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Everything posted by humblejon
Q1. Letting the Oppressed Go Free
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Both could be used in either manner. We have people in this world imprisoned by oppressive and cruel leaders, and there is also people held captive by addition, spiritual darkness, and guilt. Christ can deliver anyone from these "chains." We need to seek out and find the lost more like Jesus did. -
Positive actions honor God by seeking His worth and will, resting and focusing our attention on pure and righteous matters, carefully talking with positive and encouraging tones, and joyfully and willingly participating in Sabbath worship. Avoid self-serving and centered pleasures, rest with God and family in mind, seeking out personal gain that does not glorify God.
These actions will especially hurt those who are new to the faith, and they will in turn feel overly guilty or resentful. Their faith will most likely be weakened and their search for God, swayed off course. If everyone knew not to judge others, that we are not perfect, and we all undeservingly obtained God's grace, people will think twice before we point the finger at some else. We need not to give a surplus or "left overs" but share our own livelihood and provisions with others. If individuals and churches chose this course, we will be greatly blessed and begin to depend more on God instead on ourselves.
Those who oppress others with strict rules and poor working conditions, who do not feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, provide clothing for the needy, or take care of their,own extended families. We often think we cannot be scammed by those who can work but only much money off us, whether a community or family member. I heard one believer, who was an addict,tell us that when his family practiced "tough love" on him, it left only deep emotional pain and scars; imagine if this was God's preferred method in dealing with us as sinners. Would want Him to turn His back on us?
Resting is both good for our physical bodies and spiritual well-being. It is good to focus a day on God and His great care He has provided us. Both#1 and #2 aree options that honor God. I see Sabbath more of a state of mind that is at peace and abides with God, more than just a particular day on the calendar. Worship yet no rest devalues the worship just engaged in and the fourth options totally disregards God and show ingratitude (or lack of trust) in God.
No longer is physical "cleanliness" or hereditary background requirements to engaged in corporate worship with God's people. God welcomes all people from all walks of life. If we reject and exclude them then we may be rejecting God as well. Perhaps the church should focus on meeting the needs of "hungry and thirsty" people, instead of just putting on a show every Sunday am. Myself and others of my church could go out to where people are instead of just inviting them to a church building.
Q5. New Testament Echoes
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
I believe 2 Corinthians 5: 21 sums it up well: "For our sake he made him sin, who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
What I could not do for myself, Christ won our freedom from eternal death and delivered us to eternal life!!! -
Q3. A Substitutionary Atonement
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Beforehand God's people had to sacrifice an unblemished animal as an act of atonement. The animal was a substitute our sins, yet it did not complete forgive us of our sinful natures. Year after year this had to be done. Jesu, who was sinless and perfect, was the a sacrifice that ultimately redeem all people of their sins once and for all. -
Q2. Jesus Saw Himself in Isaiah 53
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
In Mark 9: 12, Jesus knew He had to suffer and face persecution before He was glorified. I am thankful He was obedient to the Father by dying on the cross to atone for my sins. He did it out of Love. -
Q1. Savior of the Nations
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Throughout this passage it has been mentioned "many nations," "us all," "many," and "the sins of many." We can believe that Christ died for all do the worl because "God so loved the world that. he gave His only Son, so that who ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." (Paraphrase of John 3: 16. I strongly believe that our Lord did not "waste" His sacrifice on some but the "some" wasted their opportunity to receive God's gift of salvation. -
Seeking God is an active process. You look for the truth and respond to God's invitation. This is the gift of salvation and promise of an interdependent abiding relationship. Man's ways may appear wise to us, but compare to God's infinite wisdom, human endeavors to control their own destinies will be futile and vanity. If we don't repent and approach God humbly, our pride and arrogance will hinder us from fully receiving the strenth, knowledge, and peace. never put off God's invitation for we do not know what will happen to us tomorrow. It is never too late until it is TOO LATE! Christ is the only way to the Father and salvation.
People seek after the pleasures and desires of the flesh because that only see the things of the work. They lack faith in the spiritual and eternal values that lead to Spritual satisfaction. Worldly pleasures only lead to dissatisfaction and death. The spiritual satisfaction does not cost a penny, it is open to all who seek after God, and submit to His loving kindness and will. If you hear the truth, it will be beautiful to your soul. the pleasures of this world are often achieved through our hard work which will eventually be all done in vain; however, life in the spiritual is a free gracious gift from God to all those who faithfully believe.
God protects His people and no form of evil can prevail against God's will. Although God is in control, we pray for God's intercession to help us in time of need. If we don't we may become too prideful when we no longer have peril in our lives--we may think that we did It on our own. Or we ay become totally discouraged and we allow fear and anxiety to rule us, not our faith.
Jerusalem and God's people were barren because they failed to be a blessing and a light to the rest of the world. God, therefore, castes her off as a husband would have divorced his wife of his youth. Over a period of time in exile, God mercifully delivers His people and welcomes them back home. Like the casted away wife accepted back by her husband (The Lord) and they renew their wedding vows (God's new covenant). These time the barren wife will bare countless child and thrive--much like God's people will be a great blessing to the rest of the world. In the New Testament, the bride of Christ is the church and Christ is the husband. As mentioned in Revelations 19 and 21, the marriage between of the Lamb of God and His bride will fully united them. The bride is expected to be pure, chaste, submissive, and upright if she is to be presentable to her groom.
Nothing is more beautiful and amazing as God's mercy and grace in action. Every time He performs this act of salvation, it has nothing to do with the deeds of individuals but because of His wondrous love. The original historical context involves the prophecy of God's people departing from their exile in Babylon and back home to Zion. Paul applies Isaiah 52: 7 to how Christ's followers spread and proclaim the Gospel and good news of God's gift of salvation to every corner of the earth.
One can trust in His Word and promises, the encouragement of others,prayer, and the comfort of God's Holy Spirit. Through experience and faith, I learned that trusting in my own "light" is fleeting and unreliable. I foolishly thought my life was great one minute and then suddenly have some terrible circumstance destroy that confidence and a wave of anxiety befalls me. Yet turning to God, trusting that He wil never leave or forsake me, and just submitting to His will for my life creates joy and peace that only God can provide.
Isaiah is prophesying about how our Savior, Messiah, Jesus Christ will relate to others during His time on earth. He always managed time alone with His Father to receive instruction and Godly wisdom. Jesus faced leaders who falsely accused and charged Him at His trial in front of the Temple priest. when He died for all our sins, arose to victory, and then exalted by God's right hand was the time God vindicated Him. At the end of this age, Christ will be married to His bride, the church, and all the world will know that He reigns. When we face our own trials, we need to trust that He who judges us "justly," will also guard and protect us from all troubles.
The Jews who are scattered, along with the Gentiles, will come to recognize who is the one true God and His Son, the Messiah. They will worship Him and serve Him. Although He rebukes any excuses made by His people for their sins, God remains merciful and loving. he made a plan to benefit those who believe and will finally realize and accept God as Lord. As Christians we need to live and act knowing the fact that our faith is rooted in Judaism. Their faith is not to be rejected nor they as people should not be foresaken--we must fulfill their faith by relating to them (and all people) with the same love and mercy Christ showed us.
People tend o discriminate when they either fear someone different or they may be too arrogant with feelings of superiority. They my have different values or coustums, but God's people are to be a light onto the world. They need to role model love and respect for people because they are who Christ died for. We need to show compassion and grace much like God would. Our churches in US need to stop thinking that American "Christianity" are align with God. They need to think "globally." Christ came to die for ALL peoples not for a certain race or nationality.
Q7. Weal and Woe
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
God never created evil nor does He tempts us with evil. God, however, disciplines by allowing us to learn the consequences of our wrong doings or poor choices. If personal calamity occurs, most of the blame falls not on God but of our rebellion or lack of godly wisdom. The state of our prosperity or poverty is not necessarily the result of God' punishment or reward--but the condition of our existence that has a purpose that only God knows. God always wants us to do our best, but what is also very important is the intent of our endeavors. We should always strive not for selfish gain but to glorify God. -
Q6. Cyrus the Persian Deliverer
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
God's infinite wisdom and power made it possible for Isaiah to reveal Cyrus' name since God had already put His plan in motion.Cyrus was to be one of many individuals who are God's instruments. He is "anointed" to provide guidance, protection, and deliverance for God's people. God's thinking and wisdom is infinitely greater than all men put together so we cannot judge or rely on things based on human thought. What seems wise to us is foolishness to God, and what seems foolish to Isis God's great wisdom at work. -
Q5. Your Purpose for Living
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
We can glorify God and be His' witnesses by showing for all how God's redeeming and cleansing power has freed us from spiritual bondage. We should replace worldly desires, vices, and anxieties with the fruits of the Spirit-- love, mercy, patience, long suffering, wisdom, kindness, gentleness, and peace. Sometimes I get discouraged and/or angry when situations do not develop the way I think I "deserve." I must avoid any self-righteousness and turn fully to God's promises. Only He can provide us with the strength and wisdom to overcome today's challenges and struggles.