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Everything posted by humblejon
Q5. The Root of Jesse
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Jesse is the father of David, and scripture promises that the Messiah (the branch) shall be lifted up and become the King on the throne of David. This "branch" will be anointed by The Lord with wisdom, compassion for this people, power, spiritual knowledge, and righteousness. Ultimately, the Messiah will rule by protecting the poor, oppressed, and weak, and make humble the proud and destroy the wicked. -
Q4. Protecting the Poor and Weak
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Oppressive laws are passed because the love of Gos is not in the hearts of our leaders. Instead greedy and/or fear rule. Oppressors see groups of people who look, think, and live differently from them, and are uncertain. So instead of seeking God's will, they bound them in unfair laws and keep them in control ( or under their thumbs). Christians need to first recognize the issue and not ignore it. Seeking God's will through prayer is next step, and then act in whatever way Jesus did (or would). We mostly feed, advocate, care for, fellowship, and role model the love of Christ. -
Q3. Unto Us a Son Is Born
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Not only verses 6 and 7, but previous verses in chapter nine point to Christ the Messiah. The Messiah is declared to start his message in land of Galilee (just as Jesus did) and will bright light (spiritually) out of darkness. Due to His victorious presence, the joy of all the nation will increase. Furthermore, He will be of and sit on the throne of David, where He reigns peacefully and eternally. His might and battle will be empowered by God and God alone. The Messiah is wisebeyond human understanding, a caring ruler who will Shepard his sheep, all-powerful, and keeper of Peace. At times I wish I had total peace especially when external forces attempt to tear and dislodge my relationship with God. At these times, turn and cry out to Jesus! -
Q2. A Stumbling Stone
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
As it is proclaimed in Hebrews 4: 12-13, God's word "is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword,piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (ESV version) One day we will be accountable to what we do and say and believe in. If we are blessed by God's grace ( as Stan points out) His Holy Spirit will convict us of our sin and rebellion, and leads us to repentance. A broken and contrite heart is what God wants. Yet some will remain hardened and continue to live their in opposition to God. God forbid but all who follow this path will find out too late on judgement day that they chose eternal destruction. -
Q1. Ahaz's Test of Faith
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Isaiah was relaying God's message to Ahaz to trust His strength and promises. Not once but several times did God do this for Ahaz. Ahaz, however, was a slave to the flesh, and lack a faithful relationship with God. He turns instead his trust and allegiance to Assryia. When we do not connect, trust and obey God, our focus (or love) is with the world. God,s promises just seem like supernatural naive superstitions. The carnal mind chooses to have nothing to do with what is Godly and righteous. We see and discern with our eyes, and only can see the physical world--therefore we only trust in the world that we see. As it was with Ahaz and holds true today, we have two paths to take. We can trust in the "flesh" and only believe in what we sense with our bodies OR welcome Christ into our hearts, and welcome the HolySpirit as our guide to follow the path of God's wisdom and truth. -
Q6. The Impossible Mission
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Early Messages (Isaiah 1-6)
God is acknowledging the reality of the human heart. Some have reached a level of intense rebellion that their heart is stone cold and will continue to harden each time God reaches out through His messagers. It is a difficult task but if only one soul is saved then the mission was worth all the effort. (Even the Heavenly hosts rejoice when even one soul is brought back to salvation). If we were Isaiah, it would be discouraging to set out on this mission, but the faithful need to trust Gos and Allow Him to worry about the consequences. Jesus is taking about the parable of the Sower. It becomes frustrating when we spread the seeds (God's word) onto bad soil (unrepentive hearts). Yet when God's word is sowed on good soil (humbled and contrite heart) it will bear the fruits of repentence. -
Q5. Isaiah's Call and Response
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Early Messages (Isaiah 1-6)
Isaiah has seen God and believes he is as good as dead since he is fearful, humbled, with a sense of guilt and worthlessness. Yet, God cleansed Isaiah from his guilt and sin. God asks who wll go and proclaim His message, and Isaiah willingly offers his service. When we experience this same moment, we feel overwhelmingly joyful and blessed to serve God--however, if we do not proceed with a servant's heart, a dependence on God, and a constant connection to His Holy Spirit, then one will become fearful an d rationalize why they cannot continue to serve God. -
God needed to make a statement by exposing Isaiah to His presence of true perfection, power, and holiness. AfterGod revealedHimself, Isaiah naturally is humbled and exhibits a repentive heart. Thus God cleanses him from hid "unclean" lips. God wanted Isaiah to personally experience this so he can effectively proclaim to the nation of Israel of their deep need of repentence and cleansing. What a magnificent, perfect, and over struck wonderful God we worship. Although He can at any time destroy us, God reveals his glory love and mercy!!
Q3. The Unfruitful Vineyard
humblejon replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Early Messages (Isaiah 1-6)
The vineyard was the nation of Israel whiched God had made a promise to be His special "light within the world." God even placed them in a fertile land (the promised land in canaan) and cleared it of any stones or weeds (the Canaanites an other pagan people's.). God built watchtowers, watchmen, and stone fences ( the Law, prophets, priest, and the Temple) to insure that no bad elements and predators can spoil His vineyard. Yet the watchmen allowed harmful influences (pagan religions and foreign alliances) spoil the nation into "bad" fruit. God had been everfaithful and patient with His people by discipline them, sending warnings, and accepting repentant heart--however, the nation of Israel constantly sins without bearing any true fruit through repentence. As a consequence, god intends to demolish the hedges (walls of Jerusalem and stability of society) and utilizes foreign powers to trample upon the vineyard. Their privilege status and special identity had been too much tarnished for any more hope of salvation until they are cleansed ( the exile will be one of those means to that end). -
Through the Messiah, God opens up His plan of salvation to the Gentiles (world's population) and they will gladly come. Everyone will recognize Christ as king and their ONLY source of salvation. For the Jews, salvation is also open to those who hear and follow. All who seek and turn to the one true God, will experience a spiritual satisfaction. They will hear and obey Christ's teachings. The Messiah will usher in a time where He will judge and reign justly and righteously, even so much that war is no longer an option for men.
The children of Isreal are much like children who rebel and think they are in charge of everything (i.e. their destinies, their lives, their religion, their world, etc.,), and have foresaken God. They forgot abut oall the wonderous and merciful actions He had done since the days they were in bondage. Chrsitians today are seen today (and act much like the Isrealites) as hypocrtical and judgemental. They act as though church is a exclusive social club, but offer little substance and/or relief to those people who are seeking God, needing help or sprirual guidance. People still seek God but reject "Christians" for some of these reasons. God accuses His people of vain and empty worship, being evildoers, rejecting goodness and justice, and refusing to practice mercy on the unfortunate. They have been "unreasonable" because they have distorted and/or denied their rightful position to God. They arrogantly believe they are the "masters" and think they can manipulate God like some pagan god. God offers to cleanse them of thier sins and wrong doings, but this must come to Him by intentionally repenting and turning away from their rebellious behavior.