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Everything posted by angelbaby
Q1. (2:19-21) Why was Timothy's selfless concern so rare among church leaders? Rather than pointing the finger at others in your church, consider yourself. What things has Jesus had to deal with in your life that has helped you to become genuinely selfless and focused on the concerns of others? How has he refined you? (Of course, he is still at work in us!) Timothy's selfless concern was rare among church leaders because he had a genuine "agape" love .... He was like minded as Paul with a genuine love and caring for all . He was unlike other leaders who were only interested in their own welfare and needs To consider myself ..... Yes Jesus has had to deal with. 4 A's in my life ...... Anger , Pride of Affluence, Arrogance at large and Attitude of judging and complaining .a.. It is amazing that all the Anger has vanished. I was sooooo short tempered. Holy Spirit has changed me to be patient . .b... Now I distribute more money than save it ..... c.... I have learnt to think more of others and their spiritual needs as well and am gentle and persuasive. d... Generally I am accommodative now and don't judge or criticise others but make excuses for their short comings and behaviour However still a long way to go
Q4. Do Struggles Honor God?
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Q4. (2:17) You have gone through struggles and obstacles to your faith. If you were to look at your sufferings as a "drink offering" poured out before God, how does that honor God? How does that bring value to your struggles? Looking back at life I feel it has been really good for me and that most probably because of my parents prayers .... Being an only child I was brought up with too much love and protection..... I married an unbeliever from the Islamic Faith but my parents were very tolerant and kept him in prayer ... I went through couple of life threatening trials and circumstances and would have been shattered but for my upbringing and faith in Christ ( at the early age of 13 I was Born Again ) my trials lasted 40 years but Praise God who is a prayer answering God the trials just ended suddenly, the circumstances in my home changed dramatically and Christ entered my husbands heart...... Someday I pray he will give his testimony which will rock those who hear it. My perseverance and tolerance, forgiveness and prayer oriented life has brought value to my struggles. -
Q3. (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? How does this relate to the purpose of the church? By stating that we are to "hold fast" to the Word of Life means to study Gods Word ... The Bible and to follow all the instructions of Christ/ God and thereby be Imitators of Christ and keep the Word close to our heart all the time in all circumstances living by the Word of God Whereas "hold forth " the Word of Life implies that we are to proclaim the Gospel to all we come in contact with and also to the uttermost parts of the world. The purpose of the church is to imbibe all that Jesus has taught us and REFLECT Him and more than affecting ourselves we are to affect the world at large I.e preach the word to all those we come in contact with as well as make an effort to reach friends/ peopele / people groups at your home town or in distant lands by a specific programme.
Q2. Shining as Stars
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Q2. (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky? What does this shining as stars signify? Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place? If so, what can you do to change this? Complaining and Murmuring only tries to put forward the fact that you are not getting your own way. One cannot stay happy or content with bitterness and hatred within you. To Argue again is trying to force others to agree to your way of thinking / acting. Jesus Christ never complained or murmured. He addressed the issue and either solved it or suggested a solution This is not leading you to live blamesless and pure lives like Jesus Shining as Stars signifies that our lives should emit a difference from other lives Lights are used to make things evident .... In this case the image of Christ should be portrayed. We are called to be Christ like Lights are used to guide ...................... .... So u are called to be an example Lights are used as a warning................ ....head lights of a car inform of coming vehicle , traffic lights show stop signals So we are to warn others of impending death and damnation Lights are used to bring cheer. ............ In a dark room when light us switched on everyone's mood is elevated , when we walk into a room we should bring a joyful atmosphere Lights are used to make things safe .... The beam of a lighthouse informs the ships of a haven ., a shore nearby , safe land So in the Darkness it is obvious that light makes a huge difference. We accept the "world" as being in darkness and so we are to be shining as lights in the World. If there is complaining and murmuring in the church I pray about it and ask God to bring a revival so that there is unity and singleness of purpose and no argument -
Q1. Work Out Your Salvation
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Q1. (2:12-13). In this passage, what does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? Is this referring to salvation from sin? If not, what kind of salvation is it referring to? Here Paul is addressing the church as a whole and not an individual. In this context it means to be humble , think yourself less important than others , obey the commandments of God especially the ones relating to "Love others as I have loved you " Live in unity, dissolve differences and be happy as one family In addition grow from babes in Christ to mature believers and learn to rely and depend on God for everything you need. He wants us to live Philippians 4:19 " my God will supply all my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. "" we do not have to strive but just lean on God for everything. No , it is not referring to the Salvation from sin. That we are incapable of "working out". Salvation is a free gift. Our sin has been washed away just by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. That's it. No more striving or working for it. It is referring to the community of believers. They should stay united in brotherly love , sharing , caring, adjusting to each other's needs and forgiving and forgetting differences under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. No one else is Head. We shouldn't consider ourselves one above another but remember all are equal .... There is no rich or poor, Jew or Gentile , free or bond servant. , high or low , priest or sinner. No barriers of race colour or creed .... Learn to live as one family adjusting to differences. -
Q4. Exalting the Humble
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Q4. (2:9-11) We know we're supposed to humble ourselves like Jesus did. But how can we know whether or not God will exalt us? Time and again Jesus Himself has taught that if we humble ourselves we will be exalted ( James and Peter also reiterate this .... The teachings of Jesus) Jesus never lied and Jesus is God so we believe that we will be exalted if we humble ourselves Q. Why do we get impatient with this? We get impatient because we all strive to be exalted even before we have actually humbled ourselves in a noteworthy fashion. Q. What does our impatience sometimes lead to? Our Impatience leads to restlessness, being short tempered , anger., irritable , eagerly desirous ... Our Pride, self esteem , over confidence tries to overcome the "Waiting" . Our Impatience leads to wanting everything "now" and we strive to do it our way to achieve it . This is being led by Satan and playing into his plans ... This is working against God's Will and Timing. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Isaiah 40:31 says. " Those that Wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; . They shall soar up on wings like eagles ; they shall run and not be weary ; they shall walk and not faint " ....... Which actually means you will be EXALTED Therefore WAIT ON THE LORD -
Q3. Jesus the Human Being
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? What do these verses teach? What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human? Anyone who reads the Scriptures both OT and NT can realise that Jesus was really a human being.. He was born like a human baby, brought up by earthly parents, walked the earth , taught in the synagogues and ate and drank and touched other human beings. He felt thirst, hunger , sorrow , pain and tiredness just like any human being. He came to earth voluntarily wanting to fulfill the plan that God the Father had for the redemption of Humanity These verses teach us that Jesus was the perfect man and He strove to teach us how to live.... We are a depraved humanity full of evil and selfishness .Jesus came to teach us the Kingdom of God wherein there is only Peace Joy and Righteousness. We are far from any of these in our lives. Humanity has been under the control of the Prince of this world ...Satan, but Jesus came to give us power to overcome this world and live victorious lives through Christ who conquered the Death we were supposed to suffer . Those who believe in Christ will have no Condemnation, but have Eternal Life It makes a big difference if Christ was not human. We , Evil as we are , would have all had only one destination that is hell, Lakefire and torture forever and ever I.e. Damnation.. Being Perfect Christ could take all our sin and exchange it for His Righteousness and give us Salvation... A Life with Him in Heaven forever and ever ....a living hope to look forward to ... Only a Man could achieve this as God cannot die!!!! -
Q2. Equality with God
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Q2. (2:6) In your own words, what does it mean that Christ didn't cling to his equality with God? How specifically does this passage teach that Jesus is divine? The rare Gk word "harpagmos" used here translates a violent seizure of property....something robbed /claimed . Christ however was pre-existent and already possessed equality with God and so did not need to "rob that divine property" Christ was pre existent and equal to God , having the same nature and fully divine co- eternal, co- equal.....therefore when he entered Time and Space of earth he voluntarily " divested himself of his prestige and privileges" in other words " gave up the glory and majesty of a kingly Godly reign as the word " kenosis" implies and carried out the Fathers plan to redeem mankind .....which could be carried out only " as a sinless human being " ... Such has been prophesied by the prophet Isaiah also. -
Q1. Humility and Unity
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Q1. (2:1-4). To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? What are you doing to bring unity in your church? Humility is the foundation of Christianity. Christ emptied Himself of all His Glory and Majesty and made Himself nothing in order to enter Time and Space and take on the form of a human being so that he could redeem us with His precious blood and sacrifice on the cross ..... The most disgraceful form of punishment and death. He came to minister rather than to be ministered unto ..... I. e. Selfless sacrifice and servant hood. Positive Humility therefore is serving others and living for others with genuine Love. Therefore if we serve and love our fellow believers then definitely we will be united -
Q1. Humility and Unity
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Q1. (2:1-4). To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? What are you doing to bring unity in your church? Humility is the foundation of Christianity. Christ emptied Himself of all His Glory and Majesty and made Himself nothing in order to enter Time and Space and take on the form of a human being so that he could redeem us with His precious blood and sacrifice on the cross ..... The most disgraceful form of punishment and death. He came to minister rather than to be ministered unto ..... I. e. Selfless sacrifice and servant hood. Positive Humility therefore is serving others and living for others with genuine Love. Therefore if we serve and love our fellow believers then definitely we will be united -
Q4. (1:23) What do Philippians 1:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 teach about the state of Christians immediately after death? How does this comfort you? How does this energize you? To depart from this life and from the body I.e. to physically die , would be to " be with Christ" and to be in Christs immediate presence This definitely comforts me ... When I was Born Again I believed that Christ died for me , forgave my sins and made me one with Him made me Righteous and I was saved from Condmnation and received Salvation , I.e. Received Eternal Life , was made an adopted child of God , was heir of all the spiritual riches in heaven was co- heirs with Christ and was going to live with Him forever and ever Knowing this I fear nothing. I know I cannot lose my Salvation at any point especially when I obey His commands and have faith and trust in Him so the Holy Spirit gives me the strength to live one day at a time with great expectations to live a life I am called to by the Lord. He has a purpose for each ones life and we work to please Him and fulfil our God Given purpose here on earth. Amen
Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness? Fear restricts us from being a bold witness when we know what the consequences are going to be. It would end in disrespect, ridicule, being ostracised from a society/community , loss of family & friends or even imprisonment from false allegations. Like Paul suffered for preaching the Gospel of the Messiah. When Judaism was a recognised religion and even part of the Roman administration in Jerusalem . When we "Lose our life" as the above listed factors then we are blessed by God and we have fought the fight and won the race nd will receive the "Crown if Life " This amounts to "Gain" as that means Eternal life with Jesus forever and ever and no fear of Condmnation to hell and the tormenting flames of fire forever nd ever There is no fear from being a witness ... It is finding the opportunity. People are so busy in their lives and don't have time to think anything. They are in fact multitasking. If a person is free to listen then they will be receptive and responsive also. We need to keep the bond and witness going. Very rarely has the person turned away from listening to the gospel of Jesus Christ
We can have a deep sense of joy when we go through trials and tribulations because we know that this is Gods Will for us. Also has been embedded in our hearts that What we suffer is far less that what Jesus suffered on this earth We know from the Bible and our life experiences that " all things work together for good" so we have Faith and Wait knowing that the end result will be far better that we can ever dream or comprehend We can stand firm on the promises of God because He has said all through the Bible that He cares for us He will never forsake us and Lo I am with you ALWAYS even unto the end of this age. So we should adapt to the song DONT WORRY. BE HAPPY
We can have a deep sense of joy when we go through trials and tribulations because we know that this is Gods Will for us. Also has been embedded in our hearts that What we suffer is far less that what Jesus suffered on this earth We know from the Bible and our life experiences that " all things work together for good" so we have Faith and Wait knowing that the end result will be far better that we can ever dream or comprehend We can stand firm on the promises of God because He has said all through the Bible that He cares for us He will never forsake us and Lo I am with you ALWAYS even unto the end of this age. So we should adapt to the song DONT WORRY. BE HAPPY
Q1. Crediblity
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Struggles that Advance the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-30)
(1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? It's easy enough to be happy When life goes like a song But the man worthwhile Is the man who can smile When everything goes dead wrong. This quote is so revealing and true. If you can smile through your woes then you sure have the foundation and grit from the training and faith in the Lord Jesus. As James says in verse 2 of ch 1 " count it pure joy when ........... And 1 Peter 4:16 "if you suffer as a Christian do not be ashamed but praise God that you bear his name ." When Christians are always cheerful and never complaining of their lives and circumstances the world sees they are different. They know they can't really be so happy and that their life is not free from struggles and problems but still they are happy .Their lives emit light .... Paul's life was such a powerful witness because he realised he was given a mission from the Lord Jesus. He sensed a compelling urge to spread the "Goodnews" because he knew what it meant to be saved. He came to know Jesus as a person and His exemplary life on Earth and selfless sacrifice for mankind. He himself was transformed and he wanted each person to feel that love of Jesus This , along with his desire to prove to the world that life was more than daily ritual made him leave no stone unturned to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah My life has been like a movie with life grappling situations ...... And believe me NO One knows what's been going on in my life but God. We should be a witness that is tell it to the world but that would ruin my husbands image .... So I know if anyone knows this it will prove to be a wonderful testimony to Christian living. The Lord will give me the crown of life. Hoping that my husband will tell the world some day As of today God has given me that Peace which passes all understanding. Nothing can baffle me or shake my faith in Jesus. All that he does is for my good . I have grown to be a much better person through my trials and can lead others to His saving Grace -
Q4. Discerning the Best
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q4. Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippians discernment? Paul prays for the Philippians to have discernment because he loves them immensely and has felt their abounding love for him while he was committed to ministry and even when he was in prison .They helped him with money , food and personnel so he asks God to give them the knowledge of the things which are most important and of greatest worth The result of discernment would be that they would become pure and blameless and filled with righteousness Selfishness clouds discernment and gets one pre- occupied with things which give immediate results and pleasure; they are not significant or long lasting. ; just temporary for the " now" not the "best" Discernment and mature committed love for Christ demands our very best. We seek to please God in all that we do to the utmost limit of our capability and aim at excellence in every sphere God deserves only the best......... And don't forget. For us " the best is yet to come " -
Q3. Bring to Completion
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q3. Paul knows God had begun a good work in the Philippians and expects God to carry out His plan to completion. Paul expects God to do this because God has declared us to be His Saints and has made us righteous The basis Paul thinks God will do this for us is that we have the wonderful assurance of God's involvement in our salvation -
Q2. Partners
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q2. When we become financial partners we are sure the funds are utilised for the intended purpose.. We feel a responsibility to obey the Lord and do His will. We do not do only for rewards.God loved us unconditionally and so we also love to spend on His Kingdom work unconditionally. We can give money or some resources in kind ; in most cases we would like to help personally & physically but distances don't permit From the ministry we always benefit .... If it's a children's ministry we are informed their progress , sent video clips of their activities and can interact with them in person giving a satisfaction that we are making a difference in society. However it is important that recipients are told it is the Love Of Christ which is Sponsoring them.... This isn't generally done ... It's a secular world out there even in Christian ministries If it is for the needy we can attend the distribution of needs or get satisfaction when the needy use their gifts If it is towards a church planting ministry we will see the building soon . All these results give us immense joy because God loves a cheerful giver . -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q1. A slave is owned by his master, purchased from the market of slaves, and once bought is under bondage to serve his master , come what may.... He cannot refuse any duty given to him and is bound to do whatever his master tells him to do right or wrong , : he has no life of his own and is at the masters beck and call. A saint on the other hand is one consecrated or set apart for God. He has his own mind and will but in all things he desires the work and plan of God He is made Holy and Righteous by bthe fact that he has accepted the Lord Jesus as his Lord and Master. Both are more or less same in meaning where we are "slaves"of God because we are purchased by the Preciuos blood of Jesus by His death on the cross. But at that very instant we receive Him as our Lord we are made Righteous and Holy and set apart for His work. In the second word "Saint" you can backslide if you go on the wrong direction whereas a slave cannot change his master or loyalty Both may mean the same if We are totally subservient to the Lord and wish to be committed to Jesus Christ. And when we put our faith in Jesus Christ we intend to lead a life dedicated to HIs will in total obedience. -
Q6. The Eternal Kingdom
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q6. (Isaiah 66:22-24). Why do you think eternal punishment is mentioned at the end of such a glorious prophecy as Isaiah? At the end of such a glorious prophecy as Isaiah where the first half deals with Gods mercy and Judgement and the second half clearly points to the Deliverer the Messiah Jesus christ ... it was necessary to tell people their destiny if they rebelled against God and he wanted to make it very certain that they understood that at that time nothing could relieve /reverse the punishment of eternal fire and life with torment with Satan....he was emphasising the fact that there was still chance to repent and choose eternal life to eternal punishment. Why is the enduring, eternal kingdom mentioned? The choice is theirs still and they have to make up their minds. for faith in Jesus Christ...which they will never regret ....a life of happiness and joy .... when Jesus Christ will return with glory and reign forever and ever. Who will be included in this kingdom? All those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Who will be excluded from it? All those who reject God and refuse to put their faith in Jesus Christ who is the ONLY way, the truth and the life -
Q4. New Heavens and a New Earth
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q4. (Isaiah 65:17-25) Why do you think the final state is referred to as the new heavens and the new earth? After a destruction of the heavens and the earth and a catastrophic judgement the LORD WILL CREATE A NEW STATE which is to be for God’s Redeemed people., a state free of oppression. What is new about them? It will be a state where there will be only joy and good health ...the former misery will pass away and there will be no sorrow, tears , sickness , pain or death.. Which verse talks about the end of pain and sorrow? V 19 talks of no more weeping and mourning which is a result of ending pain and sorrow Which verse mentions instant communication? Ch 65 v 24 “Before they call I will answer;while they are yet speaking I will hear. Which verse illustrates the peace of this Kingdom? There will be no harm or destruction and all will live in harmony together the wolf and the lamb the lion and the ox; serpent will not harm . -
Q5. Orthodox Hypocrites
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? What is missing from their worship? Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? Prescribed temple worship was prohibited becasue their hearts were arrogant What is missing from their worship? A humbe and contrite heart was missing .....and what they did amounted to worshipping pagan gods...when he callled no one answered and when he spoke no one listened and they all went ther own ways. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? Yes many times ...heart is elsewhere while worshipping or God is taken for granted in the Prayer What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? A humble and contrite heart ; a quiet and gentle spirit who trembles at my word. -
Q3. You Are Our Father
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q3. (Isaiah 63:7-64:12) What is the basis of Israel's expectation of salvation according to this prophecy? The basis of Israel’s expectation of salvation is in ch 62 verse 15b and 16 that they knew and acknowledged their Sovereign God as their Father who was tender and merciful and who had planned to be their redeemer as they had read in the Scriptures and believed What does 64:5-7 teach us about the quality of our righteousness? We are all unclean and our righteousness is like filthy rags....we have all become like shrivelled leaves because of our sin and the wind can just blow us away. How are we to see our relationship to God according to 63:16 and 64:8-9? God is our Creator and maker , our moulder and he can make us what He wants...we are His people but most undeserving of any love or mercy . What does this passage teach about grace? Inspite of our sins and unfaithfulness inspite of our wayward ways ..he forgives us our sins and does not remember them anymore..this is the passage which convey His Grace to us . -
Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? This is serious and detrimental to the affected as they lose their self esteem , their image is tarnished ..its a sort of defamamtion and always has a negative impact on Hte person who is targeted. Many times they do not recover from the backlash and they lose many opportunities in life, they lose friends , they lose resources . How are they injured by false accusations and slander? False accusations and slander can ruin many deals / finances/ property matters and character.. It can result in feuds/ divisions in family,/ and even leaving church attendance ...it can lead a person away from the faith as he / she tried to live as a faithful believer but was mistreated by his own brothers and sisters How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? 1. we must preach and emphasize the condemnation/ damnation that results from such attitudes 2. we must read the word of God more diligently for the HOLY SPIRIT counsels and guides us whenever we make a mistake in our behaviour. 3. when we read about the early church we must establish such programmes to banish Behaviour contrary to Christ like living and highlight the Fruits of the Holy spirit...Love , joy , peace, patience, kindness, gentleness , goodness and, self control.. these have to be developed by deliberate effort What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? It requires we give our food to the needy...it means we should assist in alleviating the hunger of anyone we see in need by active involvement What would this look like for an individual? Personal assistance and involvement is needed in any kind of help that is given and not as a casual way For a congregation? The church needs to have regular programmes to alleviate the basic needs the methodist church in lucknow distributes warm clothes and blankets in the winters the anglican church in cochin kerala has a regular feeding the needy programme ..anyone can come and eat and yet another anglican church distributes food packets to the aged and lonely every saturday for sat and sunday ..this has been cooked in the church premises by the congregation All churches do have such programmes but ti is not enough ...considering how much we have.
Q2. Intercessory Prayer
angelbaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Israel will be vindicated , restored to glory They will be mighty, righteous and holy; Given future blessings.., called by a new name the LORD will bestow; Will be given honor and beauty ..the splendour of a crown Firmly established in fellowship with the LORD as contrasted to forsakenness & have the Joy of being the Bride of Christ. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Yes..Like the watchmen looking for the return of the Lord to Jerusalem , we are urged to continue to pray until this takes place. The original fulfillment, of course, was the return of the Jews from Babylon but the ultimate fulfillment will come when Messiah Jesus returns God promises peace and restoration to Jerusalem which we must continue to pray for in the Last Days. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). Thy Kingdom come..Thy will be done.