playing that game. The example has to come from a leader with integrity; if this is not the case then people, like sheep will follow suite. We are all growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and those of us that know more will be held responsible to share that knowledge and held accountable for it as well; but share with compassion because there are those that are weak and so there is a fine line. -
Q3. Enslaved by Sin
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q3. (2 Peter 2:19) In what way can flagrant, defiant sin enslave a person? If you sin deliberately you give into the flesh and that being the case, you have given in and the sin will take over. Have to be on your guard to avoid temptations. Is there any way out of these sins? If so, what is the path? Yes, the path out of your sins is repentance 2 peter 3:9, and belief in Jesus Christ. Roman 7:25-8:11. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free for the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin He condemned sin in the flesh. How can we truly love the sinner and hate the sin? Thank you for this question, you have got to teach and preach the truth in love. Loving people and sharing the truth without compromising the truth. We have got to welcome sinners with one arm open as if we say we forgive you and one arm not as if to say but there are limits. Jesus does this with the prostitute, when he forgives her and says go and sin no more. Because we are forgiven does not give us the right to sin, however, we will have set backs and slips. How can we steer clear of a quick judgmental attitude toward those who sin? First ask the Holy Spirit to show you if it is a person who is enslaved by self, Satan, or Jesus. Then, if a persons spirit is from Jesus, separate the flesh from the Spirit, knowing that we all fall short of the glory of God and we are all in need of a Savior. Not one of us is exempt from sinning not even Paul, in Romans 7:17-23; if it is the flesh and sometimes we all walk in the flesh, whether it is gossiping, or a lack of love, or sexual sin, or addiction of any kind . . . no one is immune; we need to present the truth in love and pray for that person to be open to repentance. In Romans 7:23 -
Q2. Persistent Sexual Sin
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q2. (Jude 4) In what way does sexual sin deny Christ? It is the opposite of what Christ taught but no different than any other sin. If Paul is right in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, that persistent sexual sin is incompatible with salvation, why have we Christians become so complacent about it in our culture? Sexual sin is running ramp it as well as other sins and you can not change the heart; only God can. All we as Christians can do is share the truth, pray and live by example. I am not so sure that people understand the empty space that a person has inside of them waiting to be made whole. If a Christian can not fix it fast then they give up. They want solutions as if the world was a microwave it self. There are not enough Christians living by the example of love, and perseverance. Instead they live in condemnation of others who can not yet apply Gods love to their lives. We need more mercy, understanding and truth. Without love we have nothing (1 Cor. 13) Christians have become a sounding brass; this only drives people further into their sin; love concurs all and we as a Christian culture have to get back to the basics of life which are Loving God first and then our neighbor. Persistent sexual sin or sin of any kind shows a hardened heart, a heart for whatever reason has been hurt and is in need of healing. When a person totally surrenders to Jesus, then will the healing began but they have to see the love of Jesus living in Christians first. Christians have got to come out of their holy huddles, their comfort zone, or place of safety; whatever you want to call it and shine that light that -
Q1. Contending for the Faith
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q1. (Jude 3) Why must we "contend for the faith"? Because the false teachers are undermining the "faith;" there are ungodly men who creep ino the body of Christ trying to deceive and in Jude 3:18 we read -
Q4. Scripture is God-Breathed
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q4. (2 Timothy 3:16) If Scripture is "breathed" by God, how can it help us draw close to God? All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness with this being said, then we draw closer to God because we have His Spirit. He lives directly in us; He is our breath of life. Because we have His Spirit we desire to grow and be connected to Him by reading His Word; and by its teaching, correcting, rebuking and training. Why do you think God's Spirit (pneuma, "breath, wind") is so important in helping us understand Scripture? John 16:5-15 in this verses Jesus tells us He must go but He will send the Helper (the Holy Spirit) and when He the Spirit of truth has come He will guide you into all truth for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever he hears He will speak and He will tell you things to come. -
Q3. Carried Along by the Spirit
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q3. (2 Peter 1:20-21) How can a person be speaking and God be speaking, too? God can still speak today through the spiritual gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14). Prophecy came from holy men filled with God -
Q2. Shining in a Dark Place
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q2. (2 Peter 1:19). In what ways do the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments act for you as "a light shining in a dark place"? The OT Scriptures foreshadow the coming of our Savior in which we have eyewitness accounts of holy men not only seeing for themselves but in as well hearing from God that Jesus is God -
Q1. The Tent of this Body
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Why does our culture avoid talking about death? I believe because they do not have hope in the future life of Jesus so they are frightened in what lies ahead. How is describing your earthly body as a "tent" freeing and motivating? It -
Q4. Barrenness vs. Christian Character
ccs replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
Why is Christian character an essential indicator of being saved or rescued by Christ? Because it is an indication of our being transformed into His image; 2 Cor. 3:18 and also by our character we show Jesus to others. 2 Cor. 4:11