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Everything posted by blb
Q5. Criticism and Praise
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
I believe that Christ in his attempt to keep his Church togeather is like a Father trying to love and disipline his children to keep them out of danger of the wrath to follow if they dont listen. He loves them and dislikes there ways and the so called friends thay hve come in contact with. For past actions in the word of God. And for the true love that they know. It should be a wake up call to Churches today because man is a creature of habit never learing from the past but duplicating the same mistakes and relearning the same old lessions all over again. Because of the seed of doubt that is implanted into this mortal body by Satan.The fact that its been two thousand years or more since Christ visited this earth man has a live it up outlook and for now and when I cant do anything else due to age or illness or what ever, Then I will turn to Christ. -
Q2. Compromising Standards
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
By loosening the Moral standards of conduct more would totally distroy the self image of a person who is active in this area and would surley lead to self damnation of the person or persons and this would put the word of God futher from the mind of the peson. How can one truly confess God and live the lie that is today distroying the Church of God. In all honesty I still speak out about them. I am not perfect by any means or holyer then thou. But I believe that by being quite about this problem is the same as agreeing to it. I believe that its time that with the help of God its time that Christians reclaim there right to a God given right to free speech. I dont mean the get in your face kind but the loving true kind. I dont mean by the I think and judgment style but again by the way Christ would have done it. -
Q4. Apathy
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Because there is little if any of Gods true word left in this world today. We can help God Change this by following his Great Commission in Matt. 28. Love our Brother as ourself. If the true Love of God abounds, the true Word of God would not be changed because true Christians would not allow it be changed. but being the self centered creation that we are if I dont feel that its good for me I will change it to suit my beliefs.I feel that God wants to use his followers in the preforming of healings and the going forth to Preach the true Holy word but we will not allow this to happen due to doubt. We can let our light shine for the world to see that the Love of God is in us and live the true life of a God callin Christian. -
Q3. Religious Compromise
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
I believe the danger in copromisimg your Spiritual beliefs and the Holy Word that leads us threw this life, lead by the Holy Spirit is the fact that once we justify one incident of wrong we began to do it with every thing we do, and then that allows us to be lead by the God of this world instead of the Holy Spirit of the one true and real God of the creation. We as Humans want to compromise and barter with the word of God to have our way and then justiify it to make Gods holy word conform to our needs and make us feel that we are living the life that Christ called us out for. That is why there is so many Denominations in this world today, we have so devided Gods word that we have confussion and little understanding of the true word of God. -
Q1. First Love
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
There are many ways churches can lose there first love. One way is to preach for the dollar to build bigger Churches, and at the same time let there flock go hungry. Another way is to inguage in intertainment an ignor the Bible teaching. Churches should use a cover charge for interainment and do away collection plates. I believe Churches are drifting away from Bible study and replaceing it with the likes of other programs. Also by using the newer versions of the Bible that change the word of God. Some signs are lack of attendance when the intertainment is not present. Also there there members dont know the Bible at all. Plus the lack of prayer durring service and the biggest one for myself is the Clock that almost all Churches have. If God gives the message, I have yet to get a time limit from him for his message. Signs of a proChrist Church is, Bible reading, Bible study, Praising of his name, and the love that is shown to each other and the fact that the Minister has takes the time to answer questions. A good start to regain the love for Christ would be to get on there knees and repent. Also remove all distractions from worrshiping the one and only true God. -
Q5. Christ and His Churches
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
I believe that Jesus walking amoung the seven golden candlesticks, sense we know the candlesticks represent the Churches is a message to the church that he is still in control and that these are His churchs and not mans. And that he still shows them love even tho the churches were in some cases being chastised he still loved and is willing to lead them. It tells us that JESUS is as his word says a loving father, concerned about his church. That even tho may have strayed a little off course he was there wiht arms out striched to gently pull them back to himself. That He will never give up on them. That he is true and faithful to his word to never leave nor forsake them. -
I believe that all countrys are being persecuted at this time, its just that some maybe more then others. The U.S.A. has been persecuted sense the 1920's. But Russia , China, and the old communist country's and other such as Isrial are worse off then us. the comfort comes in the fact that God's word says that this must first come to pass befor Christ will make his appearance on earth and he shall bring peace and comfort for all that believe that He died for our Salvation and that this is but a moment in time that we've been warned about for over 2000 years and that the end is near, then we shall live with Him forever.
Q2. Father and the Son
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
I believe this tells us that God is the Father and Jesus is the son, the one who came to give his life for our salvation. But it also tells us that God was before anything and that he is now and will be forever . And I believe that this assures us of our eternal life if we believe on Him. Also it tells us that God is the almighty of all things large and small. We could be expounding on this to the point of confusion, but is not what God wants us to do, after all does he not say that He is not the author of confusion ? This is to reinforce our Faith, Verse upon verse ect. -
Q1. Faithful Witnesses
blb replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
It is important because with out the testimony and the witnessing to others we can not possibly be carrying out the Grate commission that God gave us before his death and it shows weakness of faith on our part,that we are not doers of the word. We have a dead a Faith. And Christ Christ wants to bless us, love us and keep us. He encourages us through his word and the voices of those called out to preach and teach his word. He encourages us through blessings and through answering of prayer. And through his love for us. We fail to be clear witnesses for God because of Fear of people and what there reaction might be toward us., because of our lack of Faith, because of our lack of Fear of God. We feel that our Faith is sufficient as compared to others that we fail to accept Gods word as truth. And we build our own Faith according to self..