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  1. Imitation in the formation of a new Christian's spiritual life is very important because Jesus Christ set the example of how we are suppose to live our lives as Christians. He showed us that it was necessary to have the characteristics of our Father. The lives that we live show people who we really are. Paul tells us, instructs us that we have to live a life worthy to our calling where people will see Christ through our actions. We are to have the characteristics of our Father which are the fruit of the spirit. Ministries that are conducive to imitation in the ministry is Outreach, Nursing Home, Prison and Ministry of Giving. Jesus always met the needs of people right where they were at. He never asked them to come up to His level to minister to them. He went to them. He did not have a respect a person. He showed them all love whether He received it or not. The character of the mentor or leader is important because this has a lot to do with the decision to stay and receive the word and teachings of the scriptures. If the leader/mentor's attitude and love is not shown people do not want to associate or be around them. If the leader is not living right and according to the scriptures the people are not going to have any trust and will not hear and receive what God has for them because of the character of the messenger. Our responsibility is to minister, preach, teach the gospel to draw the people out of the world not to bring the world in the church or atmosphere to those who are lost. People who are not part of a Christian community will not be able to grow spiritually because they cannot receive all that the Lord have for them at home watching church on television. People cannot mature in the word of God without gathering with other Christians for teaching to build, grow and be strengthened in the bible and to help increase their faith through the scriptures and testimonies of other Christians. My character is important because my children, family and friends have to know that even when things don't go right in life we still have to live right. We have an obligation not just for ourselves but for others. Just like our children watch us and learn from us, so do other people; whether, we know it or not. We mentor people we do not even know because of the light that dwells within us that draw people to us. As Christians we have to live a life of holiness everyday and not just in church because there are others who look to us and look up to us. We have to be reminded that sheep begot sheep and how can we do that if we are not living as people set apart from the worldly things.
  2. It is necessary for the Holy Spirit because it is not by our might or power the God moves but by the Spirit of the Lord. We are nothing without God but with God all things are possible. If we try to be effective without the Spirit of the Lord it will not work, it will not last, it will not function. Jesus said that He would leave us a Helper, the Comforter. The role of miracles in Paul evangelism was to draw people to Jesus. Those miracles was also used as testimonies through those who witnessed those miracles to spread the Gospel of Jesus. Those of us who witnessed the miracles through evangelism today know that Jesus still lives today. The miracles that where performed back then through those God chose are still being performed today through those He chooses today. The only thing that hinders miracles through evangelism today is people's unbelief.
  3. There was so much opposition not only because of jealousy but because Paul was preaching/teaching from the Old Testament about Jesus death, burial and resurrection and that this was necessary for the prophecy of the Messiah to come to pass. Paul had to preach the Gospel of Truth. The Jews were no pleased because they did not believe in the gospel but there was some Jews and those who feared God believed in what Paul was preaching and turned their lives over to Christ. Paul continued to preach the gospel because their was a calling on his life. He was being led by the Holy Spirit as to where and when to go to minister the gospel. Despite all of the opposition and violence Paul kept facing his enemies because he feared the Lord more than he feared man. Because of his obedience he knew his ministry was to evangelized the word of God. The scriptures let us know that we, those in Christ Jesus, will be persecuted for the sake of righteousness but we are to continue to love our enemies. A violent reaction should not stop our ministry to preach the Gospel of Truth. Unfortunately, we live in a world that these things happen and should not happen but because the Bible speaks of these actions we know they will come to pass. We are to continue to stand firm on the Scriptures.
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